Tree of Savior Forum

QS3 next step suggestions

Hi there, i’m currently a QS 3, and im pretty glad with my alt. I can one shot almost all of the normal mobs, and do a great job in the dungeons. Now, im near to reach out the next rank, so i want to ask for your help in my choice. I have some ideas in mind, but im open to new ones.

A1-QS3-A2-Falconer-Musketeer ( This was my first build prototype, and looks nice, but i want to see other options)

A1-QS3-??-Schwarzer reiter 2

A1-QS3-A2-Wugu 2

Thanks for ur help.

A1 -> QS3 -> Wugu3

a2 qs 3 sr 2

why do do you say reiter 2?

Your pistol auto attacks become aoe piercing attacks or something, idk if it works but that’s what im assuming.

You guys are judging SR like “Op” cuz of a comp made around on a SR with all gear +17? It make me laugh hard LUL. Anyway go for archer 2, falconer or scout for pvp, musketeer.

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Go wugushi, it will compensate you the lack of AoE that QS3 have in solo leveling.

SR shine when you’ve a god parthner to lvl with, solo its skills can be underwhelming.

A1 QS3 Sapper 2 Musk/Cannon