Tree of Savior Forum

PvP Guild Wars, Castle Siege and MOBA mixed concept

Let’s say Guilds exist on ToS. Every Guild can have a base, like on a floating island or something that can make it move to places. Every base can have a single Castle. Castles can be designed and improved by using materials to build and upgrade walls, fortification, castle height, cannons, towers, bridges, guards and etc.
Once a guild have a castle on it’s base, a guild can go to war against other guilds with the same level castle as they are. Bases move and go front to front, bridges are laid down. Objectives are set. And everyone can fight to destroy the core of the castle. Wars have a timed limit. Sabotage, Attrition, Raiding, Siege, Direct and indirect attacks and etc. are possible moves to win the war.
Characters that are participating the battle have limited number of lives. They can go fly through air, by riding a griffin or a flying device, and even air battles exist. Guards can be deployed and rallied.
Rewards and ranking exist between guilds making it more competitive.

This is just a concept of mine. What would you think if they applied something like this in a Guild war? Would you like it or not?


I agree, maybe this kind of features could be added in a future game expansion


There are two things i really liked about maplestory, one of them was called Azwan.

Azwan, for those who don’t know, is basically a PvM siege mode, where you either defend a Tower for a set time or attack a enemy tower, while defending your own Tower, either in a team or alone.

I wouldn’t mind to not only have an PvP siege, but also an PvM mode.

AND/OR, in our PvP mode, we could use monsters - similar to our companions - to defend our base, or attack other Bases.

Overall concept is good, I like it.
But that will make Falconer’s special ability to fly (Hanging Shot) useless because everyone can fly and do mid-air battles.
So no need for that air battles except there are variations for the guild war map. Maybe there’ll be this map that allows player to fly/warp to another part of the map in order to access the enemy’s base.

I don’t think flying is essential, I prefer a classical siege system like good old Lineage 2

Sorry, I forgot that special ability. We can make specific characters can fly but some can’t, limit the numbers of character to be able to fly and add a small time limit on air like 30 sec. Thus adding more complex guild team combinations and tactics. Warp is a good idea too…

And before I forgot, more characters participating on a war, the better. I’m imagining a dozen is the minimum.

I have discussed this in another forum.
My suggestions for guild wars are :

  • Guild war map variations
    For example, there’s volcano map, winter map, forest map, dessert map, etc. Every map will have its own unique terrain & weather effect (winter map will have snowstorm every 5-10 minutes which affect players movement speed, something like that) and there will be monsters/guardians/bosses guarding each tower/base.
  • Leaderboard/ranking
    A war without any kind of special achievement/recognition is plain. I expect there will be some kind of leaderboard/ranking for participants. The most damage dealer, most kills, most deads, most
    healing points, etc.
  • Rewards for participating
    This is normal I think. Players collect points from the war, turn those points into cool costumes, equipments, mounts, companions, etc.

But the most important thing is that guild war system must be easy to understand, yet complex enough to give a rewarding & great experience for players.

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War map variations are good, especially weathers with effects. I was thinking choosing specific bases gives different terrains and such, where you can design your castle layout (like where to build barracks, towers, walls and a lot of buildings), and be able to make mazes if you prefer one.
Ranking, of course, is a must.
Rewards are the same too, especially for the ones participating.

Yeah, the guild base will become a warzone.
Members from the guild or the leader can modify and customize the base, place some cannons, traps, decide the terrains, etc.

It would be so fun and great, if there will be lot of PvP events, like clan wars & battle grounds. Mb war for some epic boss.

hmm not much fan of clan/guild wars but if people wants it then why not =D
hmm well probably it will be the stronger character will win this kind of wars cause mainly they tend to make over powerd class that tends to kill 10 players single handedly …
that i dont want them to implement… a fair fight is what im looking for in guild wars… level restrictions maybe … but probably people will be opposed to this idea cause they want to over powerd players and dont want to test their gaming skills =_=" IMHO

In order to win a war, we need balance between tactics, teamwork, and manpower.
Without tactics, no matter how many manpower you have, your chance to win is lower.
Without perfect execution of the tactics and teamwork, you’re going to be a random confused player wandering around and get killed a lot of times without giving any contribution to the guild/team.
Without manpower, there won’t be a war. It’s a massacre.

Also, there won’t be any OP class in this game. If there is, the developer will fix it just as they did from feedbacks in CBT2. And the firepower of each character will depend on the one who’s playing it. If he/she makes the right build and play it perfectly, that’s what I call a great PvP player. That kind of player will have a huge impact for the outcome of the war.

oh nice info there… devs should always do that… my current game devs dont listen to us unfortunalty… well still i like that game (RO2) >_>

true mastering your own class for pvp is essentail… we cant just go pvp without even learning our own skill/potentials… the guild is also reliable for their members attitude!
some rude players might start trolling players from other guild and start a guild war out of nowhere and make the thing called “kill on sight” list (in pvp maps/PK-ings)… =_=" sigh

A MOBA that interested me is Heroes of The Storm, it is very dynamic in the matter of objectives, I think this kind of thing can be added to the ToS PvP.

OBS .: I love the campal battles of RO. :slight_smile:

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Aside from Guild PvP/Guild wards, I think there should be competition in the field of PVE :smile: So that competition isn’t only limited to pvp. xD I think this will also add a twist to the game.

The interesting part of the PvP is the sheer range of skills that do completely diffrente things so it’s important for IMC to balance so every build is justified, and that is what makes a DOTA-style pvp so charming! I don’t think the simple arena PvP will cut though.

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Yeah, no need to focus on only stat build for killing and having the best stat on your equipment the game could possibly give. You can experiment and specialize on what you want to do. And this can make you be unique to others. Stats, skills, the way you use your character and how you help your team will matter evenly.

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Not to mention that players have limited access to skills. They must think carefully about how many levels they want to upgrade their current skills, what type of skills they need for their build and playstyle, do they want to change class or continue their current class to the next circle, and so on.

It would surely lead to PvP focused characters which is cool too because some combinations maybe less effective in PvE or Raids

I was thinking about a new siege class that uses Korean Hwacha as main weapon:

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