Tree of Savior Forum

Rogue C3 is a mistake

Dream is crushing everyone’s …dream… thank you! Also you shouldn t make statements like rogue 3 is a mistake because it isn’t.

People will still have fun playing it even with the nerf. And who knows soon we might event see another set working for \backstab.

So please Dream don t discourage other players.


If you guys had to choose another class for R7 instead of rogue 3, what would it be?

Personally I’m looking at musketeer

I thought this thread would die fast so it will get burried but it kept getting bumped lol

This really depends on your overall build. Like for me, I took Rogue C1 on Rank 7 due to it’s synergy to my overall build.

is multishot, heavy shot, kneeling shot, and flare shot usauble? if you have any of these skills could you please check, i’d appreciate it. trying to decide whether to advance

All except Kneeling. All Rogue skills are also disabled.

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damn…someone told me that kneeling shot would work in burrow…that sucks

no point then for my build

guess I’ll go musk instead of Rogue 3

thanks for letting me know man…

Bro, That Massive Bleeding on Backstab, How to trigger it? I use backstab on PVP with my friend and nothing happen only the crit damage from backstab. can you help me?

The target needs to be bleeding beforehand, unfortunately the person in charge of Rogue design is an idiot and didin’t include a skill in Rogue that causes Bleeding so you need Fletcher C1 for Broadhead Arrow’s bleeding if you want to use that attribute.

Massive Bleeding isn’t worth it btw, it’s not nearly as powerful as it should be for increasing Backstab’s CD by 10s.

stick a pavise in the mobs face first. works more often than I expected actually, since it has 1 overheat and the chance isn’t THAT awful.

hello floki… can i ask bout that skill on “D” keyboard… dat charge 4/5 charges??

with rank 8 coming up, i think rogue is a good combo for hackapalle

Good luck with that bro. 80% of rogue skills cannot be used while mounted.

dang, you’re right! i just checked since you mentioned it. so sad then