Tree of Savior Forum

<Re:build> Falconer-Mergen

ya and i think almost all class need the acc to help farm mobbing or CM mode.

what is good choice even pick Mergen - Falconer without Ranger??
cause i think ranger skill no good expect buff missile and barrage. cmiiw
my plane is put Fletcher or Sapper but i cant find in youtube. im so confused

what is your team name at telsiai?

btw, i just realized that 4 korup set give +3AAR (at least 32million siver needed for 8x4 pamoka bottle).

Fletcher looks okay especially with incoming arts to Magic arrow

Have you been using crit shot buff apart from the steady aim and barrage? That buff is OP af for crit builds

Hi, I’d like to as whether anyone know what’s the effect of skiaclipse bow on arrow sprinkle. i’ve tested stuff with it and still don’t find the real difference tbh. i’ve honestly got no clue here. i’d appreciate it if anyone can give me the answer, thanks before.

i didnt test it myself, but it said +9 aoe for the skill.

Mean when you use the skill, skill aoe will be 9 + your charater aoe.
Bigger aoe more mob you can hit within your attack area.

The skia bow specifically says “AoE range” rather than AAR. I’m not entirely sure that it does adds AAR though, since i sprinkle arrow is 1 arrow = 1 enemy, so AAR wouldn’t have an effect there. but again, maybe things are lost in translation or the effect is just dumb to begin with

Sorry not familiar with the effect but you’re right, arroe sprinkle isn’t affected by aoe…

I think High Anchoring also uses AoE ratio.

Yes that’s right, it has really high scaling too. I like the skill, because it has good damage scaling as well. The gimicky part of a small “pushback” is nice, on top of that it is a crit resist debuff :slight_smile:

mergen skill according to at 5th september 2019

Triple arrow lv 15: 739%x3 (2217% x3 with 20AAR+triple arrow: triple attribute)
Homing arrow lv10: 1743%x5
Zenith Lv 5: 1639% x10
Spreadshoot lv 15: 1403% x 5
Arrow Sprinkle lv10: 382%
Downfall: 225%

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Thank you for this!

I just realized that the addon stat viewer ex had always had Spread Ratio represent AAR. Just to clear up confusion about Spread ratio and AAR regarding Mergen buffs

SFR wise, triple arrow has the highest value among the others, should i prioritize to lv 100 it first? Since triple arrow is not very good for bossing (no explosion)

Looks like it depends which you wanna focus on, bossing or mobbing…

I’d still max it personally, those explosions with aiming will hurt with mobbing

yeah, some skill only useful for mobbing(spread shot), some for bossing (arrow sprinkle, down fall), and some for both (homing arrow, zenith)… do you think triple arrow good for both too?

With the buffed Triple Arrow, yes I believe so

The buff that Triple Arrow increases hits depending on AoE attack ratio is insane. At 20 AAR, it hits 1 target with 18 hits. With Falconer, this new mechanic will work in a way that if you got 20 AAR, you will hit 20 small mobs 18 times each. More if you have higher AAR

I grin when I see fletcher mergen mains slowly switching to falco-mergen, maybe starting to realize how useful utility is.

triple arrow: TRIPLE attribute also has -50%dmg, so even if it hits max 18xwith 20AAR per OH, your final dmg will still 3x normal triple arrow dmg, just like the one currently functioning at itos

What’s the math on how much AAR with the new triple to do at least the same amount it does now because it’s going down from 2/3rd dmg to 1/2 dmg?

A=normal Triple Arrow SFR

present TRIPLE:
[Triple Arrow] damage is reduced to 2/3 per arrow, but the number of hits is increased to 3
Ax2/3x3 = 2A

Future TRIPLE:

  • Reduces damage of [Triple Arrow] to 50% per arrow but increases the number of hits
  • The number of hits increases with your character’s area of attack, up to six times

with <5AAR (2hit)
Ax2x50% = A (better turn off the attribute)
with 10 AAR (4hit)
Ax4x50% = 2A (like present TRIPLE)
With 20 AAR (6hit)
Ax6x50% = 3A

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I missed that bit where it is -50% dmg due to attribute

But with high AAR (around 20 where ppl will aim for), then it is still a buff if Im not mistaken?

yes, thats correct. I still doubt triple arrow will be useful for bossing, hard to trigger explosion at single target