Tree of Savior Forum

Quest vs. Grind

So guys, i was thinking, which is the “most effective” way to level up? those who played beta, would be nice to have some of your toughts here xD
Btw, is it better to play solo or as a group?

Both, because you need quests to level up your character level and grind for your class level :wink:


Effectively quests were the way to go, eventually you’d need to grind class levels.

However, IMC said they’d be changing quite a lot in the next beta, and making it more of an exploration based game, so it may be very different :sunny:

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Lets grind all the quests!

As i heard,
Questing = Leveling Your Base Level
Grind = Leveling Your Class Level / Job Level

Hm, so the leveling will be way more solo then group-play? or you can make your quests in group? beucase i don’t relaly like much that linear quest thing like wow, because you end-up not playing in group D:

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it depends on what chages will be in the next beta

In the previous beta, it was fairly linear.

This is due for a change in the next beta:

[quote=]Q) The quests in the game are not too exciting.

A) We concluded that the reason why the quests feel somewhat boring is because the game is supplying too many quests

Instead of supplying too many quests that are lacking in their
purposes and meanings, we believe that it will be more meaningful for
players to search for the quests enthusiastically themselves so we are
planning to hide most of the quests[/quote]


Now that’s nice, i just hope they make it a more group-wise game, i’d like to play constantly with mah frands :blush:

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I REALLY hate spamming dozens and dozens of quest just to level up…it’s so boring and extremely repetitive. I wouldn’t mind grinding on tons of monsters if the exp rate wasn’t super low. As long as I can get a a level or so every hour near the cap I’d be ok with it.

I used to play luna online where it would take 12 hours with a 100% exp boost on constantly. I have no idea why I did that :sob:


imo grinding is way more fun and rewarding than anything. quests are interesting because of the story and the boss fights.
i think the game is going to be more quest oriented…

In the Q&A of tosbase it says:

Q: Is this game more focused on quests?

A: We are preparing a large volume of quests, but except for a few main scenario quests, most of the quests will be non-mandatory quests which can be chosen by players. Therefore, ways to enjoy TOS can be diversified.

When I read this it sounds for me that the game hasn’t a linear quest system (Hopefully!)
This would be soo damn boring in my opinion, I hate mmo’s with a linear quest system ._.

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one of the main reasons i never leveled more then 1 character in WoW xD

You can share quests with party members (it’s an option like share items and share exp). If you share a quest objectives like killing monsters, interacting with objects etc. are shared. Collecting item sis not shared but the quest tierm should drop for all members at the same time then. Once you enter a boss fight (that’s what many quests are about: fighting a boss) all party members on the same map get teleported to you as you enter the boss fight instance.

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hopefully we’ll be able to do whatever we want to level up… i hate doing random quests y_y

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A thing that bugged me from the CBTs is that a lot of the content (namely, quite a few areas) was beyond questing walls. I’m pretty sure this will be gone on the next version though, regarding the developers’ statements.

Now in my opinion a good quest scheme requires quite a bit of story involvement and character development for it to be attractive to the player. If we take RO’s quests into account, they definitely fill that criteria, but mostly fail in providing an appropiate “effort vs reward” ratio (IMO), since a lot of them just focus on going from one NPC to the next.
A good example of a great quest for me is Kiel Hyre (bugs aside), since it’s heavily plot based and provides a nice challenge in the form of actual gameplay.

So if ToS can balance it out, I definitely will hunt every quest out there. But then again there shouldn’t be many quest exclusive benefits, so as to not force players who don’t like this kind of system to go through it.

I’d imagine because of the developers love for questing, that quests will be an extremely valuable asset to level up with. I don’t think he has ignored the RO fans completely however, and grinding is probably viable. I’d imagine that grinding important item drops with decent exp ratio mobs will be a good idea (solo), and farming MvP’s for both items and exp will be a solid way to level (in a group). Questing unless requiring a group is probably fastest solo, so you can go at your own pace (unless the requirements are shared, such as Monster kills).

Personally at the start of the game when everyone is learning, if you are playing with intelligent players, the sharing of information is invaluable. Telling each other “ooh, at this level I can 2 shot this monster” or “this item seems OP, but it’s actually useless on this class” is pretty damn important. Complete soloing to maximum level will leave most players who don’t read around the subject like its a university project ignorant. Even just playing with someone who doesn’t talk but plays a different class will give you information about that class, it’s weaknesses and strengths for the future.

grouping is one of my favorite things, sharing info and having fun with friends at the same time? hell ya !


We ain’t all Kirito. MMO’s aren’t build to be completed solo. At some point Soloing caps out at what you can do and friends/rivals are required to push the player and the game forward.

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I do like grinding more than questing. The issue is, if you want to form a group in a game that isn’t quest-heavy, you can just pile up players that have different levels, select a place to grind/farm, and go. This means that players using characters with different progression levels get equal benefit from playing in a group.

On the other hand, for quest-based games, if you want to do the same all players need to be in the exact same quest so they can pursue the same objective and play together. It’s fair to say that from lv1 to maxlv you’d see a good 500~1000 quests in your average MMO, and every one of those can be a segregating factor as far as group leveling is concerned. It’s not that people want to play alone in today’s MMOs, it’s just too complicated to play together if we all need to be in the same exact quest to start benefitting from it. And if someone falls one quest behind? He’s on his own again to catch up.

Of course, devs always make raids or quest bosses to act as checkpoints and as a group effort, but this is too little compared to what we could do in older MMOs.