Tree of Savior Forum

Reflect Shield nerf, and why I don't invest in it. (link inside)

Reflect shield use to be such a good skill but since the nerf I have highly doubt it’s use and this video just shows that I should probably put points elsewhere.

Anyone thoughts?

I think you are right. From the % of damage reduce and reflected I don’t see it as a well used buff slot.

Reflect Shield was never good. Even before the nerf I find it useless at high level.

At least it’s still useful for DoTs, I get no damage from them with the shield on. And I think the DoTs don’t count on the reflect count thing.

DoTs rarely hurt anyway (Maybe DoT in PVP is much stronger, I’m not sure).

By the way, why do you have so little INT in both videos?

Does it not increase magic damage?

A good number fo Wizards find the boost to damage INT gives neglegible compared to the durability they get from simply investing in CON which gives them durability to be able to keep dishing out damage, specially notable on a PvP scenario.
It’s all up to preference really.

it’s never good to go full whatever stats they are. atleast not in that game, a mixed status is much better than just mindless go for one.
i suggest you to get a good amount of CON like 100~ and everything else int, so you still do great dmg and have a good chunk of hp. later in pve, you will get oneshotted otherwise and can’t dps properly, so you’re worthless.

Honestly, people pay a lot of silver to get an arde dagger, which only makes each hit deal like ~150 more damage, reflect shield reduces a little less than that, but it still reduces some damage, considering wizards only have this and Subzero Shield as real defensive skills.

The best part is not the damage reduction, the point of it is not getting Knocked back or stagged from general mobs/bosses attacks. Makes a huge difference when you are mobbing and doesn’t “lag back” when you get attacked by one monster and it makes more monsters reach you.

I was not taking reflect shield before, but I let go of EBolt for it, it’s much more useful, obviously you won’t spend a buff slot when you have enough buffs to fill it up, but you also won’t use many other skills when in party situations.


You will still get staggered when the boss has higher damage.

Yes but on general grind I don’t stag at all.

Honestly, it’s a buff that reduces and reflects damage (not much) and prevent many sorts of knockbacks and staggers. It is REALLY useful if you know how to use it. I kite a LOT and bosses only hit me with a few hits, most times I don’t even get knocked, it’s pretty useful and helps me not get subsequent hits that would come after the knockback or fleeing staggering attacks.

EBolt is NOT bad, it has good % multiplier on sleeping enemies, but the point is Sleep is to good to waste on EBolt, most of your higher classes will have better skills than that.

Are you talking about this ea? As far as I know, reflect don’t prevent staggering anymore.

The only reason you don’t stagger at early game is because reflect shield reduce the damage to very low. This means that reflect shield don’t really work in high level (after mid rank 5).

One thing i like about Reflect Shield is that it does not make your character flinch when being hit.

too bad they removed it Dx

I’m at level 122, don’t get any stagger and it still prevents most sort of knockbacks.

My point is, people pay 1m to get Arde Dagger and pump damage up by a fixed value of 152, maybe spending spoints on a skill that can easily reduce some damage not so far from that is not that bad of an option in a class you have no defensive skills.

Ya you won’t really see why Reflect Shield don’t help at lv 120. Reflect shield starts to became useless at level 150++ (the reflect shield buff by my teammate don’t help anymore).

Also, lv 150++ is the level where I decided reflect shield don’t help in icbt2, when it’s not nerfed yet.

I believe it stops having the anti stagger function but it’s still some damage reduction.

At level 11, with max 20 att, it reduces 75+SPR (which I have 11 because I’m Sorc), which gives me 86 reduction per hit. That sounds little but for PvP and such, it’s still more than half an Arde Dagger.

As a Sorc I really don’t feel like using Energy Bolt, my temple shooter simply does much more damage using 12 SP every 1~2 seconds. EBolt would use 15 SP per use and do much less damage.

It’s possible that when my Matk is high enough so that EBolt on Sleeping targets deals more damage than Temple Shooter I might few like reseting, but for now damage reduction really fits me better.

I don’t know if it is any good or not. I fully admit that i’m still low level. I will just say my reasoning for getting it. I am building a full support character.

My thinking is this. Reflect Shield reduces damage you take by small amount, lethargy reduces the damage monsters deal by a small amount. These two things effectively stack. Then Swell Right arm increased the defense of anyone with a shield by a small amount.

Physical link reduces the damage each person takes by a small amount. I have heard that this power is unusable as it just kills the party but my hope was that the small def increase from reflect shield + the small monster attack reduction from lethargy + the small def increase from Right arm + the small damage reduction from physical link would all add up to something effective.

The healing in this game might be so good that none of that matters, or the dps killing things so effectively might make all fights too short for this to matter buy my plan was to up my party’s defenses while upping their offense. Again, this might never work, but on a character focusing on support idk what else I would get for tier 1. Tier 2 my only other option for support was to go cryo maybe I should have but I doubled down and got lethargy and shield reflect 10.

The plan might not work, but that was the idea

Lethargy provides me with much more frustration then reflect shield. Monster sometimes resist it, and there is nothing I can do to prevent that. Plus why does it have a cast time? Why was that necessary?

It used to reflect a looot of damage in CBT, I remember it can kill low leveled mobs who touch you with it on. And reflect the proper stated damage back on the tooltip, but now it doesn’t seem to do what it’s supposed to but I do find myself more durable with it on for that amount of hits.

It wasn’t mentioned it was nerfed anywhere on Google I’ve searched but I’m sure many have felt it, such as myself.

Its definitely not doing like any damage to monsters. Nobody seems to know if this is a nerf or a bug though.