Tree of Savior Forum

PvP CC Frost wizard

Because both Frost Pillar and Snowrolling are unranked status ailments that can’t be prevented by Cure, Prophecy, Bloodletting, Beak Mask.

While Psycokino’s stunlock is rank 1 ailment which is easily prevented in PvP.

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When you in stun condition u cant prevent anything. On this video Mage kill full health players only with pressure after freeze or knockback. Pillar can be avoided and destroyed ( need comfirmation i saw fresh video february 2016 where mage cast pillar on swordsman and he just kill it ) snow rolling with 8sec duration? u can be killed by archers while using this spell. I dont like it because to long CD. And i think if u on arena all your skills reset cd on beggining each match( need confirmation ).

And raise working same way as frost pillar. Pillar can freeze you with chance and Raise just throw u in air. Both skills work as CC.

If C3 Cryo so good in pvp? why there is no any video Cryo C3 on arena?

When you have Bloodletting and Prophecy and Dispeller scrolls, your enemy can’t stun you.

Erokhi is explaining the same that I did at the beggining, stop thinking in pvp 1v1, it is usually 3v3 and some skills can prevent stun and frozen, but Snow Ball is a special spell that can’t be block, prevented, except if the caster recives a knock down or stun while ridding the ball.

Snow ball have long cast time and 8 sec duration!? rly? Give me some link on video where C3 kill someone with snowball?

You don’t kill someone with Snowrolling.
You help your team to lockdown multiple enemies in Snowrolling while your teammates attack them to death during that 8 seconds.

If it doesn’t have long casting time, a lot of ppl will cry and complain again about Cryomancer being OP. :sweat_smile:

Psychic Pressure stun is not that impressive really. Wiz3 have 17s sleep strong Magic Missile and Quick Cast that also perform really good both pve and pvp. Pyro-Linker simple combo just win cuz they good both pve and pvp. You should not place all of you fate so much on a rank 1 cc because Pledge Doctor is can prevent them all and PD is so popular.

The last is i heard some player reported that Blood Bath
and Blood Sucking do not work on a player

Can I haz saucr for that frost pillar video?

Tfw warlock looks meh but the costume looks nice :< still not sure if I should go
wiz>cry3>link1>sorc2 or wiz1>cry2>link1>sorc2>featherfoot/warlock or

So many choices D8 but only 1 char

When i come closer to rank 7 i think i can get more info about Featherfoot skills and pick someone else if its not working in pvp. Pyro-Linker is more pve oriented build and both of them dont have anything that can stun or freeze enemy. Even if enemy has some resist to control i think its better to have option to freeze or stun enemy than not. C3 psycho skills is rank 1 cc or no? how i can get info? what is rank1 cc and what not?

I dont remember what video it was . It was one of this video But still i dont realy sure that pillar can be destroyed need confirmation.

Go Cryo 3 Chrono 3 - meta cc/support king currently, you won’t kill much in pvp but your team winning rate will raise a lot more :smiley:
And this build work great in pve too (unlike psy). It maybe hard to leveling at first but from level 100+ you’ll be in party 90% of the time so it doesn’t matter anyway. :wink:

Chrono spells is awsome but i dont want play chrono . hope some of my future teammates have chrono c3 ^_^.

There is topic that said it is going to be in future around 10 ranks. And higher rank offer a lot more dmg even on C1 skills. Like featherfoot C1 give more dmg than C3 cryo or C3 pyro or C3 any other low-tier classes. That is why pick chrono is a good idea u can take buff/disable on low-tier ranks and some good dps spells on future high-tier rank. This is why i think cryo-psycho isnt bad idea because each of their skills freeze . stun . or disable enemy. Linker is an option to but in few last patches there got some nerfs.
P.S how i can see what rank of cc spell posses?
P.S.S Resist to status aliment seems op buff for pvp. Hope Sword and Mage class get access to some kind of dispell. Fletcher have dispell arrow.
Loss of control
While not officially a status effect, here are regrouped the skills which prevent a target to act or move, that are not part of the other status effects.

Skills inflicting loss of control:

Telekinesis (Psychokino)
Telepath (Druid)
Retrieve (Hunter)
Kneel Hauling (Corsair)
Impaler (Cataphract)

Plague Doctor not protect from Telekinesis and Impaler
start watch from 30min u can see pillar and snow rolling.

Ah I see it now, thanks a lot, thats some good information
also that 10ice wall linked raep

Wizard has a hard time to be good both pve dps and pvp dps
The best build for that seem to be wiz3-ele3-warlock

Psycho2 is ok but you don’t need Cryo2 for any combo or dps.
Cryo2 is a wasted imo if not aim for Cryo3.

FF skills are single target don’t expect anything in pve without Linker.

You will find info about status effect and more at [Guide] Detailed Mechanics Overview thread.

Reason of Cryo2 is Sub-Zero shield. Its only counter to archers. And i saw some videos where swordsman almost kill mage but swordsman freeze itself duo shield and than die in few sec. wiz>cryo>c3Psycho>???>Featherfoot there is no one good at c1 so c2 cryo increase dmg from frost spells ( not important dmg is weak anyway) but sub-zero shield is good. A lot of questions about Psycho C3 skills in pvp. So i start to think to make at start Pyro>Linker>Alchemist to farm some gold and than after release with more info and tons of gold start to lvl pvp character. Its a big waste invest a lot of time in slow-farming character oriented for pvp and than some skills not work as u think.

anyone thought of this?
wiz2 or 3> cyro 1 or 2> psycho 3
wiz2 gives u surespell for PP
wiz 3 gives 50% more dmg
the subzero shield gives frozen on enemies that attack you.
whether u go for cyro 2 depends on the ice wall hit limit and whether if its actually worth it
basically u are a one button god

either wiz 3 (50% buff), rune caster for isa (300% buff 50 sec on ice wall), cyro2 (icewall increase dmg and wall count), or psycho3 for pp dmg
whatever might give the highest efficiency.
you might even throw out cyro completely then you have room for:

i taught 3wiz>3psycho>warlock featherfoot bad in pvp that is what i see from youtube fresh pvp. i think to add linker.
C1 linker is very good for pvp u have chain to link 5 enemy , sometimes it is enough to win battle u link and teammates kill enemy. something like wiz>pyro>linker>psycho3>warlock . Pyro C1 have weak buff . but u can link enemy with your fireball and than use Knot so fireball and enemy apear in same spot. Pressure work on fireball to. And now gravity pole doing dmg so u can link+knot+gravity pole ( or pp or pp+fireball ), Thing that i fear is that without cryo u weak against archer. Cryo C1 is not good as cryo C2 ( sub-zero shield is life savior ).
The one question is it work Raise in pvp or not. Gravity pole and Magnetic force work in pvp , pp is op , telekinesis work very well aligment resist not save from telekinesis, if Raise work in pvp than Psycho C3 is best choice for pvp , because Raise have same effect as Chrono Stop but a little better , because in Raise u can atack enemy but while enemy under stop-condition u cant harm him.

Its kinda sad linket c1 is useless now, c2 cryo c1 linker wouldnt have been bad, not that linker1 isnt good but in higher level areas are more filled so c1 might only help out when soloing regular maps

why sad? C1 linker have 5 link or enemy/team its good for 2v2 3v3 5v5 arena, i dont line much c3 linker ultimate to share stats. Its duration only half time of cd. And for example in setup mage/sword , i dont think swordsman rly need 500 int. or Wizard 500str