Tree of Savior Forum

Rank 9 for regular Falconer build

So… Havent played this game for awhile. Decided to log in because of rank reset events.

It’s probably still early to ask, but what are some good choices for rank 9 for a falconer build? (Archer2-QS3-falc3)
My character barely reached rank 9 so I cannot really test that many skills. I tried mergen for R9 and it’s great so far, but i wanna know what other people choose that may synergize better.

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BM I guess, because if you want AA build then you can go BM with DGS

mergen need AAR gear to release its full potential.
I am thinking musketeer, because covering fire already has high AAR included and if this game is continue to rank 11, fal3-musket3 is good because of sniper serenity that will boost any hawk skill

Ill try A3Wugu3Falcon3 later. My current Sapper is just a liability on flying mobs. Mergen is great with circling but will be nerfed later, so enjoy now before it would be gone.

A2Sap2Wugu2Falcon3 maybe my final build after my wugu-falcon tests.

Mergen (2h bow) for higher base atk dmg --> stronger hawk, okay dmg on RS. You can work your way slowly on AAR gears later becaue your main dmg is still from RS and hawk attack. On top of that, Mergen looks cool af.

BM (1h crossbow and pistol) --> lower base dmg from main-hand, weaker hawk attack, but in exchange to that loss you get stronger RS (pistol dmg x 2 > bow dmg x 1). The class looks cool and anyone loves gun probably will choose this class.

Muskteer (2h musket) --> 1 of the highest base dmg for 2h weapons, maintain good hawk dmg, cool class concept, cool class costume, the master is a handsome badass mofo another possible choice but not recommended because your RS wont get to show its full potential without maxing 15/15 Grooving muzzle.

Just gave you some facts, the final decision is yours.


Currently: A2-QS3-Falc3-Merg1

I built it like this:

Im curious as to why they leveled up circling so high, is it to prepare for the new changes coming to QS and Falc?

What build would you guys recommends for A2-QS3-Falc3? Also, if I don’t have any skills in hovering, do I need Pre-emp strike attribute: remove hovering?


Yes, they most probably adapted it based on the future updates.
For QS3-Falc3 you can go BM, to keep with the AA machine fun.
No, you don’t. Your Hawk can only use skills that you have learnt, so if you have 0 point in Hovering it will not use it.

Uh… What is AAR?

Well, i really don’t want gun build on falconer, I kinda wanna make it more of a “hunter” kinda character, thus I’m leaning more toward mergen. Plus i kinda want to mix in AoE attack since QS-falc is mostly single target.

But if BM or musketeer are significantly stronger than mergen, then i will go with either one.

AAR stands for aoe attack ratio.
Current falcon is not post-rebalance version, we cant test unless playing ktos/ktest

post-rebalance falcon3 will be aoe burst dealer by its self, but with nerfed circling and no expand, makes the r9 is pretty much standalone except for aiming

What you could consider
Mergen > fastest aoe burst, wider aoe, most skill are wide, +50% vs flying, skills has lower skill factor % compared to other
BM > best AA build and combined preemptive strike, has 360 aoe skill, 2 wep to gear up, lower patk compared to other
Musket > highest patk, high burst, cheaper attribute
all of those classes has synergy with aiming

Even tho having several differences, those 3 build doesn’t differ much on performance vs mobs, all of them has some skill to use when pheasant is on cd, so it’s fine if you follow the “role” of character you want :wink:

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AAR: AOE Attack ratio
ADR: AOE def ratio

for example medium mob has ADR 2
large mob ADR 3
Boss ADR 5
archer natural AAR 1
equip vubbe gauntlet +2AAR (so right now your aar is 3)

there are 10 enemies under your circling
old circling+triple arrow= 10 enemies got hit
new circling+ triple arrow= only 3 enemies got hit

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I believe archer’s natural AAR is 0. I only have 3 AAR from Phada 2x and musket. When i strip my char naked the AAR line in F1 disappears :smile:

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@myself lol I know what AoE ratios are, i just didnt know what AAR stands for.
However, I’m not quite sure what you meant by the new circling. How did this skill become nerfed?

enemies under circling effect will have 1 ADR and not 0 ADR anymore. This won’t allow mergen skills triple arrow and homing arrow to hit everything inside circling (unless heavily invested with AAR gears and centaurus cards)

“Circling expand” will be removed and replaced with a +3AAR attribute that costs exactly the same (25kk) and with a time limit too

TL;DR: one more AAR in your stats means one more enemies get affected by your circling+mergen skill

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Uh?! So… That means even if my AAR is 5, use circling on a bunch of mobs, i can still only hit 5?
I don’t read Korean, but from ktosbase, higher level of circling just extend the time or something?

At this point i’m quite discouraged to go mergen, which sucks because mergen skills are WAY TOO COOL…

@myself that video you posted, I don’t see circling being used, yet it can hit quite many even at AAR 6. Assuming those monster are medium size, with ADR 2, shouldn’t you only be able to hit 3? Is there a new calculation?

exactly, leveling Circling will increase only its duration.

Highy invested Mergen will have +6AAR from centaurus cards, also used in the video posted by myself, +2AAR vubbe gloves, +3AAR Frieno bracelets (both), +1 Solmiki Medal and +3AAR from lucky Hat enchantments. (+3 AAR from falconer attribute too).
i’m quite discouraged too unfortunately

Just tested bullet marker earlier. I run regular Schwarzer reiter build and bullet marker as rank 9 (yes i know there isnt much synergy. I just wanted to try out SR and BM).

It’s like BM is meant to be the R9 choice for falconer. Double gun stance gives another line if auto attacking, perfectly synergizes with running shot and pre-emptive strike…

i forgot what is the ADR of medium, large and xl monster actually has :stuck_out_tongue:
Actually there is no change on mergen gameplay, but old circling make any mergen doesnt need to invest in AAR gear. I played falcon-mergen for PVE almost a year, only used the circling combo when the enemies were more than 8, which is rarely.

Maybe mergen skills themselves have AAR value, its just hidden. Personally though, i dont use circling much unless in a party doing dungeon. Solo wise obviously mainly use running shot, when RS on cool down, spamming AoE might be faster than set up circling, which by then cool down for RS is usually over.

As much as I wanna go mergen, BM seems to be the right choice. Thanks though.

Yes, triple arrow and homing arrow have 1 AoE attack ratio! Just like archer multi-shot. Parthian shaft has 3 AOE-R.

@myself Small is 1 AoE-d.
Medium mobs have 1.5 (will count as 2).
Large mobs have 2.5 (will count as 3).
Bosses (XL) have 5.

This is the highest amount of AoE-AR you could get from items. You are just lacking squire BBQ buff (+3 AoE-AR) and alchemist potion, and sorcerer cat buff (+5 AoE-AR).

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