Tree of Savior Forum

Rhevisan Bracelet [SA] Silute

  1. Server : [SA] Silute

  2. Full Name of Item : Rhevisan Bracelet

  3. Current Price Range (Minimum / Maximum) : 8000 min / 320 000 Max

  4. Reason for Suggesting Change : Great Bracelet for PvP against Warlocks. People on shout trade them for items like Aias, Max Petamion etc. Should be Minimum 500 000 Silver and 10 000 000 Max.

  5. Screenshot of Item on Market (Evidence) :


Server : Telsiai

Full Name of Item : Rhevisan Bracelet

Current Price Range (Minimum / Maximum) : 0/0

I know it is a bug, but I cannot make a new thread. (I report that bug about my account too, cannot make new thread)

I cannot put price of this item on market, while others can do, there are 3 Rhevisans on the market now.

Screenshot of Item on Market (Evidence) :

Doesn’t this mean you can set any price for it?
It has no price range.

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