Tree of Savior Forum

Rank 8 Theory Crafting Discussion (WIZARD)

Hi there.
I’ve taken a break from TOS recently because u know it dead, but the recent announcement of rank8 peaked my interest. The only thing i really love about this game is the theorycrafting and making the coolest build. until u play the game and see its garbage XD

Necromancer C3
Here i see 2 skills, one debuff and one summon skill.
The only build i see that can maximize its use is a pvp full con build.
Since the summon dmg wont even scale with INT u can go con.
one example is:
once u CC the enemy with freeze u can do dmg with your necro skills.

Alchemist C3
I really feel like alchemist3 got a really cool ability.
if u went alch3 u probabaly already gave up on dps and are only looking for unique skills.

Warlock C2
I’m very disappointed at the 2 new skills of warlock
The first one is a buff to a single skill, the second is a utility TO THE SAME SKILL. I’m a warlock so this kind of hurts me most.
Also, C1 has Evil Sacrifice, AND mobs also are aggroed to the spirit naturally so a utility to further move evil spirits is basically a wasted skill.
Also, since u have to lead your spirits, u need more con to tank dmg from mobs.
The only way for this skill to be viable is a relatively short cooldown (10seconds-30 seconds), This NEEDS to happen for C2 to even be a pick for the cookie cutter builds.

FeatherFoot C2
FF just got a lot better.
The question is if u can use other skills while flying, or only the one skill.
It fits any build for pvp.
ex. Wiz> Cyro3> Linker1/2 or Sorc1> FF2

Sage C1
There should be at least 5 new skills for this class, so the 3 that are shown needs 2 more skills, EVEN IF THEY ARE FILLER SKILLS THAT ARE USELESS. So depending on what those 2 other skills are things can vary. but.
Wiz3> Elem3> Warlock1>Sage1, fits into the WL cookie

Depends on micro dimension working on bats
Wiz>Pyro2/3> Sorc2/3 or Warlock>Sage1, alot of variations
The idea is Frost cloud, fireball, fire pillar, bats, any maybe even necro summons can be duplicated/ enhanced by micro/macro dimensions.

Makes every wizard rank 1-7 worthless
Skills to scroll
Frost Cloud, Frost Tree, Haste15, Pole of Agony(POA), Summoning?, Subzero, Icewall, joint penalty, sleep, teleportation, swap, raise, etc…
IMC has literally gone mental making this game breaking class.
Imagine being able to SKIP AN ENTIRE RANK on one character because u have scrolls on your enchanter.

Wiz3> SKIP ELEM3, SKIP CHRONO3, SKIP LINKER3, and do whatever the f u want cuz u have made a new class.
i call it the scroll wiz.

AND…AND… enchanters have 3 more skills not shown!

So, thanks for reading and if u have other ideas/build feel free to discuss it on the comments section.

Me too dude :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

It was obvious warlock wouldn’t get any damage increase skills really, because it’s already out of proportion damage wise. So you could see this comming.

About enchanter, i don’t think those scrolls will give you anywhere near max level of skills, i believe simony already does this, low level kind of skills. So now they made a new rank about it.

Kinda interesting to see how this develops.

Like gatygun said

Pardoner simony got alot of restriction
-First the skill lv is limited to the Scroll Skill Lv
-Then you need the skill itself to create it (Need both lv 5 + to create something of the same lv
-FINALY, maybe the most important part, everyone seem to think you can craft any spell you whant with scroll
The amount of spell a pardonner can craft is VERY limited.
That probably will be the case for enchanter
*Also people complaing about necro/priest etc consumable cost … Imagine playing a whole Scroll spam Class, imagine the cost they aren’t free. Way much more costy than necro potion.

Also they show something about enchanting your armor (A bit like weapon maintenance of squire)

Yea i think it will be mainly a amor buffer, much like the wapon buffer we have right now. the skills are just a bonus or something like that.

now u can suffer the way clerics do > : D

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Why u think Enchanntress can sell Scrolls? I don’t see anything about this.

I see she can Enchant like Squire Weapon’s Buff but in elements property attack

No scrolls seller in wizard class or it just low Lv scrolls

indeed there will be downsizes, they only showcased what class 8 on wizards gona bring on a really vague level. Maybe they don’t even know themselves yet what it will really bring to the table at the end.

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and it basically says this right under it:

Enchanters can craft magic skills into a magic scroll and give it to other players.

But yea, it seems that it is levels 1 next is level 2, and so on. even if its level 5, joint is going to be extremely OP to have as skill scroll specially if everybody spams it.

Yea that’s kinda a bad idea. Maybe levels make the duration longer of level 1 skills? i dunno. Lets hope that’s it. I highly doublt it tho.


Even lvl 5 capped, this new enchanter skill can get the most out of frost cloud, frost tree, raise, backmasking, pass…
c3 classes that u would take just for that one op skill.

of course there would be handicaps/nerfs to the skill, but i dont see how any could fully stop it from being broken. even JP alone would break the linker class.

the devs are bringing in new ideas that are indeed cool, but they dont think about if it can be balanced or not in this fragile game.

the rank 8 classes was an attempt to bring player’s interests back but it might actually backfire as they break the game more and more.

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do it have seperated cooldown from skill scroll? it better not have 30second cd per scroll.
they should also increase pardoner skill scroll cooldown, if you can use both of them.

i am new to the game, but i have been curious about a build that i was aiming for from the start.


only completes at rank 8 or rank 10 if you want quick cast on top of that. mainly aiming for ele as it’s the only other class that has ice skills and i am not interested in the rest of the available classes.

maybe just maybe,they are begining to take precaution for a time when server is declining more, which really finite amount of wizard let alone needed wizard tree skill for the game to proceed hence comes the scroll with prices

but seriously i always wondering where is our magical swordmaster, here it is lol imagine a swordman tree or archer (i think its underwhelming for archer since they already got ranged atk) cast wizard skills with scroll

now im starting to wonder if all in wizard can be stuffed in scroll, why bother preparing mimic class later on esp mimic on wizard tree,which doesnt makes sense because whoever use that possibly copy cat wizard should look forward to copying mage or aoes, but since the class itself in wizard tree cant see the purpose of copying swordman tree for atking with staffs?or maybe sword that shoots magic ball?

I don’t think you will be able to craft damage dealing scrolls, only support ones from Linker / Thaumaturge / Chronomancer. Sage seems very interesting as well as Featherfoot C2.

If you can use other skills while flying, Featherfoot just became a MUST have depending on how much damage mitigation and duration you can get from it, allowing for a not so glass-canon but still glass-canon build. Its seems pretty powerful for both PvE and PvP.

Sage is also very interesting. Hard to know which skills can be doubled or increased in size, but it has the potential to shift the meta considerably towards Pyromancer, Sorcerer and Necromancer, depending on what you can double / enlarge.

if this happens i will burn down imc headquarters.
bcuz they basically made another oob, while leaving oob in a terrible state.
and making the new oob op.

flying feels like stealth, its there to avoid dmg.

I wonder if you can make scrolls of Sorcerer kitties and setup an adoption agency.

that would be both awesome and cute!! haha!

not to mention the wonderful bugs that come along new skills and break the game more.

ill just keep watching… isnt there anything fun to play…?