Tree of Savior Forum

Pyromancer Skill Rework

Being in a party with people who know how to utilize fireball is just amazing =). You don’t have to use that silly C melee as an archer can move it as a distance.

Firepillar doesn’t carry weight as a DPS skill???..I disagree =). It’s damn good dps AND the only CC pyro has aside from the push back attribute fire breathe gets.

That’s not a bad idea either as long as there is a mob of monsters, and there usually are when leveling a pyro.

It does good damage outside of dungeons, for sure.

However I’ve been running the 217 one and its very clear that the only skill still performing in the dps department is fireball (and occasionally firewall…sometimes the high hit count vanishes into thin air?). I still like flame ground + slow as a support combo, and like you said pillar as a cc is the bomb.

Can someone explain the Fireball kicking thing to me? As a C1 Pyro I can’t move my Fireballs at all. Is this some sort of hidden mechanic that appears later on?

You need to use a physical attack to move them. Use C with a staff or dagger equipped.

What’s C? I have my skills rebound so I don’t know what C was bound to originally.

C button is the button you use for Guarding with shields(if youre peltasta) or stabbing with daggers if you equip a knife.

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knights are the ones that most of the time push away the Fireball, the physical attacks push away fb which correctly used are really useful

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I think a good solution for it would be adding as an Atribute, so we can buy (for a cheap price, please) and then activate it as we wish. Don’t know how hard it would be for the developers to implement it but for me it sounds easy and fair for players being able to decide their strategies with Fireball. Hope it doesnt sound stupid.

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B But how can I and my friends play Pong-games?:disappointed_relieved:

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It took me around 200 levels, but I only now realized Fire Pillar stunlocks monsters. That might explain the long CD.

And yes, toggleable attribute for stationary fireball please.

Thanks guys for explaining.

Also since it seems not everyone is aware, there was a feedback post on this topic that got an IMC response:

Hopefully they will make fireball unmovable , i think at firsts CBTs fireball was not movable, but that made PP + FB a bit too OP (due that this combo makes a really high high damage even to bosses) but who knows , i think the “Attribute” idea is really great, maybe making it having a longer CD if you want to making stationary (same as the burning effect) make them a little more balanced :).

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I think kicking fireball exists because they combo with skills like Snow Rolling. The damage of 4 fireballs in a rolling snowball is insane!

i mixed 5-6 fireballs with Psychic Pressure xDD the fps drops was real, but the damage was so awesome xDD

They improved hell breath to at least have a reason to exist on ktos I believe there is hope we can get the ball fixed here

Rework fireballm rework AI summons/pets and removes the consumption of permanent mana summonm.

This is the only situation in game where one class in party negates another class in teamplay.
Its all about how ANY swordman negates pyromancer.
And since 25% of players are swords, and almost every party want to have at least tank, and 'cos all other pyro skills except fireball is a crap…(tho even fb at high lvls too low dmg) …we have a RIP pyro class here. gg guys.

(260 pyro c3)

@Staff_Julie who of your team we can conversate with, to have a slight chance to get our class playable? :smiley:
Or it’s completely not depends on you?

Even partying clerics can be immensely tedious. I was in a party with one healer and three support wiz. Guess what? My DPS was completely removed because this healer doesn’t understand that pyro relies exclusively on fireball stacking to deal decent DPS at 220+. She just keeps melee’ing away without hearing a word.

I understand it may be an intended feature…but its not very fun and kind of makes me hate my party members Julie :frowning: (not to mention being constantly ks’d while questing)

queue a million lonely fireballs floating in empty space

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And there we are, on the same position, still waiting…