Tree of Savior Forum

PvP cata-goon build

How good is steed charge? I want to slot it in if it’s useful for PvP.

Impaler is a strike skill (Lots of people will probably use plate armor set for its bonuses) + powers up with catacombs pike, so at lv10-15 its good pvp-wise, pve its obv useless sadly.

Gaebulg, I’m assuming you got the lv5 for the field buffs? It’s not worth and you cannot control it like throw spear, basically you throw it from a set distance which is probably good against people running from you. It’s debuff that makes you do more physical dmg acts like a Galin Trident which splits your atk in 2 hits, idk if that is actually higher dmg. Also don’t be fooled by the dmg on the simulator or the game, it is only 1 hit after all. Dragon Tooth does 4 hits, Serp 5-7?, Soaring Drag is 3 hits but is a slashing skill.

Earth wave, yep I like it, also pvp wise i think 10-15 either way its good cuz it charges fast, it knocks down, + its a nice spacer skill for trying to catch people. As a swordy you rely more on kd’s than the stuns. The best part about EW is that you can move while its fully charged and even jump, I rec after casting EW to jump move to space yourself off ppl.

Doom spike, this one idk, its a slow charging skill with a questionable hit box. I for one when I pvp and try to use this skill I don’t have confidence in it landing unless I am faster. The skill at least kd’s which is good? But maybe someone who uses this skill alot in pvp can expand on its proper usage. Oh right DS has a bit of a casting lag after firing it, unlike EW where you can easily jump out of it after casting.

Dragon Soar, what do you mean by move while using it? It’s like a bash basically, no charges, no target circles, no overheat, just an instant cast skill.

Steed Charge, you can get this lv1 IF you really want. The ability it has where you crit against slowed down targets is really questionable, unlike EW and DS steed charge isn’t a fake multi-hit or a multi-hit skill. It’s just a 1 hit skill that does low dmg. But idk if they fix this but, let’s say you get caught by a trap, when you actually charge and use this skill it will propel you forward getting yourself out of the root. I don’t have much faith in this skill but maybe it’ll get buffed somehow? I built a cat 3 diff times during the beta testing but even when iTos game out and i got this skill it still didn’t show me anything special.

Got too overconfident and challenged Rexipher (lv96) when I’m only lv76 and haven’t class changed to cataphract yet. Crushed all the previous bosses due to block and/or dodge but Rexipher is all magic xD

I think someone said that most bosses’ attacks are physical even if they are magic. Turns out almost all of Rexipher’s attacks are magic lol. But w/e, killed him anyways.

Now to see if I can level to lv90 in this place. If it’s not enough I’d just switch over to Orsha quest line and/or vice versa. Getting confused lol.

Meta PvE builds are overrated. You perform so much better with a build you’re comfortable with. I feel this build is just solid all around so I have tons of confidence in challenging mobs over my level.

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For r8 this build will choose between dragoon c2 and lancer. From what i see lancer is the way to go bcuz dragoon sux for PvP at c1 and its not really a mounted class at heart. However there is nothing else to take at r7 that makes sense.

Currently cata is decent vs physical and weak against magic in general. Waiting to see how lancer changes up the game dynamics.

This gon’ be good.

Edit: may have to consider swordsman c3 at r7 as well if dragoon is indeed filler.

yeah… from what i’ve seen and experiened (I’m sword2 /cata3 /hop1 /pelt1 at the moment, making a sword 3/ cata3 now) Dragoon is pretty useless pvp wise and hoplite is kinda junk too unless you use Stabbing for the mini buff it gives and Finestra for the aoe ratio. Peltasta’s manual block is pretty good, and the Guardian Evasion is nice too.

But if you’re high Dex like myself… against mages with high Con and archers with a ton of Dex/Eva/Acc you’re going to get destroyed if you can’t position well and go in at wrong times.

On the plus side, you do well vs most swordsmen and some archers and clerics.

Wish I had more points than just 1 in Impaler… Doom Spike is pretty garbage. I got rid of Steed Charge, mistake on my part (since it crits slowed enemies). Earth Wave is nice but Rush is the whole reason we’re here.

I pretty much just use Doom Spike in pve, pvp i’ll use it if the opponent is already CC’d, landing Doom Spike is a pain. Since Pain Barrier, Restrain and Concentrate are getting buffed, I made a character to go for sword3.

Unsure what i’ll do for Rank 7, maybe Hoplite or something lol. Rank 8 is Lancer for sure.

Pvp wise Impaler is awesome, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise especially if you give it some attribute love. Level 1 Impaler’s damage makes me cry every time, especially when i see people hitting almost 2k per slam, with it being level 10+.

Learn to aim? I mean, really…

lol learn to aim? all the person needs to do is know how to jump. The hitbox of that skill is garbage too, even the time it takes fully charging this Doom Spike trash feels wasted. Pvp wise out of all the cataphract skills, Doom Spike is one of the worst.

It’s a spear… What do you expect it’s hitbox to be like? Also, you could learn to, you know, not fire it off if the person is in the air.

Doom Spike:
Is Pierce when so many people are using plate.
20 sec CD
More narrow than a Basic Attack.
Takes long to charge.
Can lock you in place for a sec.
The only saving grace is that it’s a knockdown lol

Both Earth Wave and Doom Spike can lock you in place. It may be more narrow, but it has better reach, and the knockback is more directional. So it’s easier to follow-up when your allies know where everything is going to land.

Also, not everyone is going to be wearing plate. And even if they did… Pierce doesn’t take a penalty.

Earth Wave is superior. Easier to land, wider, shorter CD and cast time. Might as well use Bash and/or wait for another Earth Wave in most cases.
LOL better reach you say? Unless I’m fighting a Dievdirby surrounded by statues not much point in having so called “reach”.
But I said my piece, if you want to run on and on go ahead.

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Good discussion. Keep it coming.

Pretty sure the cast time is the same… Or I’m just not noticing any real difference.

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After watching a cata PvP montage by Chakri, I decided to tweak the skill build slightly.

Major changes:
-Removed doom spike and used those points to put 9 points into impaler and 2 into earth wave, thus maxing earth wave. Reasoning: earth wave seems to be good and impaler is great in PvP. I didn’t really see doom spike used at all.

-Removed 1 point from dragon soar and put it into serpentine to max it out.
Reasoning: I didn’t see dragon soar used at all, and I saw serpentine used quite often, and gae bulg 1nce or twice (kinda useless too).

Anyways, wish I could see more high-end cata3 arena footage to base my build around.

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I guess this build is dead with the huge guardian nerf.


will it make the skill resist less?

It does higher damage, and lasts longer. Not sure about resistance, I’m guessing no.