Ignore the shield’s defense if the opponent is wearing a shield?
Thanks for the explanation …
when it comes to pvp what class is more effective? Murmillo or Lancer? i wanna make a new one.
lancer is meant to pvp, its sht pve tho. with cata 3 and swordsman 3
also i think corsair is a good filler after cata 3.
murmilo is good, u can be an ofensive tank and do well pve and do some dmg pvp too cus u have all that rodelero>murmilo tank skills and murmilo dmg buffs and rode debuffs
No, it actually negates the defense of YOUR shield.
It’s the tradeoff for the 300% Crits, so, just use a dagger and end of the story.
Oh thanks for the explanation, seems like it wasn’t what I thought it was, my bad.
any doppel here can tell me if DoV increases ASPD now or does it still require weapon swap for the ASPD buff part to work?
thank u so much, is this the right build for Murmillo right now? sw > pelt3 > rod3 > Murmillo ?
i think it is
but i duno about stats, maybe 1:1 CON STR or pure CON duno about murmilo skils with str build or con builds
Guys, from what I seen in kTOS so far, don’t hold too high hopes for Murmillo damage, it doesn’t compare with Dragoon/Fencer/Doppel. The stuns last pretty long though, so PVP might be fun if enemy doesn’t have PD.
so i think full CON is still the way to go with that build oo
hey, u know how is doppel in kTOS? i’m trying to find any info about dmg, redel, zucken and cyclone mostly but i can’t find anything even in youtube
From some guy in Reddit
Currently King of DPS is like this
doppel is worse damage than fencer
thats the thing, i’m not buying it, i need to see some video, cus most doppels i see can’t combo skills correctly o.O
most swordsman i see don’t combo stuff, even dragoons that only have like 3 skills to combo lol
haha I want to believe to
but dragoon got 100% melee damage every 20 second with 10 duration
add its with spear lunge then go Dethrone or stab/hexen its just devastate
Fencer is rock with 300% crit damage too
while doppel got 50% slash dmg in every 30 sec [fake mulihit too TT]
you can calculate redel and zucken now the attribute just increase current damage 2 time
theres cleave, cyclone, redel/zucklen atribute looks like to double the number of hits so its 8 and 10 hits. theres skull swing, shock skills to use zucken too
i saw some youtube videos and i can’t find any good doppel, the only one i found were just so so bad. like really bad
and yeah, that multihit skill is a no-brainer ignore, ill just pass it or leave it lvl 1. duno wtf imc thinking giving R8 a fake multihit skill lol
the damage of zucken and redel is to weak compared zornhau , so why people want take zucken and redel , worth putting double pay earn and cyclone
those skills can hit for 100k+ each (easy with lvl 330 cap, actually i think they can hit more with proper gear and stuff) just go with STR build and use ur debuffs right
and cyclone can get 20k+ for each hit without big problems too
thing is, doppel is all about multihit, so if u have a good transcended sword, u will do a lot more dmg than, let say, a dragoon with the same weapon, cus dragon does 1 big hit while doppel does 10
You know they’re multihits right?
yeah, taking a much more closer look at it, it look like it came out of 1 mob. that sucks.
so zucken level 5 multi hit of 860 damage if zucken hits 3 times so will be 1980 damage