Tree of Savior Forum

Rogue's capture exploit report

So, every maintenence you fix some skills, and for like at least a month now rogue’s capture didn’t get any attention. People are exploiting this skill at level 1 capturing dozens of skills to kill bosses, not giving almost any chance for other people to get Cubes. Player ‘‘anonimos’’ today took like 3m hp of Violent Cerberus almost instantaniously, there was like 50 skills there. This video teach how to bug, even he’s rogue C2, people use that at level 1. Please do something about that, people don’t get banned for exploiting, you don’t care or people are not reporting this? I really don’t get it.

Thanks and please give some attention to this.

[SA] Silute


On this video he only steal 10 skills like the skill does lvl 10.

you can capture 1 skill by 1 level, stop trash talking and learn about the game before make useless posts.

Learn how to read before replying.

“HE” or “YOU”?

The skill is bugged, your skill is lvl 1 and u capture ALOT of skills. U know the bug and is using it to share itens with your friends.

GMS plz, its a exploit and passive for ban.

Imc treatment made everyone not give a fck anymore. Why bother reporting/complaining if it all falls on deaf ears. That bug/exploit is gamebreaking and should have been fixed within 1 hour of first report.

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That’s the kind of thought that make this game roll down the hill, ah.

WTF this is not a bug, it’s exactly what the skill does.

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Capturing 20,30 skills with lvl 1 or even 10 or 15 capture is exactly what it does?

First of all, no need to be extremely rude like you’re being. So… check this:

Does it look like Capture lvl 1 for you? It’s level 10

Clearly on the video he used Capture to steal 6 skills:
Frost Cloud x2
Hail x2
Pole of Agony x2
1 skill came from the Warlock+Elementalist3 another one from the Rogue that previously used Capture on the same Warlock+Elementalist3

In the end, a Capture lvl 6 could do the same thing. Please learn how the game mechanics works first and stop being so toxic and salty.

God, why cant anyone in this place read.

well, you just justified my behavior.
As i said to your friend burizone, learn how to read and then you come back to reply. Thanks

Try getting a Thauma to compete. Once he drops his skill, have the Thauma use reversi and profit off the rogue’s hard work.

I don’t think it works, since the damage it does is almost instantaniously, and with the fps drop i believe is quite hard. Plus, reversi is also bugged since it shouldn’t work in neutral skills

no idea what 's wrong with this
he got lv 10 capture

Justified what? Nothing justifies your behavior, you’re not a 10 years old mad kid, so please stop acting like one.

You think it’s a bug, I clearly stated that it’s not a bug and I even pasted a screenshot that proves it. If you still think that’s a bug then prove it, get 2 rogue friends to steal a bunch of skills with 1 level of capture.

I will repeat myself once more, he stole 6 skills, not 20~30 like you’re saying.

Jesus Christ. Once again, learn how to read. I’m not reporting him, i said the video teachs how to bug, and people are using it at lvl 1 or 2 or 3 or whatever level, to capture dozens of skills, more than it should. Did you get it now or i need to draw for you?

Am i wrong? The character info and skills on the image are not from the same player? why present it like that xd

No, they’re not, but that’s not important. The part that matters is the right side when he shows his Rogue skill build.

Am I saying that you’re reporting him specifically? I’ll answer that for you: NO.

You’re saying that he teaches how to do a bug that is not even a bug! I just used his video as an example like you did on your very first post proving that you’re wrong about it, in the end the conclusion that matter is: he’s not teaching any kind of bug!

Like I said if you still think that’s a bug, then prove it. Get some rogue friends to capture more than 20 skills with a level 1 Capture then post here.
Then everyone will believe you including me.

I think this is related to what OP was trying to say:

If it’s true, then it could be a bug basing on the skill description and supposed mechanics.