If we were to compare Linker, Chronomancer, and Thaumaturge, who in general would come out ahead in terms of party support?
Imo, it will greatly depend on your party make-up.
EDIT: I would say Linkers are good with single target DPS classes like QS, Musketeer, Wugushi, basically MOST Archer classes.
Chronomancers would work well with AA classes (Quicken) or classes with long cooldowns (Pass).
Thaumaturges would be good with INT DPS classes such as all Wizard DPS and some Cleric DPS classes.
Of course all 3 also have their own utility outside of giving MOAR DEEPS. Linkers work best in groups, both enemy mob groups and party groups. Chronomancers are good at CC on top of their support skills. And Thaumaturges are the best at buffing and getting bonuses from killing mobs.
EDIT 2: Also why not just get all 3 if you’re unsure? Something like Wiz > Cryo > Linker > Thaum > Chrono 3? or Wiz > Cryo > Linker > Thaum 2 > Chrono 2?
At the moment, Cryomancer C3 + Chronomancer C3 are the best support in general purpose.
But if your team have a super Single Target DPS class like Archer/Musketeer, Linker C3 is better than Cryomancer.
Thaumaturge’s damage buff amount is a bit obsolete, consider each class have their own damage buff.
This game focus on Killing Fast for best reward, so Tranpose for Tank, Swell/Shrink Body for debuff not so practical, they cast in melee range and AoE also a bit difficult to use.
These are both very good answers, tyvm! I hadn’t considered that all three could be viable at once, that is also something to keep in mind. The combo of Swell Body + JP + Knot is brilliant, but I’m worried that Linker C1 may not be that useful for a group.
In fact, I have an important question: are Chrono, Linker, and Thaum all viable choices regardless of what circle you get them to?
I was under the impression that Chrono should always be C3, Linker almost always C2, ect. Is this untrue? Would it be fine to just get say Linker C1 or Chrono C1? Are these still valuable classes despite the lower circles?
I would say they’re all viable in any circle. HOWEVER, each of them, I would say, have their peak circles. But again, it’ll depend on your party set up. You don’t really need Chrono 3 if you don’t have a partymate that has long cooldowns. You don’t really need Linker at all if all your partymates are AOE based. Thaum is probably the most well rounded support and will be useful no matter what party set up you have. Thaum also has Swell Body which gives 2x exp and drop rate. But the other two are better at supporting specific party set ups.
All in all, I’d say Linker 1 is enough but C2 is best. Thaum 1 is enough unless your party’s DPS revolves around Magic damage, then go C3. Chrono 2 is enough unless, again, you have high CD party members, then C3 it is.
Like I said before, party make-up is your most important factor in deciding what you should go with.
Yes, only C1 is viable, but…
some important skills are fall within these “Important Circle”, if you don’t get there it seem like a waste.
Chronomancer C3 is important because of Pass and Back Masking, in Earth Tower or PvP highly competitive content, timing is extremely important. Max Move Speed can make you easily avoid any AoE like Musketeer’s Snipe. If you only take C1 or C2, you might not make significant impact if opponent side have a C3 Chrono.
Linker C2 is important mostly because of Spiritual Chain, which can share buff like Deeds of Valor, beside that linking 8 mobs is more guaranteed compare to 5 mobs, the linking purpose to mainly to link out-of-AoE mobs with in-AoE mobs so your team can clear the screen at once. Especially each dungeon usually come with a pack of 8-15 mobs, 5 seems not significant, and C3 which added 2 (10 links) and no new useful skill make it seem not worth to get.
I understand now, there really just isn’t one perfect answer for every situation… you see I had started this threat to try and find what would work best in MOST situations, as in like in 6 out of 10 given scenarios, X class would outperform Z class, and Y circle is what makes it this way, but I’m starting to realize that that may be an impossible task xD
Are you playing with your friends? Or going solo and just going to party with randoms? If you’re playing with friends and can post their builds, then it’d be way easier to help you out with your build.
Honestly, I don’t know anyone else who is going to be playing with me right now (if there will be anyone playing with me at all, I have a few friends I will ask but i wouldn’t exactly call them reliable haha) so to be on the safe side, let’s say that my party experiences will be limited to dungeon finder groups/random grinding or dungeon groups looking for mages in my server.
I know that answer probably just makes things just as difficult to answer as before, but I hope it may help!
Edit: keep in mind also then that aside from spontaneous groups and dungeon finders I will likely end up leveling solo unless I can get into a static group of players or a guild pretty early on. xD
This might help you quite a bit. It’s a review/guide made by one of my guildmates.
It mostly talks about Linker 2 and Chrono 2. So not much info on Thaum. Although he’s since changed his build into Linker > Thaum > Chrono 3. Or something along those lines. But then we pretty much have a solid idea on our party make-up.
Oh wow, thank you! If I may ask, how did you find a guild already? o.o
I used my amazing personality and wonderful charm. Lel. Just kidding. I just applied to one of the guilds that looked like I would enjoy my time in. Got to know the guys, kept active with them and ended up getting in.
EDIT: Also I sold my soul to the devil. AKA @mikai
Oh! Cool cool, hopefully I can do the same Is there some sort of guild finder in the game? I never tried looking for guilds when I got into the iCBT2 so I don’t know how recruitment actually works now that I think about it haha
iCBT didn’t have guilds implemented yet. I looked for a guild here on the forums. You can always go here:
and read the Guild threads to see which one would suit you the most.
As for recruiting in guilds, I’m pretty sure it’s just by invitation.
Souls?? Where??
ooooh, I see, thank you very much also hello there slightly terrifying gif!
Oh I see now, your guild is the Crimson Knights, yes? Interesting! Y’all have a crazy number of people already! xD
Yes, it is indeed. We have a bunch of nice people to hang out with. There’s also and
for visitors and applicants. Tho we’re not accepting any atm till the guild slot cap increase we still welcome people who wants to hang out
Aww, that’s nice of ya! Your guild page seems very fun and lively xD how closely linked will your guild be to “Mobakun”'s? Noticed he has a guild up that is recruiting and saw you comment on the thread some the bigger the potential player group,m the more fun you’d have in a game like this, I think