few days ago have seen top 50 pvp players. many of them are clerics and wiz(warlock) and some swordmans(dragoon). i have never played tos,but since 26 feb i try to know about a game as much as possible. so . my desecion is to play swordman in PVP. i heard that some over classes are much better. i know.
and im going to play dragoon or LANCER later (8+ rank class)
but im not exactly about THE WAY of classes-> dragoon
iv heard that cata’s pet is only the way to do something in pvp. but as i see,cata skils are not very strong in pvp.
and as i know hoplite class buffs dragoon about spear damage.
- swordman3-cata3-dragoon
- swordman1-peltasta-hoplite-cata3-dragoon
- swordman2- hoplite2-cata2-dragoon
4.swordman2-hoplite1-cata3-dragoon - …?
B)hoplite-dragoon: - swordman1-peltasta1-hoplite3-doppel1-dragoon
2.swordman2-hoplite3-dopel-dragoon - … ?
at the beginning i wanted to play as 2handed sword doppel,but iv heard he is nothing in pvp (only cyclone can do anything)