Tree of Savior Forum

Rune caster skills details

I wonder how exactly some of rune caster’s skills work.

As I understand, Rune of destruction spawns lasers spinning around, and each time they cross enemy the damage will be dealt?

And Rune of Giants turns someone into giant who can’t cast spells but can jump to stomp enemies. So what about jumping damage, is it scaling with anything? Is turning full group into giants worth at least sometimes?

Another question is rune of justice, it’s damage seems much lower then Rune of destruction, so how maybe it’s also mutlihit? I wonder how this skill looks like?

Finally, what about cryomancer dps under Isa buff, is it higher then pyromancer/elem dps, or the latter is still higher? I’m interested if it’s effective at levels 250+.

I’ve seen video where party of 2 elem’s+cryo-chrono cleared Earth tower so I wonder if cryo-linker-RC can compare to elem in terms of damage?

ALRIGHT I honestly don’t like hardcore theorycrafting so I’m going to throw a bunch of videos at you/everyone else and see if you can figure anything out from them.

Rune of Destruction
Rune of Giants
Rune of Ice (they cast Isa at 3:14)
Rune of Justice

I’ll post anything if I can find a Rune of Justice video, there’s like barely any of RCs in the first place and I’m guessing nigh nobody takes it into their build (though I am HAHAHAH oops) I certainly do hope it’s multihit with the same cast time as Hagalaz.

I would think that the only time Giants is practically useful is for casting on players before they die, but I could be wrong. i mean, it still has a pretty long cast time for a panic skill.

Also, I believe you have Destruction confused with the skill at 0:50 here? which err the Chaplain Fletcher casted? The Destruction shown in the video bounces damage off, which makes it horribly easy to get out of range from like that one monster did.

I’m still going to play Rune Caster for whatever reason but honestly, as a class, it doesn’t seem very. practical. You need your enemies to basically not move before you cast, and you have to wait eight seconds to cast a single spell with massive cooldowns. I’m very sure that with linker, you can do hilarious amounts of damage and wipe any mob- but within that 8 seconds, your party should already be done with it anyways. Also, I’m quite sure Isa+Cryo can outdamage elems with a 300% damage boost iirc

SORRY I DIDN’T ANSWER ANY OF YOUR QUESTIONS WAHAHA, I’m hoping someone more knowledgeble than I am about the game in general can!

edit: found Tiwaz!

Does rune of ice affects “Hail” skill from elem? Coz im building wiz 3 elem 3 rune caster. Coz the rune of ice skill description tells that except ice deployment magic, and “Hail” is deploy magic right? I just want confirmation coz if it doesn’t affect “Hail” den i would get rune of justice instead of rune of rice. Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

no, it only affects cryo skills.

Hail is not affected, only ice sphere.

Though it’s a party buff so it’s still worth getting.

May I ask why hail is not affected event it’s an ice elemental magic?

[Magic]All Ice-type magic cast by you and party members except for deployment magic will be stronger for a given duration.

Hail is a deployment magic

I see. thanks


Let me guess: So when rank 8 is out the build Cryo >Chrono > RC will be useful for DD and Supp? Does this Isa buff really turns cryo into a reliable DD? At least Chrono fits well with RC due to those terribles cooldowns, Isa auto attack debuff, great party buff with rune of protection and the possibility to become a great tank with RoG and Frost Pilar.

if u want to use runescaster for ice magic u probably want cryo>kino for icewall combo.

My thought was to get some reliability with ice damage while improving support power. RC seems to fit well with that.

I’d say that RC is not worth taking with anything not including wiz3, because cast times are really too long.

I was thinking to get RC in a cryo/chrono build when rank 8 comes out. As a support, I would take Rune of Ice, Rune of Giants and Rune of Protection. Rune of Ice will burst cryo skills (and make it “more reliable” at the end game) and will buff party’s ice damage and basic attack, due to the attribute. Also this debuff on auto attack fits very well with Quicken. Sticking with full con, a cryo/chrono can be the main tank (or not, need to read more) in a party by switching between Frost Pillar and Rune of Giants. The Rune of Protection doesn’t need explanation about how it fits in a support build.

Also you have to consider that a cryo/chrono has tons of CC and it’s pretty easy to get at least 8 free seconds to cast these runes. Stop on lv 3 can get it alone. In parties a support won’t stand in the front line, unless it’s tanking, so buff your team with chrono buffs (you can even surround yourself with ice walls) then start casting rune buffs. If anything goes wrong, stop/freeze everything and cast it. The casting time is more an issue if you are getting the RC for DD or PVP (even though with the CCs from cryo and chrono you should get enough time to set it up in [some] PVP). Also another issue of RC are the cooldowns, which can be (partially) solved with Pass.

Supports in DGs usually get some free time because they need to save mana and don’t need to do damage, so they often just run around. For this reason I think that these cast times are ‘ok’ for that role.

Correct me if I’m wrong.

Casting time is always an issue, IMO. And I’m pretty sure that rank8 classes would be much better than RC.

So I’d never include RC in a build w/o wiz3 and for sure not at rank8. Good RC build can be wiz3linker2thaumRC or other combinations of linker/thaum/sorc and other classes that don’t need to cast skills very often.

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It all just depends on what rank8 brings. if “mimic” lets you cast the same spell twice or something, that could be in higher demand. double pass?
or, linker3 chrono3 could let you use umbilical cord stat sharing with near 100% uptime. but sharing CON might not be as good with maxHP bouncing around.

Yeah, probably the new ranks will be better, but I’m just pointing that RC can be a viable option because it has synergy with both cryo and chrono. Sure, you will have to wait 4 more seconds to cast, but you will be able to use any RC skills three or even four times more than a simple Wiz3 build, so I’m still fine with cryo > chrono > rc idea :slight_smile:

My 2 cents on Destruction and Justice:

Destruction in a large group of enemies will definitely outdo Justice, since the more enemies there are, the more bounced hits that seem to happen after the initial blast. For example (eyeballing my personal numbers at Lv254ish, with Lv5 Destruction):

  • Cast Destruction, initial hit does about 27k~.
  • Bounced hits go off, each bounce doing about 19k~ to several other enemies or even the same ones that were hit by the initial blast!

In this case, some enemies would get hit for the single 27k or 27k+19k (46k), or even 27k+19k+19k (65k)!

But keep in mind that if you only have 1 enemy, from what I could tell, it will never do the extra bounced hits. It’s a bit like Electrocute in a way, where it’s something that shines much more if you have several mobs grouped up together.

Which brings me to Justice! I’m only Class 8, so I haven’t been able to fully compare LV5 Justice with LV5 Destruction, so bear with me.

Justice is definitely a bit hard to use, as despite it’s long beam range, the width of it is a bit narrow. You can only aim it in 8 directions when you start casting, plus unlike other spells that have cast time, you cannot jump cancel out of it if you need to move out of danger’s way which can put you in a bad spot.

However, from what I can tell, Justice might actually be better single target damage vs Destruction? Because it’s x5 hits, the damage increase from skill level actually adds a decent amount of damage.

Overall though, Destruction is definitely the more practical of the two I would say. Gonna have to test it out a bit more though!


Oh, so Justice actually does 5 hits, that’s interesting. It might actually be worth getting then, taking into account it’s pretty low cd. But this 8 directional aiming is really annoying, it needs a lot of practice to master, I had some troubles with monk Energy Blast when first got it, and you can move while channeling EB. From your words I understand that it’s impossible to move while channeling justice, so it’s far from being desirable skill.

This just hit me. Considering most runecasters will probably have Cryo in their build…

  1. Could Rune of Destruction combo off ice walls to create more “bounce”?
  2. Does Rune of Justice trigger ice wall shards as well?

No and No

also rune of justice is a ■■■■ spell there’s literally no point getting it and it doesn’t hit harder than rune of destruction wtf…

The lazer beam literally hits for like a feather there’s no reason to ever take that spell; you cast for an eternity and a half for no dmg.