Tree of Savior Forum

❓ What exactly happened this month (Nov 2017) that made a lot of players stop logging in?

If you want to know why it’s happening, check this topic:


My reasons:

1 - No end game at all. Farming every single day Crystal mines, Saalus, ET isnt end game for me. Sorry.
2 - Bugs/Lags/Everything we know already;
3 - Everytime I see the Fast track event for new players every single week I die a little bit. There’s nothing for players that play the game regularly;
4 - Bad easily exploitable events which leads to (check silute market) the 2 biggest guilds buying/selling multiple equipments for 2000 blessed shards in shout, or 23912983 blessed shards on market.
5 - After a poll IMC even decides that Solmiki weapons are ok to give away and don’t really give a *** about what the community thinks.
6 - Takes 3-4 months to bring one single big update.
7 - Costumes are locked behind RNG, we all asked for IMC to not do that and guess what? 100% ignored
8 - The list goes on and on…


I actually went on a hiatus for a couple of months (mainly due to the lack of updates), what brought me back was the r9 announcement and release in ktest. So now is ktest > iToS.


Everyone’s tired of the same old sht then have these really big updates every few months that’s really overwhelming. Personally, game has been really boring too ever since the damage rework and all these armor buffs.

The only good thing I find on these events is that, I can test all my weird builds to my heart content with them without wasting a single $.

IMC lost their focus on what is important and it’s trying to milk the last drop of money (if someone is idiot enough to expend more money on this company).

I would drop money in the game, if it was worth, but it’s not, I still here for the reason I said in the first line, to test my builds, other than that, i don’t see anything interesting in the game. i don’t even bother to Lv the char to max Lv, only till I hit Lv 15 on R8 and that is it.

Also, that solmiki BS was the last drop to many players, who expend months trying to get theirs, and it was handed in the spam of a few weeks. Many probably got salty due to not being able to get their hands in one too. I tolerate the 315 purple weapons, but still, I don’t agree with them being handed down like this, instead of these idiots at the dev team make the pract quest lines more interesting (I know they will but it’s too fucking late now), they keep the idiotic cube going and handle weapons like that.

Then again I won’t say much since I too got my hands in a bunch of the weapon cubes at the first event on my main acc, now I’m trying to get some for my alt accs.

I already started to get bored again of the game, leveling chars all over again gets tiresome, the market feel frozen in time since the population dropped so much.


I stopped logging in because of finals

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Nothing to do outside farming silver and blessed shards once you been through a period of altoholism. And those two only matter if you’re some sort of tryhard with e-peen “achievements” on the table, or wanting to “PvP”. The events also haven’t been much a motivator. The new cap/r9 content patch really needs to arrive sooner or later. As much as I love how IMC been tweaking this/that over some time now and giving an impression they -do- care, it feels like getting actual content out was stalled and in turn the game suffers. It doesn’t matter with class tweaks or other QoL changes, if one simply have no reason to log in. There’s a serious lack of things to do, and for a “supposed” grinder, nowadays it lacks a reason to grind. The gear with the random stats on them would be at least one such reason.

And on a personal level, it irks me how we get new outfits in a Gacha, while Korea gets them in a package. Feeling “second rate” is not a nice feeling when wanting to put investment into a game you like. I have enough self respect to not fund such terrible business practices. And lastly, to see that IMC really do not care about players breaking rules. Known RMTers/exploiters coming up top in the Halloween event feels like an insult when they should been banned long ago. I can only assume them not getting banned is either due to internal affairs on IMC’s part, desperation to not lose another player, or them having “immunity” for being high TP spenders. Leaves a sour taste in the mouth regardless.

So for this one, there is some reason to not bother logging in, sadly.

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A month ago,we got a lot of returning players and newbies in SEA. It seems that the server cant afford the amount of players.We got lag issues every night in SEA so those players quit.Now we don’t have lag issue.:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:
I suggest IMC upgrade their servers before they want to lure some players:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:.

Well, i used to log a few minutes per day to farm saalus, but IMC delete all shards i collect without explanation, so… -1

Just last week when grape cake to visit varena , she was kinda taken aback by how the get ahead event proved to be more of a thorn than a blessing

They didn’t realise they were giving bots the ability to mass produce necrobots despite their recent banning activity. You could make like a 330 character in 1-2 days. (GM have been actively banning /investigating bots )

Just kill the get ahead event please


That lagging issue affected all servers . It was related to AWS and not the number of new players.

Don’t know what they did to cucked the server. But it got fixed 2 weeks later


IMC Just Deleted That Thread

Instead of replying it properly and trying to fix them all quickly, IMC decided to delete…

This is so called a potentially good game but with cancer management and development team

Yes, I did meant you guys :haha: @GM_Francis @Staff and your dearest developer team!


But they cannot be that “bad” they are paid and not fired yet? :sunglasses: Imc’s quality work or north korea stamp?

Interesting. That might be the case too. Perhaps the rate at which the game was losing players was still the same in October, but there were just lots of new players/accounts being created too due to the events that kind of negated situation temporarily.

That might also explain the significant loss by November - lots of created alt accounts last October now being unused.

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The real answer: People stopped playing with their multiple alts.

All here :

Even if IMC try to delete the post xD

Why my post is hidden ? things move when you talk about it, not when you hide your head in your ass.


Google doc for posterity :

Why my post is hidden ? things move when you talk about it, not when you hide your head in your ass.

I came back just a few days ago, with my last playtime being some time in October as well, so some time between then I quit.

For me the reasons to quit would be:

  1. Boredom - There’s not much to do when you’re bored of combat. I imagine for those who are maxed out, especially, there’s not really things that aren’t going to get repetitive if you’re into exploring new maps like I am. I’m enjoying just questing/killing stuff now since the new maps are nice to look at, but I bet I will get bored again soon. I would think having something like a housing system could help to alleviate the boredom for those like me who enjoy more social gaming or role play when there’s no more mood for combat. I doubt this will happen, though.
    Fishing COULD have been fun, but you essentially just AFK with it, so it’s extremely boring and you just do it while you sleep or alt-tab to another game or browse the web. I’ve honestly only done it once while out to dinner, because every single other time, I have just simply not remembered to do it at all. It’s just that boring and to me, it seems pointless to even think about it, and that’s why I always forget about it even when I’m going to AFK, I’d just rather shut the game off and save my electricity. Maybe something like a life-skill leveling system would be fun, kind of like how Mabinogi has skills for gathering/crafting stuff (primarily ranked for the stat bonuses) which also give EXP to your level in general. It’d at least give more options than just combat to level up.

  2. Loneliness - The game gets lonely especially if you’re like me and love playing just to level up or hunt in PVE in the free fields. I’ve been seeing maybe 3-5 random people per day, in the many fields I’m questing in from level 1-80. Don’t know if maybe everyone’s just in some private dungeon instances or somewhere hidden all the time, but the game feels really dead to me and likely to any new players who join as well, which just contributes to everyone feeling lonely in what should be an online multiplayer RPG. Even the main towns on Ch 1 and 2 feel empty if you take out all of the AFK and shop players. The chances that someone who isn’t AFK will actually talk when you try to talk to them, is a whole other factor to include for loneliness in this game. I think some of the players I saw in the fields were actually bots, because they had gibberish names.
    It doesn’t help with the shout chat mainly being used by bots or to advertise markets, so you can’t really chit chat in it. Even if you try to say hi, chances are nobody will reply. Heck, I just said hi like 30 minutes ago in shout chat in Klaipeda, and still no reply, just a guild recruit post.
    Also, not sure if this is some bug that they never bother to fix, but the Party search doesn’t work for me at all. I’m thinking this must be the reason nobody seems to use parties for socializing anymore, like it was when the game first released.
    Another thing, I actually do have some friends who play, but they also quit because of the reason of levels being too much of a factor of who you can play with. You can’t help out low levels as a high level cleric for example, because you’ll just be KSing when you try to heal them, and they won’t get EXP from it because the party restrictions of the level gap. After playing FFXIV And GW2, I really wish they’d adopted their temporary level-down system for partying with low levels or being on low level maps, among the many other features they have that would save TOS.

  3. Frustration (careful this is TL;dr) - There are many things of this game, both intentional and bugs, which really frustrate people like myself and have virtually no chance of being solved. There’s just way too many things to list, but I think the biggest things that could turn players away or make players quit would be…
    Bugs that they refuse to even acknowledge or try to fix. Too many to list.
    IMC not really caring for player input or suggestions to make the game better. Or they don’t send our input/suggestions to the Korean HQ. Either way, it’s bad and affects how players see the company.
    The extreme restrictions/screwups that are bound to happen while trading even after a few improvements. The game does tell you that if you trade “certain items” without both being token users, they will lose their tradability after traded to that person… but they don’t tell you which items will. I traded stuff for multiple classes, to my fiance while he’s on my alt account, BOTH accounts being token users, in attempt to transfer items, and ALL of the items became 100% soulbound, despite the game not listing anything under “These listed items will be untradeable after trading”. So I had to throw out ALL of the items that I wanted to give to the team storage. It was a huge disappointment, that would probably cause anyone else invested in the game to quit, but I was just, “whatever”.
    Another thing is the cash shop being SO expensive. To players who don’t care about appearance, they probably don’t care/understand, but for players like me who are ALL about appearances in MMOs with character creation/identity, it’s majorly frustrating to have to pay tons of RL money. The (good) hair prices for example are roughly $20 which is way too much. A good-quality wig IRL costs closer to $15 and can be styled/cut however you want, and is actually 3D.
    Another big thing for me, though a common thing in MMOs, is the implementation of gambling in a game that is rated T and not M or Adults-only. To me this is the biggest problem in MMOs in general, as it exploits people with a brain disease, and even to foster/create the disease in minors, in order to profit hugely, more than they need to “keep a game alive” as they could sell things through the normal cash shop directly without the manipulative practice. “White Knights” who like to claim the game can’t survive on this, are just as bad, if not worse, for reinforcing these games to keep gambling-addiction exploitation (something I believe SHOULD be illegal/banned) a thing. If they’re having troubles with selling their cash shop cosmetics, it’s due to the extreme pricing that a lot of people of average-or-lower wealth (majority of USA, and even more of the whole world especially South America and South East Asia) players can’t afford or refuse to buy it for such prices.
    To add insult to injury, they’ve already said that they will no longer release new costumes in the cash shop directly, and only include them in their gacha-gambling system. You may think, “You could just wait until it’s available for medals”, but after calculating the cost of how much TP you would need to actually afford anything in the medal shop… it’s just totally extreme. I would not spend $30-60 (30 only if you’re really lucky to not get the cheap junk that only gets 5-10 medals!) for one costume, especially when most of the costumes are class-locked, and just about all being gender-locked.
    I wouldn’t mind so much the normal costume cash shop prices (if comparing to Aura Kingdom clothes prices), actually, but if only they had costumes I actually wanted (which were either never available for direct purchase or were limited-time when I wasn’t playing, so I missed it) like the sailor hat/uniform and bunny outfits. =_=
    So, their gachapon gets NOTHING from me. I’ll just buy affordable/cheap costumes from other games or make my own in games like Second Life or VRChat.

I can see that this game’s cosmetics switching to gacha, will most likely turn out to be the same problem as Mabinogi. Forcing people to either become gambling addicts, or force people to buy silver and support MORE BOTS in order to afford the few overpriced buyable outfits on the player marketplace. It’s probably the biggest reason a game will have gold/silver bots, because things become TOO valuable, and cannot be bought with legit-earned in-game currency.

And that was why I permanently quit Mabinogi (which also has a dying population crisis like TOS, hmmm, wonder why???). You could not afford any outfits on it without buying cash shop items and re-selling it for in-game money, or buying from gold bots, because no human can earn the money that the gachapon outfits cost, and the outfits had maybe a .01% drop chance because of how much crap (like potions that NOBODY wants, and they KNOW THAT NOBODY WANTS) they fill the gachapon with.

PS: Man, I already don’t feel like playing anymore. I feel like the only reason I’m still playing honestly, is because of these time-limited things from the returning/new player event. :frowning:


Tree of Frustration :tired: