Tree of Savior Forum

R10 Build prep for meta ele/lock

Im havin a darn hard time deciding what path to take this come R10 release, so if youre free and can share your opinions on warlock builds, you can help me out.

so build no. 1 is the meta wiz 3 - ele 3 - warlock 3 - and then r10 class will probably be onmyoji because most of its skill are far superior in terms of dps and aoe compared to other classes

build no2. would be wiz 3 - ele 3 - warlock 2 - shadowmancer 2 because c3 warlock skills sucks ass and shadowmancer c3 skill also suck ass, i may not get the upcoming dmg attribute boost for c3 warlock but shadowmancer c2 skills packs a punch

In my opinion, the best options for r10 wiz3-ele3-wl3 are FF1 or RC.

-Self heal
-2 curse skills(cursed enemies take +50% dark dmg). Both curse skills are not very good at debuffing many mobs at once, so it definitely works better for single target rather than AoE dps.

-Dmg boost for Hail
-75%(?) uptime pain barrier
-Rune of justice does massive damage to targets that have Mastema debuff
-15% mdef reduction debuff from Rune of Destruction

Going FF1-Shadow3 is also viable for single target dps, but it kinda lacks AoE when compared to warlock.

Also, if you think WL3 and Shadow3 skills “sucks ass”, then you are doing something wrong, because they are both good.


My suggestion would be Featherfoot. You get 2 skills that can apply Curse, increasing your Warlock skills’ damage by 50%. Besides, having Blood Sucking is great as a tool of survivability.


nonono , not gonna take rune caster , that class is too underwhelming for me
but featherfoot, ill consider featherfoot…
hmm why nobody likes shadowmancer c2 tho, shadow thorn is like a single target max lvl meteor with 4 overheats. it was really great on clearing up mobs who survived ur AoE skills

What @Pokart said Featherfoot C1 has synergy with Warlock.

Shadowmancer doesn’t suit your build imo.Your build is a AOE nuke where as Shadowmancer is mostly strong single target skill damage with weak AOE skill damage and doesn’t have synergy to help boost Warlock or Ele.

Take a paper or use the word pad on your PC and write/type all the PROS and CONS for each C1 class for your rank 10 on your Wiz C3 / Ele C3 / War C3.Compare it and choose the one that has the most PROS.

Rune Caster is the best option, on Wiz3-Ele3-Wl3 you do not have proctection on casting skill and Rune of Protection helps you a lot, Rune of Ice for Hail, Rune of Destruction for increase damage plus aoe Damage aaaand the best thing is Rune of Justice Lv.5, why? Mastema make Divine SKILLS hit 100% more damage almost double, you can kill with 1 overhit any evil boss on saalus, just a example, and… about featherfoot the curse is good, but comparing to all that rune caster can offer i think rune caster is more worth and a curse from a Bokor is better, because Bokor has an atributte that increase even more 30% dark damage, i made a party for velcoffer with 1 Warlock and Two Bokor/Diev/Exorcist or vice-versa is very STRONG and very Faster, Diev helps Warlock skills that has a large CD, back more faster, and Mastema make Exorcist deals double damage. It’s the perfect couple, MASTEMA with Divine Skills !!

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it doesnt suit my build but i think it suits my playstyle
shadowmancer doest offer any synergy with warlock aside from it also uses dark element, but the high raw dmg from an r8 class should compensate.
after i lay down all my AoE’s and they go on with their 1 min cd’s, i turn to shadowmancer skills to keep up the dps rolling and these filler skills are pretty efficient with 15 sec cd ( shadow thorn ) and 20 sec ( shadow conjure)

Sounds good, except Shadowmancer’s skills are gonna feel lackluster with only 1 circle investment, since it gets its best attributes at circle 2.

Yeah, shadowmancer circle 1 is extremely underwhelming. MAYBE when rank 11 comes out, but for rank 10, I wouldn’t suggest shadowmancer circle 1.

i dont care about meta i will take sorcerer1 <3

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yea i stated that in build no. 2

IMO, SM1 is only good for the defensive skills: Hallucination (meat shield based on your max HP, can save your ass in different situations) and Shadow Pool (good to avoid telegraphed attacks), while Thorn and Conjuration feel very weak without the circle 2 attributes. Anyway, like you said, it’s a matter of playstyle, so just b urself. Elelock is still going to be relevant in R10 content, so regardless of what you choose (excluding silly choices ofc), you’ll be fine.

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Keep in mind that Hail gets nerfed.

Also keep in mind that your SP costs will skyrocket if you go Shadow 2, so you may need a third potion. Shadow 1, while not double hitting, will still give a decent single target option.

RC is probably the “safest” option. Even if you have another RC in your party, you can cover his Protection downtime with yours.

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ahhh yes , the mana consumption, darn, sm r1 skills already tolls alot of ur mp
any way to deal w/ this ?

NPC potions, Keistas from Uphill Defense (very heavy though), Elixirs from Goddess Cubes (buy them in Market).

how about cards ? i remeber seing some cards with mp restore, i wonder if anybody uses them

I play Ele3 FF3 and I very sure about get RC just because the Deff Reduction of the destruction rune (its like the velcoff set skill) . also I used to play Ele3- RC+WL on R8 and i know that Rune of ligth its one of the strongest skills on the game with the mastema debuff (better than mastema lv10 with atribute on lock2) and weith the changes on Hail Rune of ice will be meta with that skill and also frezz spere can become an strong skill for you rotation.
like I said i used to play Ele3, lock1 and RC and I was a top dps on every boss even more than WL2
but ff3 its still strongest than Wl3
PD: earthquake 15 because I’m chilean and I love the shaking of the ground


You could, but you’re limited to whatever types you put in there. Unless you don’t mind the removal cost.

It’s still a problem during bosses when you have no trash to kill.

I’m planning on running a wiz2 - pyro2 - ele2 - lock2 - ench2 build come R10. It’s not meta, and maybe sort of on the weird side, but I find that it works for me.

The build is basically all about focusing on multihits and DoT. It won’t have huge mob-clearing nukes (FG+Meteor or Mastema+Rune of Justice), but it’ll have good block as well as AA capability vs bosses (that’s fun when you get a ChronoLinker in the pt) and some well-appreciated support for the rest of the party. Requires great ping though, but that’s to be expected. I’m still figuring whether I should drop Pyro2 altogether and just get Wiz3 and either Cryo1 or RC.

As I see, RC is the best option.

But here are others

Sorc1: good damage for a stand alone circle. Better sp management and AoE with cat buffs. Bad point is you have to change to full SPR and need a really strong weapon.

Cryo1: just for the freeze with Ice pike, since ele-lock has almost no cc. Get those Hydra cards for 30% damage, and additional 50% with electrocute. As a situational skill, ice wall can be used to rebound electrocute.

Pyro1: weird, I know. It can save you some money from flame ground scrolls. Also, +15% dmg for your meteor with the staff passive attribute.

FF1: cursing enemies and blood sucking

Sage1: missile hole and blink can get you out of a pinch.

You have to choose accordingly to your play style