Tree of Savior Forum

Response to recent devBlog

Since I cannot post on the devBlog for whatever reason here is a rant.


Unless I am mistaken “- A silver commission fee will be applied to Tokens sold at the Market, similarly to what happens with other items.” means that we are now going to have to jack up the price of any tokens we wish to sell to make a profit. This will raise the price of tokens on the market further restricting free to play players. I could see if the silver “commissioned” were to be put into some sort of event raffle or something, but as of right now, all of the silver that is “commissioned” is eaten by the npc, never to be reintroduced into the system. I just don’t understand your thinking of restricting everything, your game still has bots, massively ignored bugs, and a very obtuse market, at least on NA servers.

I love this game at its very core and it hurts me to see how painful it is to play for some people, or even to pick up as a new player. As for the chat, I don’t think anyone really cares about the chat ui, I feel like your team’s time could be much better spent working out actual play deficits. Such as the collision problems in certain maps, for 3 weeks there has been an elevator that has no collision up by verkti square and nothing has been done about it despite many tickets. There’s also mouse mode which is, granted getting better, but still a chore to use for those who prefer to because there hasn’t been a single attempt to fix the extremely heavy UI since beta. Battle mode somewhat remedies the problem but it doesn’t work on my client for whatever reason.

I could go on and on about the things you should be fixing or revamping or whatever, but I just wanted to see if you would even consider for a second loosening that grip on “bot control” and try to let us players enjoy the amazing game you have created. With working ENVIRONMENTS and a proper UI that doesn’t get in the way of everything, and a MARKET that is free, non-punishing, and easy to use.

It really is a shame that such a great game has so many restrictions on it for being a “free to play” experience.


With or without it’s already at the max pricing allowed same way, no need for this rant, even some people on the forum admitted they where going to buy the cheaper token to resell it for higher prices.

Free to play as you are free to play if you want.

IMC is either trying to sink this project or transform it in Tree of Credit Cards, unfortunately for them, me and many others won’t be wasting our hard earned money on something that was supposed to bring fun and a stress relief source, but in reality, looks more like a prison you have to pay the wardens to have some freedom.

True as it may be, no dialogue, no change.