Tree of Savior Forum

My build doppel is good

id prefer highlander 3> barb1> doppel o.O

Please state your reason next time. Don’t just put your opinion like that


now get doppel, kabalist 2 and oracle. u predicts the monster to drop an expensive sht, now kabalist make apear 3-4 more of the same monster and doppel uses DPE. now u drop 8 expensive sht =)

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If you don’t intend to use your doppel to farm, then it is perfectly fine to not have DPE. More so for doppel 3, since skill points are limited. Honestly if I wanted to farm i’d make a corsair 3 instead - jolly roger 15 makes DPE look like a joke.

i was reading this page R8 Swordsman Skills Translation and It looks like zucken and redel need to be level 6 to take attribute for extra damage and need to be 3 classe doppelsoldner , i believe they will remove this limitation for level 6 since several korean playes are complaining , i want barbarian for warcry, I plan to play solo warcry +cyclone for mob, I can jump skill points and can put in the next class like skill simulator , I have not played the game yet
anyway this more better

ur build have some problems, check other ppl builds in the forum or check Aki Sera build in youtube.

but warcry is bad, frenzy too… and u need bash 3 and max seism

i prefer highlander over barb, but i’m highlander fan since beta xD

Warcry is actually good, you can even turn off the attributes if you don’t need them to have less cooldown. warcry right now has a very good uptime due to the recent buff.

At least it’s not as crap as a gungho that only gives 70 PA. During that short period warcry is down, go use gungho then cancel it again and get back to warcry so that your buffslots don’t get eaten up in parties.

here is what i’ll do

u can take out frenzy completely if u don’t like the the skill;
cross guard+embowel+punish gonna be your combo for pierce type mobs so i put point in it;
DPE can be leave at 1 since it’ll work when party member kill the mob for u, it’s nice skill to have

edit: depend how doppel c3 new skill work, you can take point and level DOV instead

for everyone thanks , for barbarin skill i have decide , for doppelsoldner i will wait next update and
rebalancing , but i have something in my mind.

warcry give flat amount too and don’t go up with DOV. its crap as dmg boost, but if u want it just as a fake swashbulk, duno xD

frenzy isn’t that bad now that scales from STR, but still flat dmg (cmon, enemies will have 300k HP with Rank 8 and frenzy will be giving u 400 dmg on each hit)

Warcry scales now, read patch notes on KR

  • War Cry:
    - Now also Increases base damage by [The lowest level target x Targets Affected x 0.1]

it was even good before this patch

It’s Flat damage boost but it boosts about 300 PA, it’s like wearing another weapon, look at your 2H swords.

don’t say it’s crap when you aren’t even sure about it

frenzy and warcry goes to PA, it scales with your damage, an example of flat addition is concentrate

Before warcry: (692-942)

After warcry: (923-1123)

the cooldown of warcry is low too after the patch

cool didnt know it scales now =)

yes and my picture isn’t even the new warcry, this is the current warcry and it’s already VERY GOOD

now barb is more viable =) but duno… i still prefer highlander o.O xD
skull swing, high level crown, cross guard, catar stroke and now vertical slash
as they release more ranks i see highlander scaling a lot better. in the end these skills will be all we will use from highlander

even skyliner i think will not be used later on

Yes to each on his own preference.

Why do I prefer barb over HL?

Barbs provides you on demand stuns, HL can never do that.
You only have wagon wheel which sucks because you move monsters with it.

Stuns are inexpensable and HL can’t provide what barb can in terms of that.

Cross Guard, HL1 is enough with decent STR. I have HL1>Barb3 high str doppel too aside from this one in my picture, level 5 cross guard+high str is enough because it mostly scales with levels

Yes I play mostly solo when grinding, screw partying you cant alt tab and do your thing anytime you want to

well u have helm chopper and bash and wagon as highlander3>barb u only lack seism for AoE stun, but u get skull swing, vertical slash, high level crown and cross guard. with max cross guard u can have the same block as a peltast tank, or even more. with monsters hiting for thousands of dmg later on block will be useful

but dude, skill points will just fit. wagon 1, catar 3, crosguard/crown 15, croscut 1, skull swing/ vertical slash 5. and 650 more block is a lot xD this will garantee u to block everything

but in the end both will work xD i think barb is better if u want to be able to do some pvp (cus pouncing) and highlander is better if u want to go full pve (i only consider pvp with cleric / wizz / catalancer / and some archer builds)

difference between level 5 cross guard and level 15 isn’t too much, maybe 500+ difference, which is OK if you took 15/15 cross guard, but that means you will take some points away from other skills.

14/15 crown and 15/15 cross guard already eats 29 points

Like I said, barb and highlanders are good, but it just depends on your playstyle and what you do. I hate HL3 for very specific reasons, I have one and I stopped playing it.

also you are forgetting pouncing, it has long crap cd but can crit for 10k-15k PER HIT right now if you do it right, this is without DOV yet[quote=“Lenny, post:27, topic:322320”]
but dude, skill points will just fit. wagon 1, catar 3, crosguard/crown 15, croscut 1, skull swing/ vertical slash 5. and 650 more block is a lot xD this will garantee u to block everything

see how you took skyliner away? it’s stil good even with 15 sec cd, enough to do 15k crits with cleave per hit+bleed, you can also switch to shark cutter if you need other bleeding sources btw

u can get 1 skyliner, but in the end u wont use it cus u will have rank 8-9-10 skills for dmg. so u have to get good buff/debuff from lower levels.

Yes, this is why I said both are good.


  • 4 stuns, warcry, pouncing, cross guard Lv5, Crown lv5, wagon 1, cleave
  • 2 stuns, cleave, crown 14/15, cross guard 15, skull swing, vertical slash

I still like warcry over skull swing, it lasts long for yourself and is useful for many waves on grinding, where as with skull swing you only use with 1 wave and wait for the cd to use it again.

Skull swing shines on bosses, but at the same time you also boost your competitor’s damage because you debuff boss with it.

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