Tree of Savior Forum

Questions about Plague Doctor FS build (and Miko/Shepherd)

Hello everyone!
I’ve done some research about being a Full Support cleric via Heals, Buffs, etc.

My first initial build was to become a Druid but found out Druid build didn’t work out well with a Cleric C2 and Priest C2 build I have so far. So I scratched that plan and decided to go:

Cleric C2 > Priest C3 > ??? > Plague Doctor > ???

Now reason for the ??? is because after looking at the R8 preview, I’m actually stomped what I should choose.
Honestly speaking, Chaplain sucks for a Full Support healer except the benefit of popping all buffs at once. So I don’t want to be a Chaplain anymore.

My choices I was thinking and if I could get a community opinion are:

Cleric C2 > Priest C3 > Oracle > Plague Doctor > ???
Cleric C2 > Priest C3 > Druid > Plague Doctor > Druid
Cleric C2 > Priest C3 > Krivis > Plague Doctor > Krivis

Another thing I wanted to ask is…what about this Miko class that’s been floating around and Shepherd? Is there any information on those two classes? I feel Shepherd or Miko might honestly help me tie into a nice solid Full Support build if I knew more about them and what skills they might have before I progress further with my current build.

Just so everyone’s aware of my placement in the game right now:

Cleric C2 > Priest C2 is where I am currently.

Feel free to give any feedback, suggestions, information and advice. Thanks!

plague doctor is not a support class, its a damage dealing class with some support skills

it’s either krivis or oracle or miko (if we get full info)
but oracle skills overlap w/ pd so krivis is the best choice

I’m aware which is Plague C1 is the only circle I’d go for it. Plague has some nice support abilities that would help a support build being able to cleanse status moves more often and also Heal Factor is nice as well for survival purposes; hence me wanting to include Plague into my build unless there’s a better substitute for it.

But right now what I’m seeing to go FS is that including Plague (currently) seems like a nice idea unless there’s more information about the new classes that would ultimately make a Plague Doctor FS build look silly in comparison.

what class would you go at rank 8 then since there really is no real support class

inquisitor is a damage dealing class

taoist priest is a damage dealing class disguised as a support class

plague doctor c2 is a damage dealing class

druid c3 is a damage dealing class

you could try miko at rank 6 which is a hidden support classs

idk if you can go hidden classes at higher ranks

maybe you could go kahun (male miko) or miko (female kahun) at rank 8 if you’re allowed too

or go kahun/miko at rank 6 and then just push everything forawrd

Thats what I’m asking and the purpose of me making this thread. I don’t know what to do for R8 and depending on the new class information given I will have to revolve my build around that to try making a solid path. Right now the classes that were previewed yesterday are all pretty useless to a FS build. Unless Shepherd or Miko is included in R8 (which Im not sure if they are), then if I got more information on those two classes; they might have skills that would work well with the kind of build I’m aiming for.

Oh Miko is a hidden class then? How do you unlock it? I’m guessing Cleric C3?

kahun/miko has no class requirements, all it requires is rank 6

it has 1 healing skill, 2 good support skills, and 2 damage skills

Oh that sounds lovely. I’ll have to look for some info regarding the skills and that might be a game changer for my build currently.

What about in regards to Shepherd? Also in Miko currently implemented or is that coming in the Late September update? Sorry for so many questions. But searching for 100% solid information for ToS honestly seems like finding a needle in a haystack trying to find information on the forums and other websites.

if you have any links or sources I’d appreciate them. o:

lol, im still wondering y sage icon is red when sage is more supportive

I always loved the Chaplain/FS topics that mentioned Chaplain as a great choice… They have no idea what is a full support…

Nobody knows. Maybe we will see it on R9 or R10… but I actually always thought that it is a quite unique class and it will be a hidden one too… but still nothing about it yet…

It appeared in the files on Korean TOS with Rank 8 classes but it seems like it is not avaible for them yet. But I think most likely we (iTOS) will get it with Rank8 in late September.

We don’t know too much about it but it seems quite good as a support imo.

I think this is all we have right about it yet:

Ahh thank you Ayalon.

The skills look like they would tie nicely with a FS build better than other choices by the translation. I hope that Miko will be included into the R8 patch then in September.

If Miko is included then I could probably make a build that goes into something like:

Cleric C2 > Priest C3 > ??? > Plague Doctor > Miko

I’d need a substitute for Craplain that would benefit this sort of build.

Oh and it seems like Miko comes on Rank 6 actually…so it is before PD. But everything about it can change… :x

Even better.

Do you have any suggestions of what would be the best FS build then?
I have a few ideas in my head of what could work as a support class.
These are what Im thinking of now since Miko would more than likely seem to make an appearance soon in the game:

Cleric C2 > Priest C3 > Druid > Miko > Druid
Cleric C2 > Priest C3 > Krivis > Miko > Krivis
Cleric C2 > Priest C3 > Miko > Plague > ???

How about Cleric2 > Priest3 > Krivis > PD > Miko ?

Thats what I will most likely do with my SPR heavy PD once R8 comes.

As for your suggested paths, the ones including Druid can be discarded, cause its a DMG class as stated before. More than one circle of Krivis can be discarded too, cause it would only be useful for more Daino.

Another idea that has crossed my mind concerning R8 would be
Cleric2 > Priest3 > Diev3 (or the two reverse)
You would have both Stoneskin and Ausrine with that one.

I don’t rly know… Most likely you will need Daino and I rly don’t know if it is fine buying scrolls. I personally rather picked up krivis for my chaplain.

One of the most full support oriented classes is Oracle btw…but I don’t think they are that great unfortunately. But they have some nice skills too anyway.

As someone who plays almost mostly Cleric builds. 7 of my 13 150-230+ are Clerics, I’d suggest Krivis. Even more so for Diano, yes you can buy scrolls, but they’re pricey and spamming them can add up quickly.

So maybe:

Cleric C2 > Priest C3 > Krivis C1 > Plague C1 > Miko (Healing factor is one of the best heals in the game)

@scarethemonkeys That makes the most sense. After reflecting on the thread and looking at the skills for Cleric, I’ve concluded two builds:

Cleric C2 > Priest C3 > Krivis > Plague > Miko
Cleric C2 > Priest C3 > Oracle > Plague > Miko

Oracle would be nifty with that sort of build, but like you stated I would need Daino scrolls for the amount of buffs I’d be carrying and wanting to use. I would ultimately be the broke but awesome healer because I’d be spending Silver on Priest Buff Items + Daino scrolls. Haha. So yeah, Oracle probably wouldn’t be worth a broke pocket.

It is not just your own buff arsenal you need to consider. Your party members have their own selfbuffs and things get nasty with bufflimit when a Thaum or Chrono is around.

Well I do have a friend who’s going Krivis C3 and I play with her almost daily and we do everything together.

She suggested me going Oracle because we’d be paired together most the time anyways so there would be no need for Krivis. But I’m thinking about a time where she isnt around and I go into a dungeon and yeah it gets sticky cause of buff limit. I would need to invest in scrolls then to cover everyone else’s buffs.