Tree of Savior Forum

Questions about pvp dragoons

i so many videos of this guy(dragoon) . he is swordman c3-hoplitec2-doppelc1-dragoonc1 i quess. in his videos he uses cyclone always,its looks very usefull,also he use gae bulg,dragontooth…thats all. and auto-attacks.
no any skill from hoplite used in his duels (finestra ofc used)
i want to ask about cata. can u cast ur spells and move while casting?
and also a question. skills like spear throw and long stride from hoplite are usefull or not?

1v1 isn’t terribly relevant, and you’re forgetting the bonus 18% Evasion with Guardian. Besides, you go Peltasta for the Shield and the rest is just a bonus.

Pretty sure that Fencer couldn’t do anything to you if you had a shield on, and proper Block/Evasion, and Restrain isn’t even proccing most of the time. The guy uses the flinch from Cyclone to actually do anything.

You don’t need Swordsman C2/3 to get the Bash knockdown. So you get an additional hard Stun/Knockdown if you go Pelt C1. It’s certainly more reliable, and on-demand, than Restrain’s Not Quite a Mini-Stun. Finestra is also more useful than 10 more seconds of Pain Barrier.

So, yea, you don’t really need Sword C3 if you’re going the Cataphract route.

P.S. WTH was that enemy caster doing just ignoring him in the first round? Horrible team play.

@adinkapts Only the Cataphract skills can be cast while moving. Nothing esle can.

how do you think. what difference between twohand sword cyclone, and 2h spear cyclone. range of damage same? i mean spear distance more than sword. how it works with cyclone

The Attack Range only affects Normal/Auto Attacks. It doesn’t affect skill range, last I recall.

what do you think about playing doppel c2 with 2h sword (cyclone lvl10 + new skills from c2-zornhau,zucken) and what class build to choose for this before rank6? mb take corsair for iron hook? hook+cyclone and any skills possible?

You can’t move while something is hooked, unless they changed it, you can only use Keel Hauling to damage them. THere’s no real reason to go Corsair unless you plan to Dual Wield.

As for the Doppel C2 skills, I wouldn’t know… You’ll need to ask someone from kOBT.

barbarian skills are usefull in pvp?
what about swordman c1/c2+ highlander c1/2 + barbarian c3 + doppel c2.
on video from skill simulator new c2 doppel skills looks good about how to use. one of them has good damage and also additional damage on stunned enemies.(zucken) barbarian stuns can help this

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go speach what about stats? who much str con dex

so restrain actually works with skills? seems quite useful with multihit such as
dragon tooth /

guess it’s always better to check for yourself… was told it only stuns from autohits

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THat’s flnching, he’s not proccing Restrain. You’ll always Flinch whn hit with certain skills. You know Restrain procs when you see stars abpve their head. Unless he has effects off, or something…

Restrain only procs on normal hits, or should, unless they changed.


I don’t see stars but I hear them :stuck_out_tongue:

idk I feel like he did it with any spell. cyclone worked too

Hmm, I guess you’re right… It does seem to be proccing on certaiin skills that don’t normally inflict a stun sound effect. O_o Weird.

you can even get stunned if the hit misses


check the red debuff at the top right corner below the fencer’s health bar

not sure if that’s the stun.

edit: ok it seems like the stun duration goes back to full aka refreshes if your initial and followup-attack proccs it, so it doesn’t add up but refreshes even when the initial stun is still in progress

edit: stun lasts 1s (1,036s)

The proccing while missing works on any skill with a stun effect, for some reasons… So it’s some sort of global bug.

Also, that little red star debuff is indeed the stun effect.

How can he use cyclone 2 times in a row without CD?

it has overheat
overheat means you can use it several times before it goes on cooldown

damn, my browser is bugged, it actually was mentioned by tosbase

I see, thanks (why 20 characters D:)