Tree of Savior Forum

Rebirth system, one solution to skill reset debate

Reference: Rebirth system (And how you'd want to see one):

Just create a rebirth system. You can rebirth once after level 200. You surrender all your character levels and class levels and the quests will be reset. But you keep all the achievements, silver and items you had initially. In return you get rewards like new rare hats, legendary pets, monster gem of choice.

If possible, maybe even keep non-combat class skills from classes like alchemist, pardoner, templar and etc.

Would be nice to get some more input on this idea.


No. This was bad in RO and it will be bad in ToS.


This ain’t ragnarok.


No, out with this idea.

Rebirth system is the most dumb one in the history of MMO’s.

RO, Conquer Online, Flyff (i think it have, its been years since i last touched that).

Soon some will ask for extra stats points and rebirth gear with powerful crap on it.


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This please:

but without Myth stages and eq that destroyed the game :P.

The incentive of rebirth shouldn’t give players combat advantage over others. You won’t have to rebirth if you don’t want to and you can choose to create an alt character instead. What I’m suggesting is just having a choice to reset your current character in exchange for hats.

I forgot to flag this :^)

Kinda weird how Ragnarok is the first game people fawn over in their arguments towards keeping the game “hardcore”, and yet if it’s a feature that goes against their personal ideals, “this game isn’t Ragnarok”.

Ragnarok was great, but far from perfect. It had issues. There’s room for improvement. But sure, if you want rebirth, we can have it. But no changing your circles. Gotta be just like Ragnarok. Forced into the same classes.

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The only point of the system to be good is to provide ONLY changing of circles. And getting all bonus status points back. This way we will have legitimate class reset which can’t be abused and is better than nothing.

Hii you two lovebirds.

Also i agree its ironic and at the same time absolute garbage.

For rubiss >.> thats how korea does things.

Don’t like it then get out because most korean devs have openly said they don’t care what westerners want even if there is 10x more of them playing then in korea.

Korean and Japanese game devs are actually widely known for that.

Now that i think about it though i wouldn’t be surprised if they added this and just said f you to everyone lmao.

Give me this and i don’t care if i did spent a thousand hours and redid an insane number of chars >.> not playing that bullshit.

Btw even you can agree that a reset is better then this system.

Ragnarok’s class system had exponentially less ■■■■-up potential when advancing.

I’m being told to get out because that’s how korea does things. Okay. This hasn’t passed and will likely not pass so calm own first and foremost.

I’m sorry you dumb down disagreements to black and white. Gotta be the hardcores vs the casual. Hardcores like everything super difficult and inconvenient. Casuals hate investing time and gotta get spoonfed.

@Zipzo Ragnarok is also a much older game with a completely different system. So I’m not sure what the comparison is. This 15 year old game did this and it was like that, so this game should be like this. What?

Um, casuals don’t like wasting time, which is what a reroll in a very alt-unfriendly game looks like to a person with limited play time.

I think it wouldn’t be inaccurate to say that nobody likes wasting time, even hardcore players.

It was an exaggeration. Obviously neither type is like that all things considered.

If casuals doesnt want to waste time, they better make sure that they dont mess up.

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No, you don’t get it. They don’t have any time for any research. They only have enough time to dedicate 200 hours into the game then realize they messed up. There’s just no time for research.


Minus the keep skills and get items, what is wrong with bringing a character back to lvl 1 class lvl 1? What if you just got some bonus xp?

I dont like rank resets, but i think being able to restart your character from the start and at least keep your cosmetics, items and achievements on your new character would be a good idea.

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Might as well have anyone who misses a free throw shot in basketball executed and replaced.

I mean they could have practiced so that that they were good enough to not miss, but didn’t. Best to find a new player.

It’s too easy in this game to make mistakes.