Tree of Savior Forum

Questions about Cryo / Rune Caster / Warlock build (ongoing thread)

I want to make a Rune Caster, I believe it has pretty good skills and can be built in lots of ways, there goes my first 3 ideas of good builds, hope to get some advice on how to improve them or if I should consider drop making a RC. I’m intending to focus this char on PvP and GvG and make a Priest or Archer for MvP/PvE (is that a good idea?).

This build is the one I find the most useful, Linker is a must have for party playing, Wizz 3 is very useful and the only class combination guaranteed to be good with the new jobs, Cryo and Psycho for the Ice Wall attacking formation, which I think will be very useful when running Isa.

I like this build for the psycho 3 (I’ve heard he’s really good at PvP, is it right?) and the subzero shield (which I believe is useful?).

Wiz > Cryo > Psyco > Wiz 3 > Rune Caster

This build will be more useful if I already have a linker in my party, I like keeping the wiz3, hope you guys tell me if it’s really worth the trouble.

I believe Rune Caster will be even more useful with the new jobs (I don’t believe they would puts such a good Ice boost if there was not going to be at least 1 good ice skill in the new classes), but I believe that the damage output of Quick Cast + Isa + Ice Wall + Psychich Pressure will already have a HUGE damage, which combined with Rune Of Destruction (damage close to meteor?) (and maybe some links?) will sum up to a very high final damage. So what I believe is that this build will get me a good set of skills, with not only good damage, but also CC, maybe links, good PvP control skills and Quick Cast if possible, a versatile build.

I hope to get some replies showing me better ways to build up my mage, I like the class very much and every job seems to have awesome skills, if you guys convince me to not go through the Rune Caster way I hope you can show me some light on other good builds.

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3rd build here, I don’t know why but I couldn’t post the 3 links in the same topic.

Also hope you can help me improve skills distribution.

im not going to see skills but class makes sense. ice wall5 might break fast.

But which of the three builds you think would be better? My point is to make the difference in PvP and GvGs so link would probably be good for versatility purposes right, but still, the other two also seem reasonable right?

am scratching my head a the first build :neutral_face:

are you sure that’s where you want things to be…

think about it…

from the 3 I would prob take 2…

You mean I should forget about Linker and go Cryo C2?

My idea was to get ice wall to 7 with the staff that gives +2 to cryo skills and switiching if needed for damage after making the wall.

The linker would be more for PvP purposes I believe, a DPS focused class with the link C1 skills would be pretty handy on that.

That is my original idea!

Why do you think it’s bad? What would you change on these builds?

while changing linker for something else is a good thing (link and ice wall doesn’t mix well)…

look at the wizards… why you have your wizard3 at the end of your build after rune caster :confused:

The linker was more for PvP purposes (5x5, so C1 would be pretty good already no?). I would aim to go link>knot>icewall>swap>psychic pressure on PvP

Why doesn’t it work well with ice wall?

The order ir actually wrong, I would get wiz 3 and RC only for 7th class.

If I were to really discard the linker, what would I get instead? Cryo 2 is not very useful since I can get Ice Wall to 7 with only switching weapons, or is it?

if I remember correctly it has something to do with linking the dmg killing the ice wall faster than optimal…

mmm as for what to take… not sure what would work with your style xD

maybe you can make linker work hehe all goes down to experimentation when iobt comes out :smiley:

Thanks for the help, I believe the problema would be to link the barrier and the opponents, but my intention is to first link them and only after that use the ice wall so the attacks won’t spoil the walls.

Not sure though, hope more people can help me decide this since there will be no more wipes onde iOBT starts

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Just to give you an idea

The first link is in my opinion “Not good enough” there is no real use for quick cast - if you think you need quick cast for runes only you probably miss on a couple far more important things than this.

Same goes for Cryo 2 - either you go cryo 3 or no cryo + rune at all - ice rune triggers with your skill damage - not your overall damage - also you want your subzero shield to be maxed so its 100% available

As for the giant rune you should explain why you need it? its more of a handicap in pvp imo - any class could outskill your giant and…youre dead…

as for my build - linking people together never felt so good - your mates gonna have huge advantage over the enemy team - you wanna control them and burn them down - freezing is the best way to do so - plant your tree - swap them out of any annoying circles - let them freeze till they die - control their most annoying class with telekines off cooldown - ensure the least dmg taken with your protection rune - and try casting destruction if the enemy team is under great control (might not be as useful but a good skill in 1 v 1 for sure) - other than that plant your tree/wall off cooldown and make some awesome plays

i personally go for full con in this build - idc damage as survival is all - being a shield for your teammates and giving them the key to win is your goal - other than that as mentioned above your rune scales with skill damage making this a great way of building your own personal annoying controller

I get your point but concerning the classes for 8th rank (or higher if there are?) wouldn’t Wizz 3 be more efficient?

Also for PvP I believe casting a 8s skill without Surespell won’t really work, also the +50% damage would end up with more damage than having a bigger Ice Wall, wouldn’t it?

What I mean is my build is more DPS oriented while yours is much more about the CC, is it really a bad idea to build a DPS Runecaster in the way I wanted to? I can’t really see myself casting 8 seconds spells without surespell or quickcast in PvP arenas or GvGs.

I really appreciate the help! It’s really troubling me to make a really good Cryo Rune Caster, my intention was to get the best damage out of the Ice Shards and trying to be even more useful than only that with the Linker part. heres a scary video of around 10ice wall+rune caster buff nuking a boss, not sure if the ice wall caster is wiz3

Problem is your rune caster is in no way a source of dps - at the beginning of pvp all you wanna do is cast protection - go in and CC as much as possible

if youre talking about pve only you might wanna focus on low cd skills + build your own rotation before you actually test it by raising your new char up - also you should be considering if you wanna have a stationary dps aka standing and firing all you got - or if you wanna run a mobile dps char

i would say magic missile is a good to go skill if youre talking about pure dps low cd rather quick animation compared to other skills - its okay - but youll prob find way more dps in pyro who doesn need quick cast at all - and ultimately doesn need runecaster in any way

would prob be the way to go if you wanna have a pure dps chara - youll be busy 24/7 and prob wanna run some spr in the beginning - if you dont wanna depend on other classes you might wanna have a linker in there…but i think having rain is the better solution

as for the cryo + rune caster dps - i do not know yet if ice rune scales with ice wall pressure- i dont think so and never tried it before - in order to work icewall + pressure must “produce” ice -SKILL- damage but i dont really think it does - if thats the case tho itll be pretty much op in terms of stationary dps


Yes, he is a Wiz 3 bc of the skills bar.


So Rune Caster is not really good right now?

How about Wizz > Cryo > Linker > Kino > Ele 3, wouldn’t that be a more versatile build and also have pretty good DPS?

Most people go for Wiz 3 > Ele 3 > any ■■■■, is that a better option? I don’t really like builds that are too mainstream.

Also everyone talks badly about pyro C3 in the late game, wouldn’t it be wiser to get Wiz 3 if I’m going full Ele? (Which I don’t really like)

So basically even with Isa it’s not possible to build a good Ice DPS Mage? My idea was focusing on the Ice Wall combo with the Quickspell boost, Isa and Link to take enemies down asap, but apparently that’s not possible right? In reality from what I’ve read Isa does scale with Ice Wall Pressure, even knowing that it wouldn’t be enough to make Wiz C3 better than Cryo C3?

Thanks for all the help everyone, you’re really helping me finish my build.

i would take psy before taking linker tho other than that it might be working - i personally dont like a cryo + psy mix with ele but might be an alternative if your pressure messes up and you loose a good chunk of dps by auto hitting only - i think its an ok solo build to go with considering you dont wanna run with the “meta”

i have yet to see where a pyro c3 would loose dps in pve late game compared to other choices - unless bosses are jumping around all the time -pyro c3 is an ok choice not needed indeed since a c2 works quite good as well - but i cant find an alternative for it (not a big fan of pve classes anyway)


I see, I would also prefer to go for Rune Caster actually, I will have an Archer por PvE purposes as I said in the topic so I’m hoping to build a good PvP Wizard.

Are there any calculators available yet to test skills damage?

Cryo C3 is useful bc of frost pillar right?

I would rather stick to the Rune Caster build but now my doubt is between

Wiz 3 > Cryo > Linker > Kino > RC (which I believe will have better DPS and best set of skills for any classes to come)


Wiz > Cryo 3 > Linker > Kino > RC (which must be pretty good at CC and very wanted for parties, the question is, for PvP purposes, does this CC overcomes the damage difference, taking in consideration I will never be able to cast Rune of Destruction without Surepell/Quickcast)

If youre interested in a more supportive PvP wiz after you build up your main character you might be using this one - tho highly recommended to NOT use this class as your first/main character - its more of a super situational supportive character - depending on your whole team and it DOES compliment the rune caster in later circles - probably gonna be one of the best supportive wiz classes in pvp - protection rune being super important for this - and ya youll passively deal alot of damage in teams too - not in numbers but in passive contribution - but again its situational and depends on wich classes you plan on teaming up with (a pure dps mage might be one of them - a scout/rogue gonna be awesome in pvp as well)

its pretty hard to make a competitive build pre release - despite some trolls who trashtalk the game you really do have a wide window on building your char the way you want it and the way it fits into your team -ultimately the whole team comp is making the outcome and youll prob see dozen of people looking for this and that supportive char cause youll rarely meet them in game

i would suggest you test the builds you like and want - team up with your fav buddies and see how it works - if you get good ideas later on just reroll your character (i know it might be annoying but somebody who truely loves the game doesn mind) i bet 90% of the people will wish/want to reroll later on anyways as zthey progress and find their fav buddies to team up with and enjoy the game together

wiz is good at pvp, archers good at pve. you are right there
wiz3 is not for pvp, but pve
cyro2 pvp, cyro3 pvp/pve
psycho2 pve, psycho3 pvp
rune caster…pve
linker2/3 pvp pve link 1 pvp, pve solo
a basic guideline

so if u want pure pvp you go
wiz>cyro2>linker>psycho3 this makes the most sense
build order would be

Protection is what makes a rune caster so good in pvp - dumping it into a “pve only” class doesn fit imo - even better if you spent spr into your mage

also a link 2 wiz 3 does compliment a couple other “special” pvp builds - playing yolo you wont get far of course (thats why i suggested the wiz 3 link 2 as a situational build - also opening up for some good follow ups as the game advances - making this pretty tough as a main class - but good as an experimental sub class to play around with + finding good partners to combo)

psy3 i would count into the “situational” classes as well - you gain more from a cryo 3 as freezing is the most op CC in the game - and getting a rune in your cryo 3 helps in pve aspect of the game + (cause of protection) a bunch in pvp - thats why cryo 3 psy 3 is OK to go for but youll miss alot if you miss on the rune caster (unless a friend you always team up with got one) also you would miss on a link wich is pretty good in pvp and pve as well - so i might say psy 1 is enough for a pvp build - psy 3 takes more than it gives imo