Tree of Savior Forum


Yeah… It’s incredibly annoying. I think at least Pyro 3 should unlock an attribute that COMPLETELY disables fireball-punching and instead of a ball spawns a flame that also maybe has no knock back anymore…something like that.

I agree on the No Knockback, even if it’s on Pyro3 circle. Each time I’m in a party and I casr fireball on a boss, the melee of the group will just knock it out before it could even make 3 hits.

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I agree. Pyroball is the dumbest mechanic ever

Totally agree here. The way pyro is now, I can only spam flame ground and throw in pillar every 2-3 fights. It is too dumb.

It has been repeatedly suggested since… forever. But nothing has been done about it.

Agreed. I’ve made a pyro too and just can’t use 100% of the DPS potential because of pyroball.

Or even when mobbing, you put on a fireball waiting fot that mob to die from it, and comes ~le wild warrior~ and kicks it out and takes your mobs… WOW.

Maybe if it couldn’t be removed, adding a button to “activate” the hitbox on the fireball? like, when in party, click shift+attack to actually hit the fireball… but only when in party, so that you don’t lose your mobs to those filthy KS melee classes.

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan could you redirect our concerns to those that could make a change? Thank you

We highly appreciate your inputs and insights regarding the servers for Tree of Savior. We will forward this suggestion to our proper department for further review. Thanks! :slight_smile:

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I suggest an attribute that only allows the owner of the fireball to knock it around.


If I was going to rework this skill it’d become a magic circle cast that shoots from the caster to the targeted spot, hitting everything on it’s way and permanently arriving once it gets there.

…but like many others have said, simply making it only movable by the caster seems like an easy fix everyone would be happy with.

Thank you very much for forwarding it.
Fireballs push-effect is ok if the caster is able to do it, however any other player other than the fireballs caster should not be able to push it.
Making this change an attribute (Attribute “Fireball : Fireballs can only be pushed around by the player who summoned it. Max attribute level : 1”) would be a great solution.

Please fix this asap. Thank you.

A toggle option in settings will be a compromise implementation.
Friendly fireball interaction - on/off

now what happened to the proper department? This has been going on since cbt and it is so annoying.

Easier said than done. This issue with fireball being knocked around has been mentioned way before the “pyro3 is the new elememe meta” with no action taken whatsoever. But now with enough cries, we might actually see IMC do something about it.
On another hand, disable fireball from friendly interaction might cause a whole new problem given how IMC handle things; ill call it now, there’s no way IMC coders can make fireball registers owner’s interactions with friendly interactions nor non-party interactions, so either they would make it completely no interaction which render you unable to hit it or they will not do anything to it at all. As I can foresee ppl would cry about have to turn fireball interaction on and off during combat.
So… GL to IMC handle Pyro, either way they will get cried~

So what does everyone think about fireball now?

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Now that it become one-hit ball and with the loss of extra hit from JP, it’s really funny the Pyro population drastically decline.

This is a skill with high aoe and unlimited aoe atk ratio, which works perfectly with Joint Penalty mobs. You link 8 mobs, use Fireball (even without HK), each mob gets 8xfireball damage, which is like 32x matk. No other skill can do like this because of low aoe and low aoe ratio, specially at rank2. I use fireball as my main damage skill on my wiz1-pyro1-link3-thauma3 full int and can farm even without ff2.
JP works so that you can no longer kill mobs with small multihits, but kill better with strong hits. So, the link now breaks only if one of the mobs has reached the skills hit limit.

It’s because not many people are willing to invest their weapon on pyros… Last time we can pretty much 1HKO combo on any mobs with very little investment.

Seeing how casting fireballs locks you in a spot quite a bit, im quite discouraged as well because you will have to take damage during those times.

My issue with that build is the inability to replenish your own HP. Pot is cheap though, but i’d rather not carry that many pots in the 1st place. Event soloing DG290 with FF i can make do with only 0-2 HP pots. (only using grynas + wind runner and vienarazi mace +11 non-transcended)