Tree of Savior Forum

Questions for Pyro 3

HASTE gives you a spot in party grinding, Pass is good too but people generaly can’t understand how it works and miss it. Obviously Pass is one of the best skills in game, it just requires party coordination.

Ans YES, Agni DOES change everything. Flameground DPS becomes comparable to Frost Cloud (~12% weaker with better duration/CD), though Ice necklace is still not released on kToS yet. Every Pyro skill becomes usable, this might be something really OP but we can only wait for it. I’m waiting for it for my PD2 and hoping it comes together with Miko soon :stuck_out_tongue:

If we save up level 115 dungeon cubes now, can they be used to get agni necklace when it comes? put simply, pre-patch cubes can drop necklace after the update happens.


No idea, it could also be a Boss Drop instead of a Cube Drop, like cards or Dg 115~160 recipes.

i did my research, its a recipe drop from the cube, needs 5 mithril, 5 black drake hearts and a bloodstone.
Still not sure if saving pre patch cubes is a good idea. but if it does work, might want to save 30++ cubes because it has around 5% drop rate(1 in 20) but Rng gods might demand 30++ cubes


Thanks for the info dude :smiley:

I’m probably going to do some overenhancements on that necklace (PD uses) so for now I think it would be better to just do normal dungeons and not risk getting useless cubes.

If you got like 4 Pyros they maybe it’s a good idea to do some runs before but I won’t mind since the drop rate is so high.

Guys, how about my build? Is it the better combination atm? I need opinios :D.


You got 2 pyro pts to spare, Id take another out of both FireBall and FireWall (its aoe ratio/hits doesnt increase 14->15 anyway btw) and get HellsBreath 5 but that’s just personal preference about Hells breath.

Thauma is pretty straight forward (all swells maxed and reversi like you have), the question is only between getting a higher level of Transpose or some Swell/Shrink body.

Swell body is nice albeit situational (double drops, most fun on silver/gold mobs, double exp is fucking amazing if you encounter a blue mob while grinding), while Shrink body is actually a very underused debuff. It can make threatening mobs deal puny damage or make you get more hits out of skills with limited aoe-ratio (FireWall) for example.

Thauma3 is still underwhelming though, with C2 being the main attraction in the class, so I’m sure someone will for good reason come around saying throw a rank of linker/warlock/FF or whatever else in the build instead.

(I kinda wish I’d have gone Pyro3-Thauma3 tbh. Mine is Cryo3-Thauma3-Sage and still hoping Sage2 will make the character more exciting ^^"…but then again I wouldn’t have made my fun-to-play Pyro3-Chrono3 if I had a Pyro3 already. I guess the conclusion here is, in general only go Thauma3 if you reeeeaally like the class concept, or go chrono if you want all the fun it brings without being the same old meta chrono build everyone else has)

–Thauma Attribute Rant:

Just make sure you get the swell attributes (that’s where like literally half the buff of each swell comes from, or MOST of it if you only go C1/C2). When I was focusing on my Thauma, I got Left50 as soon as I got Thauma (like 1.5mio silver?), maxed RightArm to 50 when I hit C2 (3mio) and got SwellBrain to 45ish the moment I hit C3 (6-7mio I believe).

Getting an essential chunk of them (say SwellLeft/Right arms above 25ish = 1.5mio maybe) is completely affordable (it’s mainly Swell Brain that has ridiculous cost, while also being the weakest swell buff and the one most people get annoyed by…). All the extra def on Right Arm is glorious (when I got to spion archers in Nahash they did nothing to me with their Spiral arrows xDDDD…), while like 15 Atribute levels give the same extra atk/matk as if you had 5 more skilllevels.

My reasoning for focusing on getting the attributes maxed was the fact that Thauma is an underwhelming buffing class as it is, hence I wanted to make damn sure that I’m at least trying to bring the most out of it if I’m already using so many buff-slots of my partymates that they might get mad about it (I remember several occasions where strangers were actually impressed by how much extra matk/atk my buffs gave them).

But everytime I do get paired up with someone elses Thauma on an alt, I feel freaking ashamed when I can tell that they have all their swell attributes at Lv0 without even having to ask them… they then also usually top it with using Reflect shield as well. This is the next level of Archers who share their SwiftStep c___c

Getting paired with another Thauma while I am on my Thauma is even worse, as they keep overwritting my buffs with their shitty ones xD…

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What happens if I get lv 15 flame ground and use one on top of the other? Will it do 2x damage or still 1x?

i had lvl 15 flame ground and then reseted and got lvl 14 fire wall and llv 1 flame ground
fire wall damages flying mobs and with linker its very strong very recommended if you got linker

Hi Lancer, can request a video on Firewall with link on high lvl mobs?
im considering to reset my lv9 Flame ground.

i wish, my pyro is only lvl 165, and for some reason my video files aren’t working :frowning: it shows a black screen and only sound lol
i did try it on a 25k hp mobs at grand corridor and the damage was pretty awesome.

personally i found fire wall better, it ticks more and hits flying mobs, flame ground is a 1 pointer more than anything in my opinion.

High Level Flame Ground is only good if you can find a mob to sit on Flame Ground for 30 seconds.
In General PvE that is too long for something to be alive and in Bossing, you have to make sure its stationary.

Thanks for informations man. I’m doubt about my build. Should i get linker or thauma c3 is enough to do high damage? Maybe pyro 3 thauma 2 linker 1 sage? Or another composition is better? Im really doubt about my build =/

some video players won’t play tos recorded videos until you get the right ?codec? to play those types of recordings but you should still be able to upload the video to youtube.

I would go wiz1, pyro 3, thaum 1 linker 2 sage 1 if I made another pyro (decided to go for crono instead >.< though I don’t regret the haste). fireball seems to only hit 2 medium size mobs but it hits at least 4 small mobs so linking and shrinking with fireballs seems good. linker 3 is another good choice imo because of how hell breath and linking fbs to a boss works. also there was talk about IMC making transpose not reduce your hp when you swap con and int which would be fantastic ( imagine having 90k hp when you need to be more tanky meowhahaha)

random thought: right now flame ground is still hurting mobs that have been stopped by a crono

inb4 “fixed bug where fireballs were hitting each other”.

The lazy solution is to open the video with VLC player. The file itself is not damaged. You just don’t have the right codec to watch it

The thauma buffs are still horrible when compared to quick cast if you only see them as self buffs. If you want a dps pyro, thauma is not the way to go

If I use a lv 15 Firewall in a boss, will it do 16 hits per tile or in total?

Firewall hits are per tile but are affected by the enemies’ AoE Defense Ratio. So it’ll be like

ceil( 16 / ADR ) per tile

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Oh then in a boss with 16 AOE def it would do ((16/4)*8) = 32 hits?

Would you prefer Firewall or flameground?

Also, any way to mitigate the aoe def of bosses?

You mean 4 AoE Def? Yeah something like that. But I also remember reading something about maximum hits per second. Not sure about that.

I prefer Firewall for Pyro 2 and Pyro3. Flame Ground’s still good for 1 point though

Circling (Falconer)

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