Tree of Savior Forum

[Re:Build] Builds Ideas

They should have kept old foretell’s area. This new one is very small. Besides Mackangdal, it is the only invulnerability skill now in the game, it would be a nice concept to keep it with Oracle, but has to be usable. Older one is terrible because of the movement. New one is bad because it is too small. Even moving Divine Might there will not save it, apparently.

Oracle is holding hands with Sadhu… Can’t see a proper video using the, not even a consistent feedback. :’(

Foretell makes you invulnerable while stationary, so I think it’s fair enough.

The new damage boosting kit (new Arcane Energy & Death Sentence) seems very nice in groups.

I feel like kTest players aren’t playing in groups at all, anything can be soloed with their trans 10 red gear.

Does Foretell makes party immune too or only you on RE?_?

I don’t know. My only knowledge about Re:Build Foretell is that it doesn’t move.

My wording sounds like only the caster becomes invulnerable, but that’s not what I meant. Sorry for bad phrasing.

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Consider that you earn 1000 Class point a week, should not be difficult to pick a class now and change class later. The reset event will just give you 3000 Class point after all.

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worry not, I am worst at the wording of things :wink:

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Can’t decide on a few just yet. Archer and Scout are difficult to decide on…
Starred ( * ) means I might actually use them.
Barb - Pelt/Rodel - Murm* (the “Angry Murmillo” combo)
Hop - Fencer - Mata*
High - Barb - Dragoon
Pelt/Rodel - Hop - Dragoon ("""“Murmillo”""" combo)
Pelt - Rodel - Reti* (THE WALL combo)
Hop - Cata - Lancer
Pelt - Rodel - Hacka (“Mount Restrictions suck” combo)
Hop - Nak - Dragoon

Bokor - Necro - Feather*
Ele - RC - Myouji*
Ele - Myouji - Shadow
Cryo - FF - Shadow (Stabby Wizard combo)
Chrono - Alch - Sage/Kino

Ranger - (something) - Mergen*
QS/Wugu - Sapper - (something)
Sapper - Cannon - Musket* (“HEAVY ARTILLERY” whale combo (that I can’t afford to make))
Sapper - Falc - Cannon (the “not nearly as gun as H.A. whale combo” combo)
Hunter - Falc - Piper

Pally - Inq - Zealot*
Druid/Krivis - Sadhu - Exor*
Monk - Druid - Zealot (Elemonkalist combo)
Diev - Miko - PD/Kabba (the “I have Miko unlocked and Idk what to do with it” combo)
Pally - Krivis - Pardoner

Assassin - Outlaw - Shinobi*
Outlaw - Corsair - BM*
Enchant - Corsair - Reiter (Idk how I feel about this one)
Rogue - Linker - Assassin
Squire - Enchanter - Nothing

Anything else I pick will probably be just for the Adventure Journal, or something new whenever I can read all the skill effects

how about thauma?_?

It’ll just wind up as a shop class character that I don’t use for anything else.

I could give it Thaum for Journal points though


Ranger - Mergen - Fletcher or Falconer - Default 2H Archer that I always loved.
Musketeer - Sapper - New Rifle Class - Musketeer is my favorite class, but it lacks synergy atm, let’s see the new class when it comes out.

Assassin - Corsair - Shinobi - Default edgy teenager build because I can.
Bullet Marker - Outlaw - Assassin - Looks like rogue and gunslinger from RO got together, sounds fun. I loved the hell out of rogues there.

Cataphract - Lancer - Dragoon. If it turns out to be really bad, I’d change Cataphract for Hoplite. I love mounted classes, even better with spears!
Murmillo - Templar - Hoplite. Probably my main character after the Musketeer. Gosh, the fun.
Doppel - Barbarian - Highlander. I’d change HL for something better if there was. Probably I’ll never make this character, it’s not my taste, but who knows.

I really don’t play Clerics. Monk could be an option, but it’s garbage.

Warlock - Featherfoot - Bokor - I like the theme of this build. Floating, cursing and drinking blood whilst casting dark magic. I could swap Bokor and Sorcerer and I’ll look nice too.

One character is probably gonna be Falconer, Musketeer and Sapper for the thematic style of a lone hunter and her Falcon that sneak through the woods and hunt down enemies.
Playstyle would probably be like, Falcon at range with the increase in auto attack range to pull enemies while the Falcon continues to attack you set up traps and lure the enemy into them. At the same time Musketeer brings to the table all these hard hitting single target skills as well as Grooving Musket for a bit of auto hit damage that fills out holes in your rotation.
So, really long range pull, setting traps and damaging until they run into traps all the while you use Headshot and Snipe to pick out targets with the most HP.

Highlander was the first class I played in Swordsman and everytime I play my Highlander character I have to think about:
“There can only be one…!”
If anybody even knows the movie. =P
The class itself isn’t bad, it got nerfed a bit in PvP now that they removed the “No-Jumping Under Crown” but it is still fun to play. Especially as you are starting out it was a good class to get into the Swordsman playstyle.

I’m still theorycrafting a new build for my Sadhu…

I play Krivis - Sadhu - Exorcist today, but Krivis is not looking good, also I was using it mostly to extend Transmit Prana, and now Meltsis will not let me do it in an efficient way.

The no-brainer option would be Diev I guess… but I was looking into other options. What you guys think?

  • Sadhu - Exo - Diev: as I said, base build idea, with high INT and statues buffs.

  • Sadhu - Exo - Chaplain: for the new Capella holy damage buff and knockdown/back immunity 100% uptime. Not sure if Capella also work for other skills that are not Holy-based…

  • Sadhu - Exo - Kabbalist: this is for Rod attribute… I guess it can bring the damage back up to the level of the Diev variant. It also gives me Gevurah, Nachash+Merkabah, Sephiroth (might not be enough for an ‘offhealer’) and Ein Sof for more HP.

  • Sadhu - Exo - Druid: demiwolf form and Carnivory crit buff.

What do you guys think? Can’t find videos showcasing Sadhu to come up with what the class will need… :confused:

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Hello! I’m a casual player. I stopped playing a few weeks ago, but now I’m really excited with the new changes!

I have been theorycrafting a lot these days, and I think I’ll use this builds

My main:

It is my current build so no changes.
I love the perma cc builds and sage’s utility and dps


Now she’s a cleric3, priest3, kabbalist 3
I really like Oracle changes, and DP haste (sorry cronos) I think with heal, revive, mass heal and healing factor I will be fine healing people
Although Death sentence + PD looks nice


He is sapper 2 wugu 3 piper scout now
New sapper looks cool and I love pied piper



What can I say… I ALWAYS wanted to be fencer3+ matador 3



Not sure yet



Old diablo 2 style


I will outline my ideas from theorycrafting studies, based on my current style of play. If anyone has any suggestions that will improve the concepts, it will be of great help

I usually create classes that are balanced, which tend to be productive in both PVE and PVP. Follows in order of the least use, until my main:

I currently use the A2-QS3-WU3-AP-BM build, focused on basic attacks and with some AOE damage. But with the emergence of the new base class this build was splited.
To the archer, I intend to continue on the poison line. Probably the only thing I should add in place of BM is Cannon.

  • WUG - QS - Cannon

Which brings us to the other half, the Gatling gun basic attacker.
I should probably use Thauma as support and Assassin to add a bit more fun with their AOE techniques.

  • BM - Thauma - Assassin

I currently use the C2-BOK3-ORA1-PD3 build.
Since Bokor is no longer part of the Cleric Line, the grace to spread Hex in AOE is gone. Now I’m thinking of putting Priest together with PD, and to finish, I’m in doubt between Diev and Oracle.


I currently use the W1-CRYO2-RC-SHADOW3 build.
This was love at first sight. The Cryokino concept was pretty cool, and Shadow was a fun class. But I’m confused by the nerfs, so I’ll need to test to see if Shadow outweighs a Sage.


I currently use the S1-PLT2-HOP2-DOP1-GOON3-RET1 (CON>STR) build.
This is my main character. I love classes based on spear like Dragoon jumpers, and this one was very efficient. But as you can see, I used many classes to assist the Dragoon, and having to choose between 2 of them makes me very hesitant. well, let’s go…

    This is the most balanced. It’s good for PVE, but it’s very stuck for a PVP.
    Tough, with critical buffs that compliment the Dragoon damage.
    This in turn, has more control. Loses a little of the critical potential of the HOP to gain more CC, which favors more in the PVP aspect. At least for some skills the critical odds remain high, once they meet the requirements of movement debuffs.
  • GOON - HOP - RET
    Exit the Pelt’s durability and return the aggressiveness of the HOP. This is already a more offensive build that favors the critics a lot. However, it may be noted that the shield in this build does not add so much to the skills, just for the defense itself. If the shield is removed, it will not influence much in the final result of buffs and skills damage.

And speaking of not wearing a shield:

    Neither Pelt, nor HOP. You know what? Bye, shield, hello dagger…
    Here, we assume a completely offensive posture.
    Matador has some skills that resemble those of other classes that have been dropped. He has a provoke, use a block buff dagger, a little critical chance and skills that deny damage if used at the right time. A more dynamic composition, with a mechanic that seems fun to me, mainly in PVP.

That’s it … as you can see, for the swordie has many variables. Any suggestion?


I’d not build with Kabbalist.

There are two reasons:

  1. While the Class attribute is tempting, it’s on average only a 10% attack increase(since there no longer are maximum attack red gems). Meanwhile, the skills are pretty weak and consume too many skill slots just to provide a use, with the best one being probably Revenged Sevenfold.

  2. Kabbalist gameplay is still as clunky as ever. Gevura being pretty bad without good numbers on Gematria/Notarikon is one thing,
    but it’s even worse if we consider the fact that your build lacks skills to take advantage of Gevura due to their low-modifier multihit nature.
    Tree of Sephiroth is quite ok, but to take Kabbalist just for it would be bad,too.

Imo the best options for your multi-hit build would be either Krivis (Aukuras is a reliable damage boost and it offers Zalciai and Daino which can be quite useful now; the damage also is nice, even if it is more single target-focused)
or Dievdirbys (owls are strong and Laima & Zeymyna help with more and cheaper spamming of skills for more additional damage).

Yes, you can also build in a lot of other ways, but that would be going hybrid as patk/matk-combi (meaning no more rod) or as a magic/support-combi (meaning even more skills clogging up your skill bars, most of which will probably never be utilized).

Going hybrid will actually become popular with Re:build, no doubt about that, but you’ll also be facing issues of performance differences on different contents, which is why it’s really hard to make a substantial choice.

Who knows what they will do with old content like Saalus or Mercenary missions? Maybe a new build option might become more viable?

all I know is that I’ll stick with my Class choices for Re:build, even if I’d like to take either Krivis or Diev or Chaplain into my build,too, since I know the gameplay then would be pretty boring and very linear if I’d remove my more-engaging Class choices…

Best would be to try Diev and Krivis and choose the one you like the most, because the other choices would probably overload your character with skills to cast while its CD times are already relatively low and over-filling your skill bar, turning your TOS gameplay into a piano piece.

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Yeah, I’m most inclined to one of them. Diev more than Krivis, cause I think it will not perform what it does today anymore.

Can’t wait for start testing… Ktest is not possible for me, ping will not let me test anything

Any thoughts or insights? As you can see, I’m leaning more towards PD-Diev, but can’t decide on last class…

  1. Cleric-PD-Druid-Exo
    Decent with PD and Exo being the main damage anyways, no owls though. My original plan but seeing how Druid sucks and how good owls are now…

  2. Cleric-PD-Diev-Druid
    Passive heal from Chort, idk if it’s still any good, everything else about Druid isn’t as good anymore imo

  3. Cleric-PD-Diev-Exo
    Rubric still excellent. Rubric while Owls and DoTs. Also Exo’s 20s 2 overheat aoe.

  4. Cleric-PD-Diev-Inquis
    came across this unique combo of PD-Inquis
    Seems to have pretty great mob clearing capabilities.

  5. Cleric-PD-Diev-Kabba
    A Druid replacement with heals and aoe.

  1. Frankly speaking, the build is not that bad, you get a reasonable amount of damage skills with low CD times (Rubric,Incineration,Smite) and most other skills have medium CD time and a reasonable AoE as well.
    As Chortasmata can be used to aggro monsters, it’s a good complement to PD, especially since Exorcist can no longer use Entity to provoke the screen towards you.

  2. Druid might not be so good anymore, considering you’ll mostly rely on Lycantropy and Carnivory for damage boost, but aside from that the build offers little except Diev & PD(good for PVP,though).

If you think you’ll have enough skills to use and/or don’t mind the rather passive gameplay, go for it.

  1. This is a rather passive build with the pros that you have lower CD times on your AoEs and more space on the skill bar to utilize all PD&Exorcist skills.
    Might be good in boss fights as you can place owl statues and then run away with Modafinil speed boost to get out of the line of fire while still dealing damage.

  2. Build is questionable, depending on how you utilize the skills you have.
    While it might sound good on paper since you cover the AoE with PD and single-target with Inqui,
    Owls and PDs DoT will probably steal the kills of your Breaking Wheel and Breast Ripper,
    which in turn reduces the CD reduction on those two skills via the Class attribute Torture Expert.

I guess the biggest strength of this build lies in PVP, because you can utilize all skills there regardless of outcome.
But in PVE you might run yourself into a wall if you e.g. want to use Judgement to boost your physical attacks while effectively reducing the damage of your PD skills and your owl statues[demon race enemies have by far the highest mdef modifier and the lowest pdef modifier].

  1. Kabba and Diev are pretty good together (5x Revenged Sevenfold) and your Tree of Sephiroth can actually heal your statues (big plus), but you’re pretty static, which in turn makes having both Kabbalah Garments and Modafinil seem a waste on the build.
    You’re also pretty much limited to only Plague Doctor damage and owl statues, which is not per se bad,
    but very limiting in what you can do,especially with PD (since you’d need to max these two skills to have acceptable damage).

Might also be hard to maximize the damage of Revenged Sevenfold + Gevura if the owls and AoE damage ticks of Incineration& Plague Vapors trigger the damage bonus, so you’d have to sit out on recasting them for a few seconds for a maximum effect, which in turn lessens your DPS.

IMO you have to try out the builds and check for yourself:

  1. which build is convenient enough to clear basic content (and can farm if you’ve got no farm char e.g.)?
  2. which build allows you to put all required skills that have less than 300 seconds uptime onto one skill tab?
  3. which build is sustainable in both damage and survival?

After checking out these aspects it’s pretty much down to personal preference only.

I’d be happy to leave out the 3 points of general interest, but since IMC again missed the point of making everything viable for gameplay it’d be foolish not to check these first before stumbling into a mess of a build that is not really playable and/or doesn’t draw from its potential what it could/should…

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Male Scout:

Female Scout:

Male Swordy:

Female Swordy:

So far it might change a lot in the future

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