Tree of Savior Forum

Rerolled to Elemental from Sorc c2

If you’re thinking about going Sorc, do yourself a favor - dont. this class is garbage.

The idea of a class is to stand still and auto attack so you dont blow your SP in 4 spells, while your summon does mediocre damage is absurd. You have to literally accept that you will always be popping SP pot constantly everytime cooldown is up, for the rest of your characters existence.

As it stands Sorcerer contributes minimal in groups. Why would anyone take a Sorcerer over a Elementalist?

I stopped at level 195 when i realized this class will be obsolete to anything outside questing. Even as rank 7 as a warlock, you’ve lost 2 Circles of potential damage skills.


edit: The solution this class needs is a 1% drain, not 2%. Allow us to use our other skills while still draining away SP, forcing us to despawn the summon when not in use still. Let us play our other circles.

They need to fix the bad ai and broken summon skills to make the class even remotely playable right now. I also gave up on my sorc and rerolled a Wiz 3 Ele3. Half of the summon skills used with ride are downright broken or to slow to be useful in any way, not that anyone uses anything but templeshooter anyways. Overall its a disappointing mess right now.

Hi Scyphoza!

You will not lvl up your Sorc anymore?

wow i’m about to become sorc (cryi3>sorc) and i see this, why u guys saying its bad? really, i dont understand, i alwasy play swordsman but i decided to try sorc, so i duno much about wizz

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my idea was do what u said, use hold to position the shooter so he could stay atacking, and use riding to use the “machine gun” skill every time its avaliable. also use the sumon as a tank, cus if u are riding ur sumon it takes dmg not u (and riding kinda “teleport” u to the sumon, so u could use this too, and have more INT than other “full con” classes)

lmao compare your damage to the next wiz 3 and elementalist 3. fkin nub.

sorc doesn’t require skill. it’s absolutely useless no matter how you play it.

good luck in sorc 3 though. your sh1tty sorc doesn’t even have linker i’d kick you

u really have no love looool

Actually, riding doesn’t make the summon take damage. You take the full damage of whatever you get hit by

hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i saw a video from last month that sumon was taking all the dmg o.o

we dont take damage from bosses while riding normal mobs yes.


yup definitely no love for you.

and pvp, do u know?

haven’t tried it at pvp, but i wouldn’t count on it.

could u try that plz and post here? i’m about to get 127 so i have to decide betwen cryo3>sorc3 / cryo3>kino3
and i’m almost getting sorc o.o

i tried it with a random stranger at friendly duel, he can hit me if he aims at me

anyways the reason why i took sorc is because its fun, people who find it lame cares about the numbers game, now THATS LAME.


i care if it will be good for PvE and GvG. cus if i find out its not ill need to reroll =/

Then go with kino, cc is better for pvp anyways, a dead dps is no dps.

i want GvG, not arenas, thats why i’m considering sorc