Tree of Savior Forum

Returning player question, thanks


2 quick questions for returning player.

  1. What’s the best healing/support build?

  2. Anyone have any lvling guide? and how long does it take to actually max/lvl up ?


Anything that have healing ability and protection.
You can check the skills here and make your build, any doubt post here about it and people with experience will answer you.

You can follow this one up, but some stuff changed and some places where it used to be good for grinding are not that good anymore.

For Healing/support build I can suggest you this topic.
Is really a good topic!

1 Like

Thanks :slight_smile:


Another question…

My launcher is stuck on 0% i tried to google/deleted xml files and it doesn’t work.

any idea?

Ewww there is a topic where you can download a file…

EDIT: found it! Here, it worked for me! :tired:

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