Tree of Savior Forum

Rank 8 preliminary thoughts

Hey buddy, i’m trying to come back to TOS, but i can’t decide on a build, hope someone can help me choosing

i have some options:

1-pelt3>rode3>murmilo (full con pve tank)**
2-pelt3>squire3>murmilo (full con pve tank)
3-sword3>rode3>murmilo (pvp)
4-highlander3>barb1>doppel3 (pve dps)***

the * are the ones i like more

i duno what to choose, for tank i believe the 1 is better, but i duno about the 4, if highlander 3 or barb 3 (i believe highlander 3 is better)

i duno if worth going the build 4, or swordies will still be bad dps later on, i think maybe the 1 is more “safe” to go, i really like 2h sword and highlander, but i also like the idea of a high hp tank.
also i’m kinda afraid that the pvp builds will not be able to gear up later on with earth tower and sht

other thing, i’m afraid that, going high str and low dex, the doppel build will need A TON of hp pots later on, but i could use crossguard too with high str…


I did not talk about HL3 though, but HL2.

In terms of attributes, for Barb3 you have Seism and Pouncing, while for HL2 you have Skyliner and Moulinet. Cross Cut is just for the bleed debuff to combo with so you don’t need to buy attributes for that, and Cartar is more for early-game AOE so again, you can skip on the attributes if you want. So how is it any different?

i know that you have not talked about barb3 and higland3, i’m saying that choosing one of them and focus on them it will work better in the long run, even more with the way that the game works.
having multiples ability is simple a hole to suck up more of your money without giving any real benefits since even more at end game you must buy the attributes And by the end of it if you do not buy the attributes for them like you said, they will fail on damage really hard later on because of the way that multiplier is applied in the game.
where it may seen as a better in the early course it will just come to bite you in the ass at the end, but is up to you to decide not me: on a side note here is the news about highlander3 and barbarian3 buffs on ktos.
► Cartar Stroke
○ Charging Time reduced by 50%

► Vertical Slash
    ○ Skill Base Damage Increased 115 → 1218
    ○ Damage Increase per Skill Lv Increased 75 → 112.5
    ○ Damage dealt based on debuffs increased 10% → 30%

cartar stroke receives a huge buff, but with the casting time is still too great to upgrade it past lvl 5 or more.
now look at vertical slash!, the base damage went more than 10x more, and if this is not enough the 30% scaling per debuff in WB’s would make you hit 300% or more, with it.
now let’s look at barb.
► Impaler
○ Skill Base Damage Increased 208.8 → 417.6
○ Damage Increase per Skill Lv Increased 50.76 → 152.28

► Stomping Kick
    ○ Skill Base Damage Increased 219.12 → 394.416
    ○ Damage Increase per Skill Lv Increased 52.8 → 132
► Frenzy
    ○ The ATK increase now also scales with STR using the following formula:
        - ((STR * 0.025 + 10 + Skill LV ) * Amount of consecutive hits dealt )

► Giant Swing
    ○ Skill Base Damage Increased 583.2 → 2332.8
    ○ Damage Increase per Skill Lv Increased 96.876 → 436

look at the new formula from frenzy, if we take a highstr sword with 50-75 con, it would add up more than 400 atk with attribute or 800 without it, and if you do not take barb3 for it, it will keep forever with 400 and resetting every time you change mob.
but to end this, my point is, anyone who played the game until high levels know that at rank2 class to rank3 there is a huge buff in effects, and the IMC is showing this with every new patchnotes so by the end of it, there is only two best options to seek : the first one is taking rank1 for utility of the class or going rank3 for the complete benefits of it, mainly in damage, if you try to stop at “only rank2” in a class where you seeking damage even more for one like barb and higlander that have almost the same toolkit, the only difference is that one focus on the direct approach and the other with needs some preparation to complete do the damage, it will only fail, even more with a build that have fencer where we have the perfect skill to use as “filler” when we have everything else in CD, and a skill that would not lose to any of the ones you are seeking in highlander2 or barbarian .

And I pointed out you only really need to invest in 2 abilities in HL2, same with Barb3.

Skyliner + Moulinet


Seism + Pouncing

So again, I don’t see why HL2 needs more investment vs barb3, unless you consider Seism to be a ‘noob trap’ as well.[quote=“nery_ma, post:44, topic:314607”]
► Vertical Slash
○ Skill Base Damage Increased 115 → 1218
○ Damage Increase per Skill Lv Increased 75 → 112.5
○ Damage dealt based on debuffs increased 10% → 30%

cartar stroke receives a huge buff, but with the casting time is still too great to upgrade it past lvl 5 or more. now look at vertical slash!, the base damage went more than 10x more, and if this is not enough the 30% scaling per debuff in WB’s would make you hit 300% or more, with it.

Why do you keep bringing in HL3 into a discussion of HL2 vs Barb3? I know vertical slash is trash, even with the buffs, which is why HL2 is good enough to stop at.

By the way, this completely contradicts your point on “investing in C3” because even with the new buffs, Vertical Slash is still worse than Moulinet/Skyliner/Cartar Stroke 99% of the time. The only reason you should ever consider HL3 is for Skull Swing.

Hop2, Corsair2, HL2 all says that is bullshit. Even with the buffs to their C3 skills, you are still better off getting another class’s C1 like Barb (for cleave debuff), Doppel, Dragoon or even Shinobi, depending on the build.

‘Stopping at C2’ is not even limited to Swordsman.

Archers stop at Sapper2, Archer2, Wugu2.
Clerics stop at Sadhu2, Cleric2.
Wizards stop at Linker2.

What do all of these classes have in common? Their C3 does not provide anything good aside from buffing their already-strong C1-2 skills.

Barb, Pelt, Rodelero you either go C1 or 3. They are in an entirely different situation, so stop using their C2 as a point of comparison.

Its not rocket science.

With the new Swordsman buffs, highlander and barbarian builds are hard to assess now. Patch notes

Tank wise though, to be a good tank Pelt 3 is a must. Rodelero’s new Slithering and Shield Charge are very good for tanking too.
PVP wise, Corsair c1 is a must as well, unless you’re mounted.

PVE DPS wise, stick with Doppel 3 and u can’t be wrong

hey, thanks for answer. i believe that highlanders will be better for boss and barbs for pack of mobs? cus u can warcry + frenzy and u get a big bonus for ur cyclone or another multihit skill (and theres dov too). but highlanders get bleed, that with high str will deal big dmg too. and cross cut, and skull swing / vertical slash can really hurt bosses.

but the way i see, barbs perform better against pack of mobs, but are far worse when u get to a boss. while highlanders perfom A LOT better at bosses, and can still perform well against pack of mobs

that way i’m almost picking highlander instead of barb for the build 4

Depending on how much that buff to Cartar Stroke and Vertical slash is, it’s hard to tell. Highlanders have a major problem though - against any monsters that are immune to bleed, their DPS drops off a lot.

Out of the new Barb buffs, only Frenzy is a significant buff. However, barb is better at mobbing anyway, and ET is all about mobbing, with waves after waves of monsters spawning. Highlanders will struggle against this but Barb skills have high AOE attack ratio and stun as well, which helps a lot. Plus barb stuns can be used in PVP, while Highlanders lack cc for PVP.