Tree of Savior Forum

Recruit - Forming new ET Party @ Telsiai Server

Am forming new ET party with my friend who’s currently playing Cryochrono and she had ET experience till 10F+ . Hopefully can get new folks who wish to raid up till ET20F before R8 patch arrive since it will be somehow tougher to exchange Lolo gear by then due to reduce of earth fragment drop rate.

I’m on SR2
Retreat Shot lv95

Friend on (previously CryoChrono)


  • C2-Krivis3-Anything (Max Melstis and atleast lv5 daino)
  • W3-Ele3-WL (Lethargy lv3 & attribute needed, FC maybe lv70?))
  • W1-Cryo3-Chrono (Lethargy lv3 & attribute needed)

TimeZone / Language
SEA timezone (SG/MY/Thai/Philippines)
ET raid time = in btw 9pm-1am SEA time (9am-1pm ingame time) , discuss this later when we had the pt.
English speaker , we will be using discord . Well chinese is ok if the whole pt stack can understand lol.


  • Squire Max Food buff and base camp ready.
  • Squire Max lvl Weapon buff ready.
  • I got a pardoner-pally ready, so barrier scroll wont be problem if it went op/out of stock lol.

Now we are taking some rest from grinding(lvling the Cleric char) , silver farming, find perma members, setting up discord and ET 10F+ info etc.

So if u’re interested drop a msg below with ur IGN or pm Ymint / Helerine ingame for more discussion.

Do you need another SR?
lv85 retreat as well

bit late reply but trust me, u dun wan 2 archer/ 2SR in 1 ET pt. it work for 2ELE but not 2archer for sure lol

i care to disagree, if you got a kriv3 i suggested pairing with another SR2 to maximize melstis.

as long as you got gears to back up your attri it is fine, +13manamana is required and not lower than that. then additive crit atk atleast not lower than 800 in value. why so much requirement? simply put, if you want to be on par, or better DPS against elem, then have these stuff, else, people will still choose elems over SR.

Fact: SR will never be on PAR with elems in terms of DPS for ET, unless paired with melstis. that is,

i mean 2SR will work, but still 1ELE+1SR is way much better than 2SR line up.

well r8 is coming anyway, watever weird build oso will work in et lol

ele’s suffer hard on 16f though. havent tried 16f but theres a mob that is ice element with 450k hp.

very true, as i mentioned SR will never be on PAR with elems even with full gears. because SR needs supports such as melstis to maximize their output. but since i know you and your team, i think you can pull-out 2 SR in your team.

and say hi to helerine for me :smiley:

mine also sr2 retreat shot only lv80 haha

Will still really depend on party composition but yeah, as for now 1 Archer is the best. 1 Guild in Tels managed to clear 20F with 2 Cleric/1 Fletcher/1 Wlock/1 Chrono.

R8 will have a shift with party composition, kToS meta for now have 2 Mage/1 SR/1 F3Mergen/1 Cleric.

Im celric2 diev3 druid3
fully equiped
not sure you are still looking for members
pm me team name ’ Viperi ’