Tree of Savior Forum

Pyromancer Skill Rework

The fireball is a good skill, but the bad of it is the other players get to kick it had to be a mechanic that only the creator of the fireball could kick, and coldown of skill pillar flame is too high and the skill flare does not work right.


I totally agree…
only the creator of the fireball could kick… oh god it would be wonderfull…
and also the cd from pillar is too much big for the dmg…

And equipment that give fire damage are so rare at high lvls, maybe creating new weapons 170+ that give us some fire dmg or fire skill like cryo has, would be nice.

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Me too, I agree with this…
I’m also having problem with rude behaving players pushing my fireball out of the world boss or mob spawns (royal mausoleum workers chapel). It must have been a bot cause it only attacks fireballs.

Or he was having time of his life.


Agreed of fireball kicking only by the user who created it.

Flare works fine for me :o, but they need to be in “Flaming ground” or affected by the Fire of Fireball attribute i barely use it :stuck_out_tongue:

I totally agree. It’s so annoying and frustrating that other people can push your fireballs away.

IMC Please rework fireball !

I agree with the question, so the caster can even kick the ball of fire, and facilitates up pyromantes, something that we are spending mana no return

Agreed to the fireball mechanic. I don’t think fire pillar’s cooldown should be drastically reduced, it’s an OP skill and to be honest and fair, i rarely use it outside of dungeons (which the concentration of mobs are gigantic) and in boss fights (dps combo with other skills).

Also, don’t level Flare (1 point is fine, more than that is a completely waste)

I think it will be important to let ALL pyromancers kick fireballs - otherwise when you end up with multiple pyromancers you’ll have to guess which ones yours…

Implementation-wise, if it’s too hard to program a determination whether someone is the caster of a fireball, here is an idea :
-Completely remove the normal ability to kick fireballs around.
-Instead implement a class attribute for Pyromancer class that adds the feature exclusively for Pyromancers to be able to hit fireballs with melee attacks and kick fireballs around. Classes without that attribute (aka non-pyromancers) won’t even check if their attacks hit a fireball.

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IMC Please rework fireball !

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The whole skill is not even viable in the first place, just like many other skills in this game. Like summons and their retarded AI.

Just add a toggle attribute, turn on = cant kick, off = kickable

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I disagree that summons and fireball are not viable. Fireball is amazing aside from these issues - and summons, although needing some love - are a great mechanic.

Um…I actually disagree about the creator of fireball being the only person who can kick it? I think one of the main mechanics of fireball was that it could be a nice interactive thing that your party could contribute to. In the first pyromancer videos, you see someone casting it, with others bouncing the fireball back and forth to an enemy. This unfortunately does not do as much damage as it would if the fireball just stood there. With that being the case, I don’t think we should have to kick it at all…It should just move on it’s own. Maybe move forward slowly or something. I thought that when I used fireball, people in my party would think “hey it’s a fireball, lets kick it to the monsters.” Nope, noone cares lol. Maybe if the ball left a trail of fire or something, then people would be more excited about it? Other then that, someone having to hit the fireball to get it moving to a monster just seems like an utterly pointless mechanic. Just let it move on it’s own in a direction!

Fire pillar getting a lower cooldown would be very nice. Getting lower cooldowns with ALL of our skills would be nice actually…I think if they lowered firepillar’s, the devs would think they’d be giving TOO much to pyromancers as we have to work for everything, like kicking our own fireballs.

Indeed. A cool workaround for fireballs would be like how icewall works.

If I could add some testimony: as pyro3 I personally find that fireballs can be moved very useful. Its a nice mechanic in the sense that almost all other deployment spells are stationary. I can’t tell you how great it is in a party of archers or other wiz, being able to reposition my stack of 4 fireballs.

Whenever parties rest I find it helpful to stack a bunch of fireballs in advance (and whack them while jumping), moving them with us to the next area.

Yes make others unable to hit them and that will be acceptable. Fire pillar is a really useful cc too…shame that it has to be an emergency button because as a DPS skill it doesn’t carry much weight.

ah that’s right, it can be useful to be moved, but as a Pyro > Kino user, i use Fireball x 2 > Psychic Pressure, and my “best” combo gets useless when i place the Fb’s and i start the PP and by accident/on purpose they move my fireballs xDD

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