Tree of Savior Forum

[REWORK] Safety Zone

Just make Safety Zone able to block Melee attacks and make it useless against ranged and magic. Make it able to dodge melee stuns or any other effects (such as pushes) but only for melee. I loved this skill, but we all know its currently broken.

There should be another skill to prevent ranged attacks instead of Safety Zone.

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How dare you! heathen!!!


Safety zone is fine its not broken in pve its strong yes and in pvp its only broken if your opponent is retarded as you can easily be moved out with various effects.

yeah , i think this too … a force push and a stun even on the zone must hit.


they do movement effects still apply to you

No to your bitching, use CC and get that cleric out of the zone then kill it. You filthy casual.


@TankezonE Your now my hero

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Cleric dont have other skill to block ranged atks,
they should just nerf the number of blocks or change cd


In boss fights you can keep it up permanently and just lean back as you hold down the AA button until the next time you need to re-cast it. You never take damage no matter what hits you. It ruins any challenge a boss fight might have had when you have a cleric on your team that just tanks 100% of any incoming damage for the full duration of the fight with this skill.

Even if they made the bosses a lot stronger, this skill alone would still make bosses a joke to any cleric. It’s a strong spell that the clerics need in order to compensate for their weak offense. But it’s probably a bit too strong in that it absorbs any kind of attack without any drawbacks or limitations aside from it being stationary.

When a Rank 1 cleric spell is stronger than a similar Rank 5 and 6 Monk spell, it becomes quite obvious.

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How far did you get in the beta? As you get higher bosses get more knocked back and movement skills. You can safety zone 2 or 3 hits before your tossed out like a ragdoll again.

If you want to talk op were looking at the wrong cleric skills glances at divine might

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If all I did was safetyzone in boss fights and then wait again for another safety zone CD, I’d be there for quite awhile. Not to mention safety zone dissapears really fast later, especially with dungeon bosses and their adds. Safety zone becomes like a panic button in later stages of the game, a quick way to take yourself out of a fight and going back in to support a party, less of a tanking tool.

Safetyzone has its uses, and has a hit limit + time limit, it’s quite fine the way it is.

You can be knocked out of it by bosses, and players can get you out if it in lots of ways.


I had a cleric with me up to the Werewolf boss. We never had any problems, even if you were knocked out of it once, what of it? You would just walk right back into the field.

If you are a STR-based cleric you could solo any bosses without any problem.
If you aren’t STR-based, you’ll have to get some help of course or else you’re missing damage but defense-wise it offers full protection.
You would imagine the hit-limit to be some sort of restriction but it’s rarely ever reached.

In PvP I don’t mind it. But in PvE it’s ridiculously strong. Can’t speak for bosses up in the hundreds and beyond, but unlike the other classes you have no challenge in a boss fight within the first hundred levels. Unless all those bosses are supposed to be these kinds of pushovers, I’d think they should either give these bosses some way to counter the safety zone or give the zone some drawbacks at earlier levels.

So obviously this is strictly a problem because of monks then in your view?

Yes, yes they are, 2 cycles of Zaibas and they’re dead, or pyro’s take em down quite fast.

I think people really don’t understand that 1-100 is still the beginners part of the game, only recently did they make it slightly somewhat kind of maybe more difficult by adding a level 50+ dungeon for 5 mans.

Safety Zone is perfectly fine, and only good in the very early levels of the game (100+ it’s pretty average, and there seems to be 500 levels)

When your at 100+, safety zone lvl 5 reaches its hit limit near instantly when mobbing / doing higher level content.
Level 10/15 just gives you breathing room for buffing, statue carving, etc.


No, any cleric can make use of the safety zone this way.

If you got a cleric, safety zone on whoever has the aggro and nobody will take damage. That’s how you can overcome all of the bosses up to 100 at least without even having to dodge.

Does that seem like it’s supposed to be that way? I wouldn’t think so.
If it’s just the beginner bosses that are that way, admittedly that’s negliable then. If the game goes up to 600, that’s still 1/6th of all the bosses tho. Not sure if you want to regard all those still as sort of tutorial bosses and hence accept them being so weak. And they updated/reverted back the map from what I heard, it only goes up to around 500 now. That would make it 1/5th of all the current bosses then.

Even if you didn’t have safety zone, 1-100 bosses are super easy as they were designed to be. Why look at safety zone and consider it OP when a psychokino can still just kill bosses with psychic pressure and have 0 int as well as stun the boss, or krivis can use Zaibas with the multi hit attribute and take down bosses in all of 10 seconds. (assuming your not under leveled for the bosses, as nearly everyone was for iCBT).

Safety zone is fine. If you want to nerf it because of the easy 1-100 content, then you might as well nerf every class that has an incredibly easy time with the early game bosses, even though it all balances out past 100, when the game scales up in difficulty and time taken to progress.

1-100 is legit a tutorial/beginner part of the game, and the quicker people understand that, the faster they’ll understand things like EXP problems (controversial), skill scaling, and cooldown problems (which are non-existant really).


The bosses are weak, yeah.
Just that safety zone is directly related to that weakness.
There are many combos with which you can achieve great damage output to melt them away. As a Barbarian I didn’t even need to do anything complicated and just jump-attacked to dodge attacks while attacking.

That’s different from a spell keeping you untouched for the entire fight.
If the bosses have no way to counter that spell, then it does not matter how much you buff them, they are not going to get anymore difficult for anyone that has a cleric with them.

I never mentioned a nerf to the spell’s lategame power tho. The way safety zone worked when I played, it canceled out any difficulty in a boss fight. I personally would appreciate it if they gave those bosses ways to counter that spell. Another way would be to give safety zone some sort of drawback in the early levels which would cancel itself out again over time.
You may see this completely different and that’s fine, but to me after the 5th easy boss fight or so and after the player has adjusted to the controls and slowly gets a hang of things, I wouldn’t want the next 60+ bosses to simply be pushovers from there on. A tutorial isn’t supposed to last that long and it just seems kind of lame to me.
I know the exp rate is most likely going to be double the one from the one in the iCBT and hence I won’t linger around in those parts for very long anyway. But I’d want at least the bosses to leave an impression if nothing else. Just breezing through everything again is not going to be very satisfying, I imagine.

Isn’t Pyro’s Fire Ball nerfed as of the recent KCBT patch? I think that we’ll be doing less than a Zaibas cycle now but that is fine considering our CD is 1/2 of theirs :smiley:

Yes now it was slightly nerfed, but is still quite strong. Only reason it was nerfed was because of the amount of fireballs you can push out by pyro 3.