Tree of Savior Forum

Pyromancer C3 Build

Hello, Im going alchemist2 with pyro3 and link1 path, I found that lack for thread discuss about pyro3. I have few question gonna ask…

  1. Fireball will gone after hit limit?

  2. Enemy will taking dmg while standing on firewall area? Why I see most of pyro build from tosbase got no invest on this.

  3. Enchant fire, what is additional dmg? Ex: normal att 1line dmg became 2line?

  4. Flare is good? How many % pyro skill make enemy on burn?

  5. As pyro c3 with 45point, which skill do u guy think worth to invest on?

Thank for help.
SRY for my broken english.

  1. its 15 ticks, each tick can hit atleast 2 enemies at the same time
  2. casting firewall takes ages, atleast i usually kite and kill stuff, casting a fw would just kill me
  3. it only effects autoattacks afaik and the dmg increase isnt worth it, you could spend 1 point into it to get another dmg line for auto atks, which you’ll never
    need anyway
  4. i tried flare in the beta and it never worked for me on burning enemies, so it seemed worthless for me
  5. fireball 15, flame ground 15, pillar 10, breath 5 - I’m 240+ now and solo leveling is a cake walk with those skills and wont change until 280

Hi there. I also have a Pyro3 and created a thread to discuss every aspect of that choice, specially in the late game, including the followings Ranks of a Pyro3 build.

Perhaps you would like to check it out:

  1. Fireball each level +1 hit. Level10 fireball hit 10 times, level15 fireball hit 15 times. After that it will gone. Fireball have 2 charges, which can let you cast twice before get into cooldown.

  2. Firewall is not worth for so many points due to its low damage compared to other pyro skills. However, firewall is doing quite well in max level as level up goes up, the tiles and hit count goes up too. Either max it or leave it zero.

  3. Enchant fire add damage to all your damage (skill and auto attacks). Additional damage +1 line of damage. At least level5 is needed to make it permanent buff for yourself. How to use it depends on you, I wont say much.

  4. Flare… Did pyro have this skill? Lol… ignore it.

  5. For me, Fireball lvl15, Flame Ground lvl10, Enchant fire Lvl5, Fire Pillar lvl10, Hell breathe lvl5.

Note: Hell Breathe suxx now but in KTOS buff alot already. So the skill will be quite good after buff. But as annoucement said, KTOS patch not 100% will bring to ITOS. So… depends on you too. Else you can invest this 5 point into Flame Ground make it lvl15.