Tree of Savior Forum

PvP cata-goon build

impaler past-nerf only last 8 sec in pvp, be it lvl 1 or 15.
in pve i do not know but i believe it is also the same.

Thatā€™s only in TBL. In duels and GvG it still lasts longer AFAIK

which means, doom spike is better. if it wont last more than 8 seconds in team battle league and guild battles then there is no reason to take it, random pvps donā€™t count.

It still does in GvG afaik.

ofc it would, gvg is just like normal 1v1 friendly duel
the real pvp now is team battle leauge and guild battles, in which it doesnā€™t work for more than 8 seconds

Still want to get impaler over doom spike.

which is fine if you want to, just wont make a lot of difference. with all the CC you get access to you can land doom spike easily.

I dun think i would use it in TBL

I have to admit im pretty close to rerolling tho. The guardian nerf and the gungho buff in the future pretty much killed this build. And a skill reset isnt enuf to save it.

Not trying swordsman again tho, i was thinking of trying this full dark wizard build with wiz3 - linker - sorc2 - wl. I hate how IMC doesnt realize u cant make sweeping changes like this without screwing over entire builds.

the problem in ur build in pvp is the lack of a lvl 10 restrain, going wizard now just cuz ā€œits good pvpā€ its dumb, since at rank 8 theyā€™ll have a very hard time vs canonneers and lancers.
you really think that wizards will just stay op forever and ever?
and about your gung ho craze, unless they buff it in ktos you should really stop talking about it, i honestly have no idea where you got it from.

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I know about lack of restrain lv10 but if guardian didnt get nerfed its still a solid pvp build. Look up H Levine he is rank 10 in KToS ranking with same build.

Im not crazy about gungho buff, i just see it coming.

Good point about rank 8 pvp, but anything could happen tbh.

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100 str( 55 invested, becomes 120 at rank 7), 120-140 con, rest dex (results in about 190-200 dex) my goal is to max pvp performance, getting a lot of hp, evasion, and accuracy so i can hit those annoying full dex archers.
im sw3 cata 3 atm, going to dragoon 1 and lancer

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im in klaiepda
my skill distribution is
lvl 15 earth wave lvl 15 trot lvl 9 doom spike (still not sure whether to lvl 14 earth wave or lvl 9 doom spike, i think i might do lvl 14 earth wave and lvl 10 doom spike since doom spikeā€™s scaling is better) lvl 1 impaler, i got a skill reset potion from event if i mess up

since you got steed charge, how is it in pvp? (im pure pvp, i dont care how it is in pve :slight_smile: )
doom spike btw is more than just a knockdown, the damage is really nice especially vs leather targets i like it, its good to use after bash, so you have time to channel it
doom spike in my experience can 1 shot the leather armored archers, (or any1 under 10k hp for that matter)
really a strong skill

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So my doom spike is at lv4 now and earth wave at lv7. I can say that doom spike is actually very good and does a lot of damage.

Surprisingly, I have no problems aiming with it (in PvP ofc). You need to be aware that the hit box is long and narrow.

Iā€™d take it over impaler cuz you can resist impaler with dispeller scrolls but damage is damage and canā€™t really be resisted.

Block is incredibly strong in ToS.

I do around 10k damage in TBL (Iā€™m Barbsair ā€“ no att, no high end equips, etc.) but I land 10+s hooks that allow my team mates kill 2+ people within seconds. They like me :slight_smile:


Got Ledas shield on the second cube :DDD