Tree of Savior Forum

Quarrel Shooter/ Wugushi Combo

So the first combination I want to test once the Beta starts is a Quarrel/Wugushi Combo. Heard some folks talk about it, but i have no Idea at all on how to go about it, like which skills and stats to focus on. Do I increase SPR for more sp for skills, and CON for block rate? Any help would be appreciated!! :smiley:

Quarrel shooter is extremely slow and has little dps early on, making it hard to grind. Supposedly the class scales well into the lategame. Question is… is it worth it?

Well, did you not see the latest archer/ qs / wugushi vid people are going crazy about?

I think it’s worth testing builds people are interested in, regardless if they suck or not. It’s going to be a learning experience either way.

Nope, Wasn’t able to check it out. Been real busy with work lately. A link would be appreciated. :3

Hmm. That’s I think c2 archer, c1 QS, C2 wugushi ( or c3 wugushi )

U are aware that QuarrelShooter is Crossbow only class practically right?

Thanks for the link. Will check this video out. hehe

One of the reasons why I wanna try it out during the beta is to see if it’s worth it in the long run.

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Why are all the mobs running towards the caltrops? Is that an attribute?

In the provided video , if the build is as said then 1 lvl of Quarrel shooter isn’t the end of the world. I Suspect that the person took it , because lvl 3 archer isn’t really that big of a deal and 1point into Quarrel gives a bit of flexibility I guess. You can still continue playing like a regular archer. Smart.
What I personally meant was that I don’t see any sense in committing into it .

Traps pull aggro from aggressive mobs, so if you are not close enough to pull their aggro, they will go for the caltrops first. same would happen with sapper traps if you didn’t have to place them at your feet

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True that, I don’t think going Quarrel all way would be worth it, But the caltrops would be real useful for gathering mobs together for a gu pot throw.

i wonder if you can do something similar with the hunter pet, sick it on one enemy in the middle and aggro the rest :smiley:

theres a problem there, u cant rly take 2 archer and 1 quarrel now. U just can move foward, not backwards

Really? How come? Where did you get this information?

By playing. If u upgrade ur current class in the rank of another class, u cant select the class u skipped anymore.
Like that:
Rank1 Archer1
Rank2 Archer2/ Quarrel1 / Ranger1 (until here its obvious, but now it comes)
Rank3 Archer3 /Quarrel2 / Ranger2/ Sapper1 /Hunter1 (can u see? only the ranked classes appear here, so if u can’t be an quarrel2 without being a quarrel1, and this is true, u can’t select the quarrel class anymore. In that case for exemple u can only be archer3 if u alredy r archer2 and so on.)

U have to lose something in order to have a clear playstyle in ur build. And if u look at the skills it all makes sense.

If ur brazilian i have a link in portuguese for u.
Good reading fella. i get desapointed too

That guide of yours is so outdated, it was released in 2014.

As Archer being rank 1 and Ranger a rank 2, you are still able to go for this:
Archer C1 -> Archer C2 -> Archer C3 -> Ranger C1 -> Ranger C2 -> Ranger C3 .

You can even intercalate between the classes like this for example:
Archer C1 -> Ranger C1 -> Archer C2 -> Ranger C2 and so on.

Try to think this system as a ‘class availability system’. As long as you have unlocked the class through passing to a certain rank, you can pick it whenever you reach a rank advancement (Getting your current class to lv15). You can even pick a Rank 2 class (which you normally would take at lv15 base) during your 6th rank advancement (lv180+)

If you check the simulator out you’ll get what I mean.

Could u print the skill screen of ur char on the CBT2 with any of this builds?
In fact the first beta was like that, but if it was possible i would do it my self.
The tosbase goes crazy when the subject is skill simulator. Maybe the korean one is like that, but the international CBT2 isnt.

The only issue is that even if you go for Cleric 1 -> Priest 1 -> Cleric 2 it shows on your character info that you are Rank 2 Cleric and Rank 1 Priest…I would need to take a screen shot the time I’m going to Rank 3 in order to prove this (Not really needed because that seems to be common knowledge)

If you are actually playing the game, start to check other people builds, or even try build one yourself for example: Try going Swordsman -> Highlander -> Peltasta.