Tree of Savior Forum

Rune caster Quest issue

It´s been a few days that i start the Rune caster class quest for Rank 6, and i get all the runes, unless the Crhonomancer rune. It’s becoming really sad for me, cause i have to work and study, and my hours that i can play the game, i have to be for the NPC’s will.

Anyone knows whats can i do? Please??

I’ve already unlock Rune Caster Advancement before I reach Rank 6, for me this trick is really helpful. Because if you unlock it before when you reach Rank 6, you still can do some leveling or quest.

With that trick you can have a time, like after leveling or questing. Then you can go and check if Chronomancer master is ready to give the rune for you.

My other trick is to spam space on the Chronomancer Master while you do something else.

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If you install the addon ‘show hide attribute’, you can see when the rune is ready. If you target the chronomancer master you will see a buff ‘rune is NOT ready - remaining time is …minutes’. So you will know when she is ready to give you the rune.

Guide: [Rune caster pre-quest] Spoil - edited


When the debuff reach 0 you must wait until the icon disappear from screen then you can talk (spam space bar)

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guys thanks to all of you, really s2

where i can getthis addon, grey ?

Here is a good guide for addon: