Tree of Savior Forum

Questions about pvp dragoons

few days ago have seen top 50 pvp players. many of them are clerics and wiz(warlock) and some swordmans(dragoon). i have never played tos,but since 26 feb i try to know about a game as much as possible. so . my desecion is to play swordman in PVP. i heard that some over classes are much better. i know.

and im going to play dragoon or LANCER later (8+ rank class)
but im not exactly about THE WAY of classes-> dragoon
iv heard that cata’s pet is only the way to do something in pvp. but as i see,cata skils are not very strong in pvp.
and as i know hoplite class buffs dragoon about spear damage.


  1. swordman3-cata3-dragoon
  2. swordman1-peltasta-hoplite-cata3-dragoon
  3. swordman2- hoplite2-cata2-dragoon
  4. …?
  5. swordman1-peltasta1-hoplite3-doppel1-dragoon
  6. … ?

at the beginning i wanted to play as 2handed sword doppel,but iv heard he is nothing in pvp (only cyclone can do anything)

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You seem mostly concerned with pvp. Based on videos and testimony physical attack is in bad shape in pvp in general. Cataphract makes up for it with it’s insane mobility and the tactics that can be used along with that which puts it a tier above other swordsman in pvp. Hoplite really belongs to the pve category. Maybe someone with more pvp experience could comment on how well unmounted dragoon performs.


dude top 50, only 2 swordsman and no archers. u should go for wiz or cleric.
i know, i’m pissed too i wanted to play doppel pvp :rage:

the best probably is cata-dragoon. swordsman rank3 or peltasta and hoplite c1 or highlander c2

yea . thanks. ok . cata-dragoon.ok,we have insane mobility. there is the next question. witch skills u should use to kill enemies?what makes damage?

id go for impaler 1, earth 14, doom 10, rush 5 and trot 15

thankyou , and dragoon?

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should max restrain?10/10?

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for dragon id take everything but dragon soar 5/5 (maybe lvl 1 only)
and i didnt know restrain only proc on normal atacks, so no restrain, maybe highalnder c2 or peltasta c1 hoplite c1

Restrain only procs on Normal Attacks ,and is completely useless in an Arena setting. Hell, the entire point of you taking Dragoon is for the new Burst skills…

You would get more out of Pelt1-Hop1 for the Shield, Evasion boost, and Finestra.

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Kinda hard to disagree when that’s how the skill works. <_< You have a 40% to a proc something that isn’t going to save your life, when you could be using skills that deal double+ damage.

Hi, I played a swordsman c3 in icbt2, and I can vouch that playing it feels like fighting with both hands tied behind your back.

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found some hoplite -> doppel -> dragoon pvp gameplay

can’t find any cata-> dragoon videos :confused:

and what the heck is this?

shinobi peltesta and rodelero? :smiley:

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The reason dragoons are able to stay relevant is Cata’s spear block penetration attribute. Going Hoplite-Cata-Dragoon is the only build atm that can combine high block penetrate with high damage skills, which is the only way you’re doing any damage when you face an enemy priest3.

Any other build, you’re useless when Stone Skin is up.