Tree of Savior Forum

Rank 9 prediction - Samurai class (as a Hidden class)

I think we will have Samurai class as an R9 Hidden class for 2H Swords and Spears. It would make sense considering we have Shinobi, and the current 2H Sword class is Doppel (a Mercenary class) and Spear classes are Dragoon and Lancer, both known for their prowess on the battlefields.

Then, during R10 if someone has both Shinobi and Samurai classes, they can go the Hidden class Ronin.

These are just my predictions for the future :3

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Welp that is unlikely as the remaining swordsman classes are already known so unless they decide to completely change their mind on one of the classes, (like never putting centurion back in the game). Wont happen till after rank 10 if ever.

why do so many people have a hard on for samurai?

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but there is no Samurai in RO,


No samurais in RO, just ninjas… which we have.

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… taekwon class… no one remember?


What are the other cls?
I like samurai but…
i want something with ultility or a even more Berserk cls after Doppel…

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They were all data mined at one point I don’t remember all 4 remaining for swordy as i don’t like swordy and find it boring. But the 2 i remember are centurion and luchador.

No one like taekwon.
So lonely. :laughing:

We want 2H sword progression.
As a highlander C3/doppel C3, I need a new 2H sword class. :pray:

Centurion, Matador, Luchador and Retiarii.


I like ‘-’ you silly >.<

im asking the same thing :smiley:

looks like another pvp spear user …

Matador/lunchador can give utility.

Centurion is gone or am i wrong?

Still a disappointment^^

If they really release the already mentioned datamined classes, swordsman will look kinda of boring for me. Retiari is like murmillo going fishing, really hope they don’t bring it. I’ll just focus on finishing my Dragoon c3 ( Holy crap give me a jump skill).

EDIT1: Hope some of them come in hidden class form at least so we have space for some new, not discovered yet, classes.

Retiari is the freakin’ murmillo with a net, don’t make any sense…

It can be EXTREMLY cool if that Samurai also can equip a bow :slight_smile: ! It was from far away their strongest and most used weapon (but more popular in pop culture than katana, yeah :p).

We can also think at these classes because their suits was revealed with the Lancer’s one (before Lancer exist) :

  • Luchador : the most original class ever ? a wrestling class :o !
  • Matador : Corrida class ? Something with rapier based on dodge skills ? Seems legit.
  • Retiarii : PvP class, i imagine something simple : C2 murmillo class can equip a new Helmet with different effect !
  • Centurion return : why not an invocation class who can change the formations of his generated warriors ^^ ?

Super positive matador will come, Fencer3 is at R8, what other datamined classes could support rapiers in r9?

I was thinking that too ! I can imagine everything for this class gameplay.

But i’m more excited about Luchador, that’s ■■■■■■■ wtf :stuck_out_tongue: ! Imagine that you can grap, throw away, etc … your opponents x) … But it can require a huge amount of animations just to look correct.

Not satisfied with Long Stride? I think you can do a nice Kain cosplay with Hop.

Nope. It has to be on Dragoon xD FF feelings ~



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