Tree of Savior Forum

šŸšØ halp, pls stop me! šŸšØ

Do any of the Masters actually wear the same variant as ours?
Iā€™m too lazy to check.

Even if the Fencer master is currently identical (is it?), it might change to fit the rest. (perhaps because the portrait doesnā€™t exist, so thereā€™s no point in a unique variant?)

Edit : Need to add this. (the portrait)

They may still update the model to fit the portrait eventually.
Any excuse to sell, right?

.#dream is dead

ill play peltast3>fencer instead and reroll psychokino for pvp.

though im not sure for stat allocations now. 3:1 STR:CON (for block rate and LargeR HP pool)ā€¦no more DEX as that was only needed for PvP

Iā€™ll play pelt2rode3fencer myself. Though DEX is really good, why would you prefer STR on fencer?

You can dodge 100% attacks with 100+ DEX and be immune to magic with slithering. Best tank IMO, doesnā€™t even need CON.

higher level maps have more magic type attacks, thus blocking and evasion are non existent form of defense. slithering has long CD you can only pop it once in awhile and you cant even attack with it else lose your only magic defense.

thus the only way to bypass that is kill the enemy as fast as you can and take as much damage as you can via higher HP pool.

Oh, you mustā€™ve misunderstood me, I was talking about party play. Slithering has the same CD as SB so you can just pull the mobs with SB and turn it on for 10 seconds.

For solo itā€™s useless, indeed.

im not much of a masochist to pick rode-peltast right now.

Should I forward you to your original post? :laughing:

But yeah, Rode needs some buffs to shine)

So I just realized that I was tagged in this post by @Derael
And I just want to say.
Rodel/Fencer is crap, and anything over pelt c1 is crap.

In fact Rodel is crap in generalā€¦

That is all~

I know that) Just wanna try it once.

Have fun re rolling then :confused:

Oh, thatā€™s harsh)

But itā€™s only planned, I doubt Iā€™d do it soon. Will see if rode gets buffs I desire before rolling it.

since there no autoswap, i havent continued this and opted to reroll a chaplain



thats close enough for the fencer outfit

FAITH has died. le considering rerolling.

There was never an auto weapon swap, thats just what it looks like.
Its actually animation canceling.
How it works is editing the TOS files so that one key does 2 or more actions.
This allows the next action used to cancel out the ending lag or entire animation of the previous action used in the sequence.
(Channeled skills can have their entire animations canceled before they even happen)

But this is for skillsā€¦ the ā€œauto weapon swampingā€ is done by swapping a weapon on your hotkey bar while in the middle of an action.
In KR what they were doing was combining both of these to use an action and canceling it while swapping weapons during the canceled action, so that the weapon was already swapped during the next action.

However this entirely depends on your ping and in our version is probably impossible for most.

Auto weapon swapping works for archers only atm. For swordies you probably have to change some game files, however Iā€™ve never seen any info about this, maybe because Iā€™m not very knoledgeable about korean tendencies.

No its the same thing that i mentioned above for switching weapons.
you need to swap during an animation then cancel said animation into another animation perferably one that requires the swapped weapon.

NOTE: I have no experience in PvP as i have stopped playing 3 months ago and left a STR-CON swd1>pelt2 and a CON (w/50+ unused pts) priest2

considering if I continue now my chracters are still rank3 and there are alot of changes. what do you think of these:

#1 Shield-Lancer

I was originally going for shield fencer(pelt2>rode2>fen2) with STR-CON, intending for a anti-mage pvp. but recent rank 8 shows that lancer is the true anti-mage swordsman class. its still a peltast2 since 3months ago, so im now eyeing for lancer. (swd>pelt2>hop>cat3>lancer). choose hoplite over dragoon because finestra increases AoE ratio.


-can fullfill role as orignial intent of a anti-mage swordsman
-salvage the effort of leveling, no reroll

-no fencer costume
-have to give slot to fugly pet

#2 Shield-Fencer-Murmillo

(pelt2>rode2>fen2>Mur) continue with the original plan and not take fencer 3 but murmillo in r8. but information on the stats of murmillo and their bonus effects stats on the shield and helmet are still not disclosed. in short there is too much of unknown.


  • fencer costume
  • salvage the effort of leveling, no reroll
  • maybe workable on intended targets ->mages


#3rd option take fencer 3

take fencer 3, but not the DEX/Crit skills (STR-CON current stats) and just buff up fencer 1 and 2 skills?


  • pride of getting fencer 3
  • fencer costume
  • salvage the effort of leveling, no reroll


  • shitty pvp on intended targets ->mages


the pelt2 there was theorized for burst from 2 umblo-2 rim blow via high guard 330% damage boost. + 100% if combo with slithering from rodelero, slithering then also provides magical evasion. so thats a total of 430% x4 strike damage. in practice i usually just cancel the highguard buff to remove damage debuff after the combo. dont need accuracy since wizards dont usually build Dex. thats why its just build STR-CON.

my Karjalainen character in GE for a long time used to be my prime pvp character as a magic tank. so basically she engages mages by diving strait at the center of their AoE Nuke fields and stab them to death with a dual wielded rapier.


Priest 2 on unknown future

my 2nd characters was a priest 2, intended to be chaplain-druid2 or cookie cutter chaplain-PD, but i have to hold my opinion until the rank 8 cleric are introduced before i should continue it. but its has 30 ish CON and 50+ unused stat points. damage output sucks on solo leveling unless i give those 50+ points to either STR,DEX,SPR, or INT.


  • 50+ unused stat pts that can turn it into other cleric builds aside from a cookie cutter FS.


  • shitty DPS, i could force myself to become a masochist and pull through solo with a FS build.

on rerolling

the 2 characters are intended to play with old friends but since the unfortunate events of ToSā€™s launch, the said old friends drop ToS. so with that in mind might want to reroll a selffish a STR-DEX glass cannon. Scout-Musketeer but i really dont know what i want before scout and musketeer.


  • no complex combo, hide and shoot only
  • not shitty DPS


  • no freebies from EA
  • start from scratch

Why not sword 1 > pelt 2 > rod 3 > corsair 1 > murmillo?
use murmillo to jump in and stun then follow up with hook for 9 secs

For fencer, they buffed highlanders a lot recently, vertical slash and moulinet are now viable along with skyliner bleed so maybe sword 1 > HL 3 > corsair 1 > fencer 3?

maybe, but it seems im not willing to have the character wear a mask of murmillo. aesthetic reasoning.

leaning on Lancer, since it really portray in ā€˜gameplayā€™ of what my GE karjalainen used to do.

ā€¦Karjalainen character in GEā€¦so basically she engages mages by diving strait at the center of their AoE Nuke fields and stab them to death with a dual wielded rapier.

now the dilema is choosing between Hoplite or Dragoon as filler classes. Hoplite is the most logical due to Finestra but Dragoon is more aesthetic plus a fancy cape to it.

Okay first of all you shouldā€™ve known Fencer wasnā€™t centered around Shield from Circle 1 because of the Mastery attribute, but either way~

Well, on Murmillo/Lancer thereā€™s one notable thing in that both have their ways of being anti-mages if we go by what they are telling us about Murmillo it can block ranged magic attacks (Read: projectiles such a the ice wall barrage) while Lancer is an anti magic-circle class (Elementalist, etcetc).
In short, both have their place in this matter as both styles are relevant as per PvP goes.

Iā€™d honestly recommend re-rolling to pick Hoplite C2 for 100% Finestra which is very relevant for both PvP and PvE, and eh getting to R3 itā€™s a literal evening.
Dragoon is a PvE class centered anyways so if your goal is PvP no worries on not picking that.
If you get a guild you can get chubby giant ginea pig, or you could cash in for a giant penguin or a giant obese snow crow tit.

Thereā€™s the clear issue about the second one and itā€™s absolute lack of sinergy with Fencer being an Slash and Pierce attack class while the other two focus on Strike along the aforementioned general sinergy problems.

Well, on Fencer C3 at this point you can still get some respectable DEX which alongside proper equipment would net you enough crit rate, but again no real sinergy with Rodelero.

High Guardā€™s -50% ATK is a full damage -50% which results in the boosts to Umbo and Rim being absolutely neglegible due to how big the reduction is your damage, in some cases you could even end literally dealing 1 damage to Wizads if they wear that one thing that gives you Ghost Type Armor (Banshee Veil).

sometingsomehting this ainā€™t Granado $pada.

Eh Chaplain with proper equipments and build has some very respectable damage for a support, but indeed do wait for Rank 8, if the leak list from a while ago is right (Which has been this far) Inquisitor may prove interesting.

Okay, hereā€™s the thing glass cannons donā€™t work great in this game.
The day Team Battle League went out there where full topics of people complaining about dying in one hit and complain and complain while the reason is simply that they have literally no CON, making them useless as dead DPS is no DPS and thus the worst kind of DPS.
This happens in Mercenary Missions and Dungeons too.

On rerolling, do remember team storage transfering is a thing, quite a lot of things can be passed through here without even a potential loss.

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i see, thanks for your insight.

So what stats do you recommend for a swrodsman casual arena pvp?

the current peltast2 has around ~60 STR and ~30 CON in pts input. since STR now increases block penetration will it be wise to pump STR all the way or still keep STR in balanced with CON.

seeing Stone Skin is a problem, going mega STR seems a ā€œgo tooā€ just to penetrate block.