Tree of Savior Forum

Pyro with flare Discution. Any help welcomed

Oh thanks for the tag, didn’t know about that item lol

Finally my pyrokino can shine, eventho if we still get class reset I won’t take pyro 3, link is such an OP skill, and I guess that fireball linked damage is buffed aswell due to this item.

For real, thought everything would be better with sage release, but that item… finally gosh.

Edit. BTW to the OP, I had flare lvl 5 and just made a reset skill, it’s really worthless trust me, the only good point is that using flare is like a provoke, otherwise is hard to use it and has a really poor damage, don’t invest anything xD

Hey, are you pyro3>linker by any chance? I know you said pyrokino, but you could still have linker… I made a thread asking this, but no replies. What do you think of pyro3>linker2 or pyro2>linker3?

I have more questions about it in a different thread… if you feel like answering any of them dont hesitate :slight_smile:

This is confirmed, with agni:
Fireball 391% increase (~400%)
Flame Ground 244% increase (~250%)
Fire Pillar 412% increase (~400%)

I saw flare and fire wall test too but lost them. Did not see hell breath.
If you get the datamine value and calculate back using these tested values, you will probably get the % increase of all other fire skills too.

I’m Pyro 3 Kino 3 aiming for sage, if you are asking for damage tests I can’t help you in that sorry.

But I can tell you my opinion tho, if you are aiming for PvP as I do, I wouldn’t take linker 3 by any chance.

Pyro 3 > linker 2 is pretty sweet, for both PvP and PvE, since you can share buffs like cloaking to your whole team, so it’s kinda OP in PvP, also lvl 15 fireballs - debuff deals nice damage, which enemy can’t avoid just because of it’s link.
For PvE linking 10 enemies and stacking together into a fire pillar will destroy them, but fire pillar has too much CD, so even linking enemies over flame ground will deal lot of damage aswell.

Dunno about hell breath, latest statistics I saw determined that fireball, fire pillar and even flame ground ends up dealing more damage than hell breath + seems like hell breath consumes sp pretty hard, so I didn’t leveld it up, but actually if I could I would rethink of investing some points xD

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Agni increased adicional damage fire like arde and Head gear? And people buffed by enchant fire ? If so i see a new kind of offensive support, imagine a dragoon using Agni enchanted by fire and with Head gear +30 fire and arde …

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KToS is currently testing pyro & agni a lot (and some plague doc incinerate).
I have not seen test on equipment fire elemental bonus yet. Agni necklace effect states fire property damage will increase (not specified if only skill or equip too).

Currently a lot of pyro hype(?) thread at their wizard forum.

Thanks for the info. I still have a bit of time before i hit rank 6 and my build is set in stone so hopefully i can decide by then. Think im leaning more towards pyro3 now.

Only problem is i can see fireballs getting caught up in links, reducing the amount of mobs i can link. Guess i could push them away if i need to.

my pyro3 linker3 will shine even brighter now :open_mouth:

That looks at a first glance a lot more balanced, considering that he seems to be full INT.

im runing Pyro3 Chrono3

have like 60 atrrib on fireball,
are the vids at 100 atribs ?

Also so flare is just out the question?

I personally think Flare shouldn’t even have a cooldown, but maybe that’s just me ^o.o^


I agree. It should be the Effigy of Pyros

What i guess, is it works like ruen of ice and storm calling from taotist. It will only buff Fire property instances, like Enchant fire additional hit and fire magic.

to understand what I mean:
A normal autoattack with arde is considered as; AA (slash/strike/pierce/projectile) = ATK + Arde damage + 12 Earth (cafri) (modified by enemy property). So a normal autoattack is neutral property, arde’s fire damage is included inside a neutral property attack, therefore not affected by elemental multipliers.

Enchant fire tick (or additive hit) counts as fire property by itself. So it’s a fire attack property additional hit, therefore affected by multipliers. Everything inside the calculation is multiplied.
Enchant fire hit = Enchant fire skill lvl damage + arde + 12 earth (cafri)

Understand what i mean?

so is it confirmed that there will be ice and lighting necklaces?

With our server full of RMT/BOTS/Exploiters/hackers… how much will agni necklace will worth in our server?

I wouldn’t say that this confirms it but here are the dummies for them

Lightning Necklace

Ice Necklace

really awesome. by any miracle if we can get a dark necklace… i will flip ■■■■.

I really hope that when it’s implemented, they will have different pics… preferably matching the element’s colour. Also, it cant be that they boost for the same amount? Zaibas taoist combo is already doing insane damage… and with this lightning necklace??

Does anyone else see the necessity of necklaces like this as just more evidence of how poorly the game is designed? :V Like, I’m glad Pyro is getting a buff, but if the game was designed well, the necklace wouldn’t be a necessary step toward making the class viable.


I was thinking of making a post about this as well…

It basically makes this item mandatory for anyone that goes Pyro.

It’s also concerning for people that want to try multiple elements… because if there’s an element for each necklace it kinda screws over anyone that wants to go more than one element…