Tree of Savior Forum

Pyro Enchanter Build?


I’m thinking of making a sub character to play during my free time (already have a ele>warlock main).

Since I already tried other classes as other such as cryo/necro/sorc/ff etc, I’m thinking of making a pyro enchanter as I have yet to try it before.

Have anyone tried it before, or have any suggestion on how I should build it?

I was thinking along the following builds


Any suggestions?

Pyro3-Thau3-Ench is the best imo, it offers the most damage to the group and allows you to actually do damage yourself. However Pyro3-Chrono3 is pretty good too and is probably more useful in content like ET if you don’t have a Cryo-Chrono.

I enjoyed both quite a bit.

Enchanter is a trash , don’t even try it. Unless you want to craft the skill.

In both dps and support role. I think pyro-thauma are the best. The build deals a lot of huge damage and compliments each other. I haven’t experience enchanter yet but It seems that they do give some-what good buffs.

Pyro/enchanter is any Chaplain’s dream support. I hope you’re maxing Fire Enchant and Lightning Enchant. ___

Pyro/thaum/enchanter … I got something similar with RC (for rune of giant instead of pyro3)

With cafrisum and toy hammer i’m doing more with basic + dagger attack than casting pyro spell. ( Not in the sense i’m doing no damage, that actualy quite good dps and also good buffer)
With giant I can apply those attacks to everything I jump on.

It’s actually my build. Take this path if you hate casting buffs a lot. Lifeline with a full SPR mate gonna raise up your Enchants a lot if you are full INT, Chaplains and Summoner classes will have SPR maxed most of the time.

Enchanter with Thaum is powerful but you will need to cast your buffs a lot of time, it costs a lot of SP. You don’t have 100% uptime on Head buff. Pyro is lacking of something without Linker. Take this path if you want to focus on support.

You need Pyro3 for Enchant Fire lvl 15 (Ratio increases with level of skill).

I didn’t test with Chrono.

PS : My character was a Thaum3 for months before new Combat System :slight_smile:.


Is Pyro2>Thaum3>WL2 damage competitive with Ele3>Wl2?

If I go the Pyro/Thau path, would it be hard without linker? Would Wiz1>Pyro3>Thau2>Link1>Enchanter be better?

Speaking of Pyro is there any good Pyro 3 builds??? It doesn’t have to be Enchanter, just want Pyro 3 and willing to put up with anything that synergizes well for ranks 5,6,7,8

Speaking of Pyro and Enchanter, both Enchant Element doesn’t have 50% attribute which scale badly compare to Thaumaturge’s Buff and Priest’s Blessing.

Among the 2, I only think Linker3 and Thaum3 are most valid option.

Pyro3Linker3 is impressive if you shared stats with full SPR & INT to boost your buff value.

Pyro3Thaum3 also good if you want more solo, buff + shrink body + pyro skills able to did some serious killing in high level map. But the control of this build is extremely difficult, due to rebuff short duration (most of them duration is not synchronize) and lack of buff counts, while mixing with skills intensive pyro, you will be very busy in rotating so much buttons (buffs/skills).
I found it very frustrating to play this build and gave up during reset event, and finally settle on pyro3linker3enchanter.
Buff: SwellBrain > SwellLeftArm >SwellRightArm > EnchantFire > EnchantLightning
Attack: ShinkBody > FirePillar > Fireballs x2 > Flare x3 > Flameground > Firewall
Bla bla bla endless repeat every 1-2min, Is that the life you want?
(Attack side rotation can be shorten if you deal high dmg enough with better weapon, before that life is suffer)

I would suggest pyro3linker2warlock1enchanter is much better, JP+HK+Mastema can deal instant 1million dmg if you linked 8 targets, but you lost the share stats ability to push up your fire/lightning enchant. While you can craft PoleOfAgony scroll for double PoleOfSadface

My main is exactly this build, I even have Varv/Ducky Gem and 2xExchangeShop bracelet. My left arm +1600 atk/matk and right arm +1100 atk/matk/def/mdef, my swell brain +400matk.

I would say that for same decent equipments like +11 viena mace stage 5 transcendence.
this build will succeed elem3warlock2 in DPS thanks buff advantage (given the elem have no thauma’s buff and all key skills are lv80 attribute)

As toward higher end weapon, orange +11 stage5, they both will almost equals, and finally elem3warlock2 will clearly win with orange +16 stage10 because elem skills are much stronger.

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I was thinking the same as well, that there might be too many buffs. Seems a lot easier to just link > kill.
But at the same time, I feel that pyro might lack the damage that it needs.

If I were to include both Thau and link, which combination would be better?

Link1+Thau2 or link2+thau1

Indeed, not counted buffs from pardoner, else you will constantly rely on Daino scroll. But then, you will realize enchant fire and enchant lightning buff value is meh in high level maps, and meh compare to thaum3 and priest3’s blessing.

I don’t recommend thau1 if you not aiming to utilize of reversi or transpose in your build, i still think link2-warlock1 will fit your need for damage in questing/bossing, while ability to craft poleofagony scroll.
Then you can use x2 poleofagony as well.

I already have a warlock c2 so I’m thinking of trying a non warlock build. But double pole of agony does sounds better than link 3 (not really sure what link 3 does? More links and the buff sharing?)

How costly is it though to craft skills? I’m also quite unsure of what skills to add for Enchanter besides enchant lightning

Linker C3 Skill: Lifeline
You will share the highest stats among the party members you have Spiritual Chain.
For example, if you are 500 INT with 0 SPR, and chained a member with 500 SPR with 0 INT, you both with get 500 INT and 500 SPR. It works for STR/CON/DEX too.
Since Thaum/Enchant Fire/Enchant Lightning are scale with INT and SPR together, so the buff damage will be scaled on the ‘Lifelined’ stats.

In this case, I think Warlock1-Enchanter1 will benefits your warlock c2 as well.
The scroll you crafted can be transfer to Warlock c2 via team storage.
For lv1, the cost will be 2500 silvers, and 2500 silvers for each level.

Don’t get trolled by the ones telling you to go thauma, Pyro3-link3-enchanter is a cool build, you have to go 100% full INT tho. It’s mostly for hg or solo.
With link + pyro you can easily kill monsters in solo, 10-11 of them every 20 seconds, and in 3-4 seconds.
With enchant fire+lightning you give more than 1000 elemental prop to yourself and your party and if you are partied with a chaplain or priest3 friend (full spr) you can share int and spr with lifeline and cast some nice 1600 prop buff. Also you only take 2 buff slots vs 3-4 from thauma and your buffs are 4 and 2 minutes long.
I have it.

Thanks! I was uncertain which of this 2 build to follow; and since I’m not planning on going full high end gear I might as well play Thaum3 for some support.

Btw, its impressive how much atk/matk you buff are giving! Can you tell me gear/stats to reach that?

You know Enchant Fire lvl 15 is 3x your INT + 3x your SPR right ? And Enchant Lightning is only x1 because we can’t have it at lvl 15 for the moment. Blessing deals more but has count limit, you don’t have count limit on Enchants :). If you want to compare it to a similar buff, then take Sacrament. I don’t get how is it meh.

You can also wait for the Summon upgrade patch to obtain a very decent build with a Full SPR stat array:

Wiz 1 / Pyro 3 / Sorcerer (2-3) / Necro (0-1) / Enchanter 1

You ll have a decent base of damage with the summons and provide some good damaging buffs (1 more lines and +1K elementary damage).
You’ll be able to enchant your own armor transforming this SPR into some CON and you’ll have access to +5lvl buff that buff further your summons (based on your lvl).
It is also a possible path for R9 if nothing is really appealing.