Tree of Savior Forum

R8 Wizard Skills Translation

People talking about this killing linkers honestly are very unaware of the costs involved in doing this. Even at lvl.5 it would be costing around 5k a scroll at the least. Assuming no cooldowns and your out grinding with a party assuming you use one every 20 seconds and are out grinding for an hour thats 900k right there not even including hangmans knot. I think linkers are gonna be just fine lol

It looks like the cost for creating a level 5 jp scroll is 12,500 silvers. Not sure if anyone can sustain that cost. Double that amount if you also want hangmanā€™s knot.

Homunculus details!


Well its good that itā€™s expensive I guess. 5 people with bunch of JP scrolls will easily breeze through every dungeon.

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Dumped the new kTOS Magnum Opus recipes.


There is nothing in the korean text that says that the skill is disabled in Team Battle League. Tbh the OP probably used google translate for this.

I think iā€™ll go for enchanter after my cryochronoā€¦

Itā€™s not 100% confirmed. I think even if itā€™s disabled itā€™s the 0 SP attribute.

He DID put a (?) on them lol

Recent patch change empowering buff time again
now skill.Level * 10 + 20

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Iā€™ll make the changes on the original post when I can. Thanks for updating us!

not sure why anyone would want to buy most of those spell scrolls though (like gust)

Gust at least has a knock back.

Magic Missile, Flame Ground and Poly of Agony are there becauseā€¦???

What are you talking about. There is nothing in the Korean skill description that says that it cannot be used in Team Battle League. The OP either mistranslated or just took whatever google translate spit out at face value.

Hello! I actually put that information there in question of the life-drain part of the skill since the other two life-draining skills of Featherfoot only drain HP from certain types of monsters (which were explicitly stated in their description), and as far as I know, do not drain the HP of player-characters.

Well, I guess it was my bad for stating ā€œDisabled in Team Battle League(?)ā€ instead of something like ā€œWorks on player-characters(?)ā€.

Iā€™ve already taken the statement out to avoid confusion.

Anyway, as @MonkeyMoniker did point out, I did put a question mark which means Iā€™m not sure about it and it would be nice if someone would confirm if the life-drain does or does not.

If anyone wishes to contribute better translations instead of just going like ā€œno that is wrongā€, then please do so. I have no problem with it. In fact, that would be great!

Also, Iā€™m sorry if Iā€™m trying to put more information, which I get from other sources, than just the ones I get from the description of the skills from (e.g. hit counts, inclusions etc.), Iā€™m really just trying to help

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Well, at least heā€™s trying. I dont see you starting threads? : o

Anyway it doesnā€™t matter. Infoā€™s there for everyone, take it or leave it. If you speak korean, please do translate. If you can do better, please do! We can all benefit from it : D


Flame Ground and Pole of Agony are scroll that can be sold at level 1 (level 5 is 12,5k each, buying JP+HK wonā€™t be so easy) and still be useful.

For players who already have the FG and PoA skills, you already have the attributes, so youā€™d be paying 1~2,5k (depending on how expensive are level 1 attack scrolls) silver for each double FG, or having some weak-ish AoE for classes that donā€™t have the attribute. Still it should be possible for rich parties spam 1 FG scroll each and have a great ET DPS increase.

For Warlocks, if those scrolls are 30s cooldown itā€™s the best that could happen to Pole of Agony. You donā€™t have to put a single point into it, just get the attributes and you have a 30 seconds CD Pole of Agony with attributes and more points for other skills.

It would also help a lot full support cleric builds to level with Flame Ground or Pole of Agony to be honest.

Does Enchanterā€™s Enchant Lightning work on wizards AA and skills?

Leveling would probably be better with Sacra and Enchant Fire + stacking elemental damage.

Well, if you have the attributes it might be useful then.

Yes, it is basically Enchant Fire lightning version (and with higher base numbers).

Well if the price is decent full support/tank builds could use some attack skills while soloing (well if they use m.att, link/chrono builds can use some magic missile).