Tree of Savior Forum

R8 Swordsman Skills Translation

Please, describe decent :smiley:

Seriously, Dragoon c2 and Fencer c3 vids around are showing 70k+ damage. They are a HUGE step from their previous ranks. I have yet to see a Doppel c3 vid that lasts longer than 15s.

this =/ iā€™m a bit worried doppel isnā€™t as good as the others

buuuuuuut if the skills hit like 3+ times with real multihit, the dmg should be the same as the others

Keep in mind most ā€œfakeā€ multihits come with some innate bonus that the game doesnt mention. Itā€™s obviously not as good as actual multihits, but Seism for example has a straight up +70% damage modifier, and cartar stroke +50%.

Though judging from them having seperate crits on the same skill cast, Iā€™m going to say these are real multihits.

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I think he mean Zwerchhau Skill (skill which improve 50% slash dmg)

its a fake multihit (when crit all of attk is crit)

and looks like Sturtzhau is also fake multi hit too

noooooooooooooooooooooo :cry:

there is a new c3 skill for squire , please translate and show video if possible


Really wanna see it too XD

I think Zwerchhau isnā€™t fake, it has separate crit hits on 1 use based on the video. Iā€™m not sure about Sturtzhau as I have not seen any videos of it being used yet.

This is the link :

1st skill used was Skull Swing, 2nd one was Zwerchhau, it starts at 0:06. You can see that it has separate crits.

dmg is pretty low anyway =/ buut that redel dmg is guuud

Actually i say its fake due to thats clip

if you watch closely when he using Zwerchhau

its only crit once in thats group monster

its 3 fake multihit so all hit in the crit monster shown as crit

Dov 15 stacks?

If they wanted players to make choices what if points 11-15 reversed the negative defense

The mana costs are going to be very limiting.

To get the attributes for the c2 two handed sword skills, cyclone will have to stay at 10 and dov will be less than 10 and dpe stays a 1-2 point skill. Punish might have looked flashy in the reveal but it wonā€™t come close to getting the full 15 points.

Sturtz and zwerch better come up big, tho with monster hp getting much higher. But I donā€™t think it will be like other rank8 skills that do tens of thousands of damage.

nah, but ur defense probably stays 0 while u can get up to 150% damage bonus. but if they limit c3 atributes to lvl 6 we canā€™t get DOV to 15 =/

ill keep cyclone 15, if new skills are fake multihit ill just go lvl 1 wth those and probably lvl 1 zornhau too. this way i can get like 13-14 DOV

or the ā€œarmor break skillā€ ill just go lvl 0. i donā€™t understand why give fake multihit skills to R8 lol

how about SW C2 - barbar C2 - corsair C2 - Ninja - murmi


I also plan on lvl 1 zornhau

but will wait to see what lv6 attribute of zornhau giving

may be its extend range or something

it allow u to hit 4 targets instead of 1

ok i fcking out then :sweat_smile:

i guess zucken 6 redel 6 cyclone 15 dov 10 Sturtzhau 5 Zwerchhau 1

is the way to go then

yep, i think ill go for struthz 1 and DOV 14 xD

Iā€™m more concerned about DoV 15ā€™s attack speed boostā€¦

In Fencer 3 skill (Epee Stance) i see words: ā€œNeutralises the physical defense from the shield equippedā€. What was that mean ? i dont know the meaning of that words. Can someone explain this ?