Tree of Savior Forum

Question about Opening Hour

I saw on a post that the open will be march 29 at 2 am EST. Now I see the east is using daylight time EDT. So I wonder if the opening hour (2 am) is GMT-5 or GMT-4.

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this question again. įƒš(惻ļ¹ćƒ»įƒš)


You can see the opening
hour HERE =)

The steam time doesnā€™t match neither 2am est or edt, itā€™s delayed like 2 hours, thats why Iā€™m asking.

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The countdown timer on the steam store page is incorrect.

the countdown for me ends on 3 am BRT , I dont know for uā€¦ but for me ā€¦ is correct =)

the server will open 2am EST

You can run , but you canā€™t hide from it!! :imp:

My conversation with Julie:

Iā€™m already predicting steam users not being able to play till 5am, im calling it now.

Damn, Iā€™m more confused now lol

This made me realize i wont be able to play til 3amā€¦

Iā€™m on the east coast and its an hour ahead of that. I was going to stay up and reserve my character name, but i guess ill just cross my fingers instead.

They basically messed up when they put the release time on steam and never checked it till Friday Iā€™m thinking. Then Ethan was off all weekend. Iā€™m hoping it gets fixed tomorrow, but who knows. If it doesnā€™t get fixed itā€™ll be released at 5 am EDT.

Oh and EST and EDT are the same time zone. One during the spring, the other is during the fall for daylight savings time.

I PMā€™d @Staff_Julie about this a few days ago, and she checked in with IMC and corrected this already in the announcement post:

Yes, thatā€™s when the servers come up, but if steam detects ā€œNope on our end the game doesnā€™t release for another three hoursā€ then you will keep getting the message we are now and wonā€™t be able to play until the timer expires on their end. The game wonā€™t launch.

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Oh I was referring to the OP who mentioned the post about it, not the steam page.

But now that I am looking at the steam page, you are correct, the time is pretty off.

Yup, Iā€™m predicting a massive storm of angry players if 2am hits and steam wonā€™t launch the game.

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Hi, everyone. We fixed the release time. Please check the Steam store page once more.


LOL, you cracked me up.

Thank you so much Julie!