Tree of Savior Forum

PVP still lame?

When i played this game long ago, mages could do infinity stuns chains since there was no cooldown for status ailments. Does they fixed it or PVP still down?

No. :slight_smile: :race_car:

Still the “Who hits first” and infinite CC thing… At least they said that they will rework the PvP someday.

Whoa that was quick hahaha! Thanks. Back to LoL i guess…

For weak foes, yes.
Unless you have 6k+ def.
But if you face a hunter you are dead. Even if you are GM.

Cryomancer can kill now because of damage system. 7k magic defense wont matter.

PvP is actually worse than ever. Right now you will face pretty much the same type of builds in every game and there are no counters to it.

Kabba revenge sevenfold is stupid op even hitting someone without a weapon will take out half hp and since everything one shots that time you spend trying to take it off (sometimes it takes multiple hits) you will die.

Cryomancer - Will perma freeze you. You literlaly can’t move for half the match. If anything is rage inducing then play against this. Also, if you are a melee class you cant hit them either.

Kino - broken hitboxes will pull you in from triple it’s actual range and then you are stuck until dead.

Sage - you plan on playing archer? better stick to cannon or else you are literally useless and there is nothing you can do about it. Don’t even bother playing Hacka, they are so bad and buggy not to mention sage will most likely be a kino so you can’t range them and if you melee them you are perma frozen.

Cataphract - Rush restrain perma cc you’re dead unless you have cc immunity somehow. So much skill.

If you want to pvp stay away from this game. It doesn’t look like IMC is even aware of the problems as they don’t actually play it.


Stay away from pvp for now, it’s really REALLY bad.

It became better after rewamp, cause full trans10 RMT 20k def/mdef ppl are dropping like flies now. Its a cc/oneshot/kabba TBL now, but at least everyone can kill everyone. And skill matters much more than items now, compared to before. That’s why a lot of so-called “whales” quit/suck hard at current TBL.

Hope PvP rebalnce will make it even better.

ps: and you don’t have to be trans10 / kabbatard to reach top-10

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It’s not skill reliant now it’s just build reliant. For example, theres no way your average archer build can beat a sage ever theres no counter.

There’s a reason 9/10 in the top 10 are all kinos, kabba/inquisitors. I’ve jumped to the top 5 in off builds and carried a bit, but mostly luck getting good teams with those builds even if I’m highly geared.

On Varena it’s 5/10 kabba/inqui in top-10 after rewamp.

This week top-5 is

  1. Kabba2
  2. Kabba/Inqui
  3. PD2
  4. PD2
  5. SR3 (!!!)

And we always have Murm and FF2 in top-10 too.

Yes, team composition matters a lot - that’s why it’s team battle league. But compared to pre-rebalance period, when one Fulltrans10 person could easily 1vs5 due to 1dmg gimmick, skill matters more than items now.
I guess the importance scale now is going like this:

  1. Team composition
  2. Skill
  3. Individual build
  4. Items

You can be all geared, have a meta build, but if you are crab - still will be pwned by skillful players.

There is no skill to this game lol. Pressing 1 button and killing everyone is technical skill to you?

  1. Individual build
  2. Team composition
  3. items

All of them at the rankings though. They dont get pawned by skillful undergeared un-meta players.

I dunno 'bout you, but I’m pressing hell lot of a buttons with my PD2. And I’m a solid top-10 tbl player without even a trans weapon, nor solomiki or etc. But it’s a common noballs whinege in ToS - “Oh, they are RMT/broken/op, I won’t even try”. Grow a pair and actually try to compete with overgeared / broken builds ppl. Now its more than possible. That’s why former fulltrans dominators are so depressed now - they can’t win just by having super gear.

Im only going to believe you if can present a video of skillfull undergeared un-meta player going toe-to-toe with overgeared players. In reality these people dont stand a chance against overgeared meta-build players.

Example Cryo-kino with full trans trans 10 solmiki vs a Swordsman with no trans White equips, how can you skillfully kill that kino.

Cleric2Priest2Sadhu2PD2, 315 HG Blue plate set, Lionhead shield, not-tranced Windia rod, Max Peta and 2 Zachariel bangles are undergeared and non meta enough for you?

And what’s with that dumb example of Chrono vs Sw of yours? It’s a 5vs5 team fight, not a duel. Every char can bring assets to the team - you just need to know what and how.

Assuming it is 5v5 what you gonna do if you fought with a kino + 4 others with OP and meta players vs your team with white equips un-meta players but skillful. Who would win? What is your strategy to win since you claim we have technical skill here.

Cmon, stop throwing in over-the-top examples, like white items. Im talking about averagely geared people being able to compete now with so-called whales. And what’s current meta/unmeta? I doubt you can answer this correctly. All chars now have counter chars.

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It is not over the top because majority of TBL players are casuals with no OP gears. In fact it is common occurrence. Im actually hoping you can teach us casuals the strategy to kill these people since you think yourself as skillful TBL player.

What server are you playing on?

Since when PvP in MMORPG has been a place for casuals, lol. If you are casual - go kick mobs

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Thats not the question. The question is your claim here.

My server dont matter with your claim.