Tree of Savior Forum

Rogue Rework advice

C1 Rogue


Feint: No change
Vendetta: No change
Capture: -Max lvl 5 - Acquire 1 enemy’s magic circle per lvl
- CD 5-10 seconds
“New” Deploy: Use the Captured enemy’s magic circle
- Max lvl 15 - Reduce CD per lvl
-CD 150 seconds.

C2 Rogue


Evasion: No change
Lachrymator: Some Change, More Damage for grinding.
“New” Sneak Hit: It isn’t a buff skill. Melle Skill. Max lvl 10. When active cause stun to the enemy and debuff him.
The Debuff do extra damage to the enemy debuffed.
- + 15% Damage if hit the enemy in the front. +30% Damage if hit the enemy side . + 50% damage if it hit from behind or invisible.
- CD 40-50 seconds
- Debuff Duration ans Stun Duration increased per lvl

C3 Rogue


Burrow: No Change
Backstab: Some Change, now dont stun anymore, but when hit the enemy from behind inflicts immediately “Massive Bleeding” atribute.

I personally dislike every suggestion except for “Deploy” which I only like a little bit. I would much rather it be a max lv1 skill that uses whatever you captured. I only want it so that it is still possible to capture different tiles when you already have something captured.

As for the rest of your suggestions, you’re going to need significantly more explanation as to why you are making these changes in order to convince people to actually like your changes. As they are now, your changes severely weakens c1 and c2 Rogue to make c3 not exactly better, but more of the same.