Tree of Savior Forum

PvP CC Frost wizard

Soon is release and now i want to decide what build to do. I want to make pvp oriented build. For now i think about this Build
It has a lot of CC and some escape. First i want a mele spearman( dragon ) but after watch some pvp from korean server i realise that mele cant do anything they always stay in freeze or sleep or some other cc.
Question about this build if someone play something similiar , can i grind solo with this build until rank 6? After rank 6 i can farm by using summon.
And i dont know is it worth to take Cryomancer > Gust skill and Necromancer > Dirty Pole skill? please share your opinion.
P.S sry for my english.

I think Necro2 is a must for any Necromancer since some important skills were moved to 2nd circle (Desinter and Raise Dead), also I don’t see a reason to have Psychokino rank 2 since you probably want the Pressure just to do the Ice Wall + Pressure combo, I will rather to have Cryo3 since it is when Cryo really shines or Linker.

Pressure C2 can stun enemy on this video
dude just kill targeе after freeze while dont let her get out from stun. and magnetic force extra CC

Necro c1 feeling awkward for me replace with Cryo c3,
Psycho c3 or replace FF with Necro c2 this one
But necro 1 have free strong summon + nuke on frozen target + shield that dmg surounding enemy. And FF have stronger dmg nukes than necro 2? All that can be gained from necro 2 it is 5 skeletons insted of strong FF nukes. And PvP build can be viable without disinter i think.

You will be casting Pressure over stuffs most of time, not over your enemy, specially because your main CC will be frozen, no that stun, still I see your point but I am not sure if it is worth enough and MF is an useless skill most of time.

I like your second build, but I wouldn’t take “Create Shoggoth”, his dps is too low, too slow and the AI is awful, Corpse Tower looks better for me, specially because arenas are small areas. Also Gather Corpse just work if you land the last hit with it, you should probably invest on this skill or your gathering for Necro1 will be hard, still you can w8 until reach Necro2 and it will work.

Don’t take Ice Blast lvl 1, its damage is too low and it removes frozen more often than expected. Take IW 5, if you are fast with the skill you can do a 2x3 formation and hit the 6 blocks with pressure.

Thx for explaining.
I try to explain what i expect and maybe than u can advice me what to chose
C1 Cryo is okay for have frost spell to freeze enemy
The reason why i want C2 Cryo is because Sub-zero shield, its easy to cast spell on Mele or on another Mage but hard to freeze Archer that is why i want C2 Cryo.
Reason in C2 Psycho because pressure can stun and do more dmg ( on video that i link above mage kill some guys only with pressure because of stunlock ) , high lvl Telekinesis is okay to. And high lvl telekinesis have more duration so its disable + dmg. You can just grab enemy with telekinesis and let your mates kill it.
in short Wiz>Cryo>Cryo>Psycho>Psycho> that is Core build but it lack of burst dmg ( only pressure with 25sec cd )

i want featherfoor because it has good dmg because cryo spell preety weak and rank 6 is a question . i taught that Necro will be good just because it have free summon that can be anoying for enemy and spell that deal a lot of dmg in target that is not moving. So what is better as rank 6 and 7? Get a C2 Necro or take something on Rank 6 and get Featherfoot atRank 7.
I dont even know what to pick at rank 6? Linker C1? or psycho c3? for more CC Raise and Gravity pole?
Cryo at C3 is not good i think because very big cd on ultimate skills

If you want a free summon take Sorc, no Necro, the reason why the Mage in the video linked was so good is because he had all the skill from Necro2 in the 1st circle plus he was using Sorc too (Salamion, no Summoning).

With your point I agree to keep Psycho2, Psycho3 is really bad to be honest, Gravity Pole is not as good as people use to think. Now about Cryo3, I will take it with no doubt for 2 reason: Ice Pike lvl 15 is one the best burts damage in game and it have no cast, no channeling, short animation and chance to freeze, even when Snow Ball have a high cd its damage and CC justify the cd (you can take out healers from Safty Zone for example) and Frost Pillar is quite good in pvp.

I will try Wizard>Cryo3>Psycho2>Featherfood or Wizard>Cryo2>Pyscho2>Necro2. Both support your objectives in different ways, the 1st one is based in burst damage, while the second one is based in CC and Continuos Damage (Raise Dead, Corpse Tower) and Flesh Cannon is a good Burst too.

Watched some video C3 psycho skills and they seems rly awsome.
Raise is insane Control spell ( + can make enemy fly unit to increase dmg from archers ) and gravity pole was insane. Mage sweep around 15 creeps in few sec. Maybe Wizard>Cryo2>Psycho3>Featherfoot. or Maybe Wizard>Cryo3>Psycho3 but im not sure about C3 Cryo need to think.

The issue with Gravity Pole is that you need to channel the skill so you will be vulnerable to be attacked by other players, remmember 1v1 is rare in this game. Raise is discutible since yeah it can be a nice CC but but I am not sure if it works of the same way in pvp (I think I read it doesn’t some where in reddit but I can’t found it now, you have an intresting question there).

yeah need some more info on some spells to decide final build.

i think i stop on 1 of this build. Build with psycho 3 i like more because Featherfoot C1 can do same dmg as Necro C2 i think. And still i want to get some more info about summon. Its free anoying monster chasing around and do some aoe dmg , i saw on youtube where necro summon do aoe dmg.

Shaggoth does AoE damage from time to time when he use his breath (every 3 basics I think) but this damage is quite bad, long animation and easy to dodge, Skeletons and Corpse Tower do damage in the same way Swordi’s basic attack do it. I will rather Wizzard>Cryo3>Psycho2>Featherfoot, but Wizzard>Cryo2>Psycho>3>Featherfoot look nice too.

Thx for all info i think i stop on this build
Last question about ice blast when i cast it frozen target is explode and deal dmg only for this target or dmg in aoe? For example if i freeze 4 target and cast Ice Blast 4 of them explode for 150 dmg and each of them take 600 dmg? or each take 150? I want it lvl 1 Because i dont rly need ice wall lvl 5 and i think it deal dmg in aoe? so it can be usefull

It is single target.

so its single target spell without aoe ratio?
if so than i think im not going to take it lvl 1.

You will do damage just to 1 mob, using your example each mob will take 150, no 600.

thx for info than i think i just put this 1 point into ice wall. and than my build is ower

Does frost pillar work in pvp now? I couldn’t find any information at all, i’ll try my luck finding any info again when I can about it

I prefer Cyro3 with Psycho1 for alternate build

For me, Ice Wall and Pressure are only use for burst damage likes this video: (He is 1Cyro 1Psycho 3Thaumaturge)

PS. Ice shards from Ice Wall is based on MATK not Skill Damage from Pressure

I saw pvp from korea and frost pillar work in pvp. Psycho pressure on C2 can stunlock enemy. Why C3 Cryo!? to get 2 skills with 60+ sec cd?
On video they kill monster but i want pvp build u cant kill players same way as monster. Im going to use pressure to stunlock players.