Tree of Savior Forum

Quick Suggestion: Battle Bracelet

Moin folks!
While reducing the channels was necessary, even if some maps need still a better adjustment, we got through this some problems. The most famous example for this is the Battle Bracelet, which is dropped by Galok a monster in the Tenet Church with a spawn counter of 3. The farming of this item is quite time-consuming, compatitive and often interrupted by bots. Because of this issue some people demand a channel increasment of the corresponding map to farm Galok more effective. But I don’t think that’s the best way to solve this problem, because it’s not efficient.

Instead of the Galok in the Tenet Chruch the solution lies in the 50s Instance Dungeon. I think by adding the Battle Bracelet to the Shadowgaler Cube at a rate of 1%, the player would get a good way to farm, not to fast, the Battle Bracelet and also to make the 50s ID more attractive.

Many thanks in advance



Good Idea. Best put Battle Bracelet on those not so popular dungeons like 115 and 145 and 160.

good idea, my idea is to make it obtainable from bleak chapparition world boss cube at 5-10% (chapparition is a world boss that appears on tenet church 1f and 2f)
both seems good, they should implement 1 of them.
@STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Ethan @GM_Francis

We will consider that your suggestion to our team.
Thanks for sharing your idea.


20days later

you guys freaking reduce tenet 1f channel…


We will consider quitting TOS
Thanks for 15mil Battle Bracelet

1 Like

200 days later

NPC accept BB as payment for 100% attribute


Or drop in DG 160, Você quis dizer: Eu nunca conseguir fazer ela porque ninguém que já que não tem nada de bom. I never get to do it because nobody that since it has nothing good.

make arde and BB drop in dun160


Is there any new information or feedback related to this issue and suggestion on the side of IMC?

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What now? Bots are the only ones having an advantage on this…why the hell a fuking high end gear that even level 330 rank 8 needed are dropped in low level maps where bot can farm till the end of this game? Seriously…still no action???

it’s not needed, though… gearing is always optional and doesn’t require anything except perseverance to get.
I think they should just drop the drop per kill-count idea instead and make everything obtainable with the help of Corsair and Oracle…

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So, how is the status? Will we get the Battle Bracelet as a drop of the Shadowgaler Cube from the Tenet Church ID?