Wow man, really nice to know that plague vapors can bypass mack! How about ausrine? Since it’s a similar immunity spell.
I have not paid much attention to PvP plague vapours vs ausrine. The plague vapours is a CC debuff which bypasses damage immunity (at least it bypasses mackangdal). I do not know about ausrine.
You can see damage on mackangdal here (edit, is it incineration damage on mackangdal too?):
Didn’t he/she AA right after casting OOB? Unless its an animation glitch…
She did, but she cannot do it again (during werewolf skills/werewolf mode).
Video of musket2 at the 310library:
Any A2-R1-F3-Merg vid at all T.T?
I have not been able to go to KToS forums lately.
Rang3 Fletch3 mergens are more abundant at KToS (because everyone was already ranger3 fletch3 with maxed magic arrow). Their steady aim nerf hit really late.
I posted this PvP with a mergen.
Hm quick question. Do you have the recipe for rank 8 armor posted somewhere?
I’m not sure what I should work on next. Since Virtov + ET + Saalus item will be tradable. Any suggestion?
You mean the newter set (plate, leather, cloth)? Or the manahas set (new cafrisun set)? I don’t think you want the swordie-only special items.
Newter leather armour:
106 Physical Defense
19 Evasion
47 Critical Resistance
12 Potential 38 Durability
2 Sockets
Newter Leather Pants:
102 Physical Defense
1 AoE Defense Ratio
20 Magic Defense
385 SP
12 Potential 38 Durability
2 Sockets
Newter Leather Boots:
147 Evasion
15 Stamina
64 Critical Damage
12 Potential 38 Durability
1 Socket
Newter Leather Gloves
147 Accuracy
19 Physical Damage
18 Critical Rate
12 Potential 38 Durability
1 Sockets
can you make a new thread will be really useful for everyone…after I buy all the red stone though :3 huehuehue
It is terranium
Same stone used to make Light Gorithos bow.
The leaf (black cronewt leather/leaf) is obtained from cronewter or something, according to its description.
The armour and boots x12 item is named Shining Leather (don’t know which mob drops this).
The horn for pants and gloves is named Spiky/spiny plant (do not know where this drops).
I only listed leather newter set since you are high evasion archer.
so just a better version of Virtov Leather same stats but higher base eva/def/accuracy. Welp no point in me running and rerolling 240 anymore
better farm silver I suppose.
Save silver for your new bow:
AF Gale 2H bow
520-781 Physical Attack
246 Maximum Attack
148 Minimum Attack
8 Accuracy
32 Critical Rate
12 Potential 42 Durability
2 Sockets
Most difficult material is the x1 purple stone.
Or Astral bow 2H bow
595-892 Physical Attack
44 Dexterity
44 Critical Rate
476 Critical Damage
13 Potential 45 Durability
3 Sockets
The x54 is a drop from mobs at the new map Pistis Forest.
The x18 is a drop from mobs at another new forest map too.
omg that Astral bow is amazing…what pink cube is that?
can you please pm a list of item that I can farm them atm? want to be prepare incase the price go up + no farming spot. Want to get a head start thank you x.x wish I could read Korean.
Sadly, you cannot get some of those materials until Rank 8 update
Someone correct me if I am mistaken.
Right now for iToS, you can get the green ore, purple ore, and yellow ore (fedimian crystal mine mission).
Those ores are ferinium (purple), portium (yellow), phydecium (green).
Note your gale bow purple ore is NOT ferinium.
All recipes are tradeable.
The new purple recipes drop from the new dungeon (level 290?).
Yes, those bow stats are great:
44 Dexterity
44 Critical Rate
476 Critical Damage
3 sockets
This is really really nice.
Get an idea of the new item price here:
Did ktos got an optimization patch? Looks so much smoother compared to iTos.
Pyro mentalist fire damage (no quickcast):
Pray to lord Agni~
First Miko video!
Seems like it’s some kind of a hidden combo (or a bug) with Malleus Malleficarum. If you see at 1:39 she got plagued but didn’t take damage. She only started taking damage when both Malleus debuff and vapor debuff is on. Also when Incineration was added to the mix (1:48) she took more damage ticks but all the damage numbers are the same, which probably means all the damage came from the same source (i.e. Malleus).
Whatever it is it definitely doesn’t work against all form of damage immunities though, on 1:57 you can see the damage stop when she entered SZ.
Because its compiled at 60 fps, if you pay attention to the fps meter it dropped to 30~20 fps on busy areas.